When did you first start to feel older

About 30/31.

I felt rough because of weight gain but I still was able to lift quite a lot.

I lost weight at 31 and started to run fairly well again, but I injured my back several times in that year, simply by doing things like bending over.
I am nearing 30, and I cant party as much as I used to. If I sleep less than 7 hours I feel like shit.
I first remember feeling older on my 4th birthday. I knew I was older than when I was 3, and I felt like it.
From my observations, all sorts of people usually go through phases of "feeling old". When you're the oldest kids in your high school, you "feel old". When you see peers hitting certain life milestones and you haven't yet, you "feel old". I'm sure social media hasn't helped matters.

As for me, from my experience, 30s are when you receive your first true tastes of impeding frailty, which is what currently makes me feel old. Like continuous pain from the most mundane shit; like sleeping weird and my neck hurting for days. Or doing a workout routine and having my elbow blow up from tendinitis for weeks at a time.
we are all gonna die.
I never really did until I developed tinnitus two years ago at 46. It's pretty hellish.
I had a whole bunch of injuries and I was thinking man I'm really unlucky at the moment, and then someone pointed out to me - "yep, that's what getting older does". I was shook for a solid week.
Late twenties. My health has always, always sucked. But around my early 30s I started to notice how much I was getting sick, chronic pain issues got worse, hair started thinning, etc
31 and I feel fine. Sleep more , work out and drink more water you Fatties
Two years ago I started liking afternoon naps. I never took naps before and always thought that was a sign of being old.
hey uncle @Graves

We need your wisdom in here

Me, I was born old.
Some mornings I cant get out of bed, two fcked up knees and a broken back will do that.

mornings can be rough. I first started noticing it around 55. and things have gone downhill from there.
i think it was when i started to notice "younger" girls never checked me out anymore. in my mind i still think i am in my 20's, so when i see a girl around that age, i look. but now they never look back. unless it is just so they can say to themselves "why is that creepy old dude looking at me?"

also when i got gout. gout is for old people

Fun fact, gout used to be known as the 'rich mans disease'. Since it's caused by a build up of uric acid crystals that's usually found in food/drink (like beer) that only the rich could afford in the past. I think it's always caused by diet (but don't quote me on that one). I hear it hurts pretty bad, too...
34 years old. I'm starting to feel different pains in my body. I feel like fucking shit
Aching knees and ankles; being sore for a week after sports and gym. Time for TRT, I guess?

Keep working out. Only faded because a surgery kept me out of the gym. You fall faster when you stop training as you age, but if you don't stop, you maintain pretty well.
Actually a few months ago, I'm 39 and was diagnosed with tennis elbow. It's funny though the doctor said it absolutely will not go away on it's own I need physiotherapy she said. 3 months later without physio it's gone.