What's your temperature?

THE Red Beard

FCF Enforcer
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
I have to have my temperature taken (orally not anally) on the way into work every day. I've been crushing is with scores of 98.1, 98.2 and 98.1 the last three days. Where my Sherbros landing on the temperature scale? Any of you guys shoving a thermometer in your holes during this pandemic?
I run a little on the lower side. Usually 97 and change
I run a little on the lower side. Usually 97 and change

I think we are elite TBH. All these running hot mother fuckers boiling there brains on the regular. We are chilled man.
99.5. I usually run about 99.5 to 99.7 F. I've been recorded as high as 108. When I get sick, my temperature cycles up and down about every 30 minutes.
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I was 96.8 earlier. Usually high 96 to mid 97.
I honestly didn't know before it was mandated by the state to be tested before entering the office. Over seven days I range from the mid 97 to low 98.
Not anally on the way to work? Well that is a relief.
Alive and healthy and kicking and screaming!
Adapting to the temp of my surrounding environment.

Praise the

I would threaten to quit unless your job starts taking things seriously and gets a truly accurate reading done anally. That’s the truest way to get a test
My average temp has been something like 96 or 96.3 since I was a child.