What's the ideal height for each division? Fighters are getting taller

Only dudes that don't know jack about fighting and the chick that only cares about the jonas brothers concert she's about to go to would think something like that.

Height has zero to do with appearing strong, confident and authoritative. You'd be surprised how many super tall guys I've known that are complete lazy video game dungeon and dragon nerds that couldn't assert themselves enough to ask for fresh fries at mickey Ds.

Confident alpha male mindset comes from the inside. Any woman that's worth her salt and has seen people like struve get knocked dead by fatboys like nelsom and hunt/knows something about fighting/actually does mma herself would realize that the tallest man in the room isn't always the bigger man.

When I was a teenager I used to hang with this kid whose uncle was an ex marine with confirmed kills, and was a mma fighter in his spare time. Had several years of muay, plus a black belt in bjj and judo. He wasn't a single hair over 5'8", and would wax guys twice his size. We would go downtown all the time and he'd take us all out to eat at all the "cool" places where you see super fine chicks and big dudes.

There were always big 6'4"+ guys to go around. Believe me, her eyes weren't wandering to those dudes. Those panties went home wet every night because she knew that if any of those dudes disrespected her, her 5'8" man could and would turn their faces into silly putty and break their limbs in short order. She knew who was really the tallest in the room.

They are still together.

you realize that guy is just trolling right?
Wrestling dominance (short and stocky) is being replaced by striking dominance (tall and reachy).
They have been height frauding like crazy since the Carwin days. Rory used to be 6'2" and last fight he was listed at 6'. And Rory at 6' is tall for a WW.

If you're above 6' at WW, you're super lanky like Diaz.
They have been height frauding like crazy since the Carwin days. Rory used to be 6'2" and last fight he was listed at 6'. And Rory at 6' is tall for a WW.

If you're above 6' at WW, you're super lanky like Diaz.
but that's still markedly taller than 5ft8 claiming to be 5ft9 days of Matt Hughs and GSP
the only weight class where fighters who are significantly shorter than the majority of the division thrive is heavyweight
1. You wish for what you had in height you had in confidence and self worth.

2. A visit to anywhere would show you that your statement is incorrect. Big dudes are the ones always mouthing off like they are hot shit trying to intimidate people because their father never loved them and showed them how to act and treat people fairly, just like you and your old man.

3. You are obviously illiterate seeing as how my initial statement is entirely based around the tall guy in the room alpha male bullshit being retarded and unfounded.

4. You can make the world a better place.

All you have to do is quit being a prepubescent prick that says things like manlet. A person is a person. Shows that YOU are the REAL manlet.

Take that immature shit to bodybuildingforums.
u sound short.

Are you?
Look at the champs. Should give you an idea
1. You wish for what you had in height you had in confidence and self worth.

2. A visit to anywhere would show you that your statement is incorrect. Big dudes are the ones always mouthing off like they are hot shit trying to intimidate people because their father never loved them and showed them how to act and treat people fairly, just like you and your old man.

3. You are obviously illiterate seeing as how my initial statement is entirely based around the tall guy in the room alpha male bullshit being retarded and unfounded.

4. You can make the world a better place.

All you have to do is quit being a prepubescent prick that says things like manlet. A person is a person. Shows that YOU are the REAL manlet.

Take that immature shit to bodybuildingforums.
how tall are you
you realize that guy is just trolling right?

He's being dead serious, I can smell superiority complex neglected children from a mile away

how tall are you

Taller than beejay pin

na have to be shorter than me

I go out with women over 6' all the time. "They have to be shorter than me" but your insecure ass is asking me how tall I am? I really don't get tired of these retards on this forum. So entertaining.

Word of advice, while you're sitting there crying about not being 7', your bitch would be like Niagara Falls if you'd just be confident, even if she was 6'4".

You and beejay should hang out and be insecure together.

u sound short.

Are you?

U sound like a prick that got the business given to him and has nothing else to say. Nice defeated response. Fuck I thought rookie.
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Height is more important for strikers than for grapplers (or fighters with strong grappling bases). Elite grapplers within a division can afford to be shorter than strikers on a similar level.

Cain is 6'1, JDS is 6'4
DC is 5'10, Gus is 6'5 and Rumble is 6'2
Romero is like 5'11 and the shortest top MW
RDA is 5'8 and Cowboy is 6'
Frankie is 5'6 and Mendes is like 5'5, Conor is 5'9
MM is 5'3 and the shortest guy around at FLW
Miesha and Ronda are 5'6, Holly and Nunes are 5'8
Gadelha is 5'3, JJ is 5'6

There are great tall grapplers too sure but it's harder to find examples of short top striking specialists (Mark Hunt and Tecia Torres being the closest I can think of off the top of my head, neither is a champion or super close to a shot).
I bet if you were a 9ft tall flyweight you'd be really hard to hit.
Its pretty depressing even at the amateur level..if you cant cut, you gotta fight tall skinny fighters...
5'6" Flyweights and 5'9" featherweights.

That's harsh, tbh most fighters are short for their weight classes as athletes all told. Lightweight rowers need to make 155 as well but they are usually at least 6 foot tall. The average UFC 155er (who really weigh upwards of 175+) isn't 6 foot.

Personally I would cut to FW (walk around at 165) and I'm 5'10. 440 dead, hardly a beanpole, and max bench is of course, 275..
He's being dead serious, I can smell superiority complex neglected children from a mile away

Taller than beejay pin

I go out with women over 6' all the time. "They have to be shorter than me" but your insecure ass is asking me how tall I am? I really don't get tired of these retards on this forum. So entertaining.

Word of advice, while you're sitting there crying about not being 7', your bitch would be like Niagara Falls if you'd just be confident, even if she was 6'4".

You and beejay should hang out and be insecure together.

U sound like a prick that got the business given to him and has nothing else to say. Nice defeated response. Fuck I thought rookie.
Truth comes out - you won't say how tall you are, but your need to state things like "I go out with women over 6' all the time" gives away your short man syndrome. Its shines through so brightly.
how tall are you
Lil fella won't own up - sure sign it's a touchy point. He resorted to insults and toughness statements immediately.

And when he finally does own up, it will be after being pushed into a big lie by his small man syndrome.

Who else is bragging about conquests of woman and shit in a height thread but the little guy?

Always happens. LOL!
Only dudes that don't know jack about fighting and the chick that only cares about the jonas brothers concert she's about to go to would think something like that.

Height has zero to do with appearing strong, confident and authoritative. You'd be surprised how many super tall guys I've known that are complete lazy video game dungeon and dragon nerds that couldn't assert themselves enough to ask for fresh fries at mickey Ds.

Confident alpha male mindset comes from the inside. Any woman that's worth her salt and has seen people like struve get knocked dead by fatboys like nelsom and hunt/knows something about fighting/actually does mma herself would realize that the tallest man in the room isn't always the bigger man.

When I was a teenager I used to hang with this kid whose uncle was an ex marine with confirmed kills, and was a mma fighter in his spare time. Had several years of muay, plus a black belt in bjj and judo. He wasn't a single hair over 5'8", and would wax guys twice his size. We would go downtown all the time and he'd take us all out to eat at all the "cool" places where you see super fine chicks and big dudes.

There were always big 6'4"+ guys to go around. Believe me, her eyes weren't wandering to those dudes. Those panties went home wet every night because she knew that if any of those dudes disrespected her, her 5'8" man could and would turn their faces into silly putty and break their limbs in short order. She knew who was really the tallest in the room.

They are still together.

You actually fucking wrote this
Jesus christ, youre alpha!
Are you trained in gorilla warfare?