What's the ideal height for each division? Fighters are getting taller

Lol the taller fighter does not win 75% of the time, you don't watch enough fights. It's even across the board, being that the better guy wins.

This isn't a pageant.

No need to cut for height. People don't seem to understand that the better man wins every time.

If I had a dime for every time the shorter, smaller, whatever-er fighter won I'd be rich
You are completely incorrect.

Often the worse fighter wins. Bisping.
MW- 6'1
WW- 5'10/5'11
FW- 5'8

I think there is definitely a "too tall" range when guys are below HW. Too lanky of fighters just always seem to get destroyed and not able to deal with the shorter often more compact and stronger guys. The best WW's seem to be right under 6ft to like 5'10. Best LW are like 5'10 or 5'9. A 6'4 WW or LW sounds like a joke. Heck

I think LHW is really the Weight class were height becomes very important. Consider that guys right under 6ft in tip top shape can be close to 200lbs with cardio for days. Now conside the fact that MW's are usually taller than 6ft and a little over or at 200lb. Now consider that LHWs are usually 20 lbs heavier at like 220 to 225lbs.

HW efficient of height and weight seems to stop at the 6'4 mark and past 260lbs.
Everybody is into tall men. Tall men look stronger, more confident, authoritative and have a presence when they step into the room. A 5'7 and 6'4 guy steps into the room and everyone looks at the 6'4 guy as the alpha and assumes the 5'7 guy is the beta. Manlets are just kidding themselves if they told you they didn't want to at least be 6'1.

Only dudes that don't know jack about fighting and the chick that only cares about the jonas brothers concert she's about to go to would think something like that.

Height has zero to do with appearing strong, confident and authoritative. You'd be surprised how many super tall guys I've known that are complete lazy video game dungeon and dragon nerds that couldn't assert themselves enough to ask for fresh fries at mickey Ds.

Confident alpha male mindset comes from the inside. Any woman that's worth her salt and has seen people like struve get knocked dead by fatboys like nelsom and hunt/knows something about fighting/actually does mma herself would realize that the tallest man in the room isn't always the bigger man.

When I was a teenager I used to hang with this kid whose uncle was an ex marine with confirmed kills, and was a mma fighter in his spare time. Had several years of muay, plus a black belt in bjj and judo. He wasn't a single hair over 5'8", and would wax guys twice his size. We would go downtown all the time and he'd take us all out to eat at all the "cool" places where you see super fine chicks and big dudes.

There were always big 6'4"+ guys to go around. Believe me, her eyes weren't wandering to those dudes. Those panties went home wet every night because she knew that if any of those dudes disrespected her, her 5'8" man could and would turn their faces into silly putty and break their limbs in short order. She knew who was really the tallest in the room.

They are still together.
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Only dudes that don't know jack about fighting and the chick that only cares about the jonas brothers concert she's about to go to would think something like that.

Height has zero to do with appearing strong, confident and authoritative. You'd be surprised how many super tall guys I've known that are complete lazy video game dungeon and dragon nerds that couldn't assert themselves enough to ask for fresh fries at mickey Ds.

Confident alpha male mindset comes from the inside. Any woman that's worth her salt and has seen people like struve get knocked dead by fatboys like nelsom and hunt/knows something about fighting/actually does mma herself would realize that the tallest man in the room isn't always the bigger man.

When I was a teenager I used to hang with this kid whose uncle was an ex marine with confirmed kills, and was a mma fighter in his spare time. Had several years of muay, plus a black belt in bjj and judo. He wasn't a single hair over 5'8", and would wax guys twice his size. We would go downtown all the time and he'd take us all out to eat at all the "cool" places where you see super fine chicks and big dudes.

There were always big 6'4"+ guys to go around. Believe me, her eyes weren't wandering to those dudes. Those panties went home wet every night because she knew that if any of those dudes disrespected her, her 5'8" man could and would turn their faces into silly putty and break their limbs in short order. She knew who was really the tallest in the room.

They are still together.
Lol I appreciate the story.

Taller dudes often don't spend their lives doing things to get that confidence. What if they just want to have fun playing video games or whatever, at a certain age you begin to care less about alpha and girls and what not. Short dudes just make more of an effort because its one more thing they have to get over.

Just playing the devils advocate, but if given the choice I would always pick a height that's tallish but not to the point where seats and planes are uncomfortable.

Nobody wants to be short. Just like nobody would want a small dick, regardless of if it's getting action from lots of women
Lol I appreciate the story.

Taller dudes often don't spend their lives doing things to get that confidence. What if they just want to have fun playing video games or whatever, at a certain age you begin to care less about alpha and girls and what not. Short dudes just make more of an effort because its one more thing they have to get over.

Just playing the devils advocate, but if given the choice I would always pick a height that's tallish but not to the point where seats and planes are uncomfortable.

Nobody wants to be short. Just like nobody would want a small dick, regardless of if it's getting action from lots of women

Lol you're welcome for the life lesson. Has nothing to do with SPENDING THEIR LIVES TO GET CONFIDENCE. lmfaaoaooaoaoaao

Like where do you inbreds get this stuff? Yea bro, my mans went to Afghanistan and risked his life every second of the day in a complex attempt to manufacture confidence and a cool story to tell once he got back. For sure.

Gaming betas don't not care about that stuff because they are tall, they don't care because they don't care. Simple.

The fact that you think short dudes have to "overcome" simply shows your own beta state of mind. I'd rather have X height also reflects your state of mind. If a genie gives you a few wishes and one of them is to be taller, you have issues.

Might want to wish to be a better person, with a better life in a better world.

When Yao ming wakes up every morning in pain, he wishes he was 5'5", believe me.
Lol you're welcome for the life lesson. Has nothing to do with SPENDING THEIR LIVES TO GET CONFIDENCE. lmfaaoaooaoaoaao

Like where do you inbreds get this stuff? Yea bro, my mans went to Afghanistan and risked his life every second of the day in a complex attempt to manufacture confidence and a cool story to tell once he got back. For sure.

Gaming betas don't not care about that stuff because they are tall, they don't care because they don't care. Simple.

The fact that you think short dudes have to "overcome" simply shows your own beta state of mind. I'd rather have X height also reflects your state of mind. If a genie gives you a few wishes and one of them is to be taller, you have issues.

Might want to wish to be a better person, with a better life in a better world.

When Yao ming wakes up every morning in pain, he wishes he was 5'5", believe me.
1. I am already tall, I was just saying if given the choice, very few people would choose to be short.

2. Manlets and a visit to the gym show your statement to be incorrect - little jacked out of their mind dudes are everywhere, and are nearly always the ones trying to prove something in front of people.

3. You are very obviously in your early 20's. Like I said, as you get a little older you will realize all this alpha beta bullshit doesn't even matter. The biggest losers around are 40 year old men trying to be young cool and 'yoked'.

4. I wish I was in a better world.

With less manlets around.,
1. I am already tall, I was just saying if given the choice, very few people would choose to be short.

2. Manlets and a visit to the gym show your statement to be incorrect - little jacked out of their mind dudes are everywhere, and are nearly always the ones trying to prove something in front of people.

3. You are very obviously in your early 20's. Like I said, as you get a little older you will realize all this alpha beta bullshit doesn't even matter. The biggest losers around are 40 year old men trying to be young cool and 'yoked'.

4. I wish I was in a better world.

With less manlets around.,

1. You wish for what you had in height you had in confidence and self worth.

2. A visit to anywhere would show you that your statement is incorrect. Big dudes are the ones always mouthing off like they are hot shit trying to intimidate people because their father never loved them and showed them how to act and treat people fairly, just like you and your old man.

3. You are obviously illiterate seeing as how my initial statement is entirely based around the tall guy in the room alpha male bullshit being retarded and unfounded.

4. You can make the world a better place.

All you have to do is quit being a prepubescent prick that says things like manlet. A person is a person. Shows that YOU are the REAL manlet.

Take that immature shit to bodybuildingforums.
FLW, apparently 5'3''
BW, 5'6''
FW, 5'7''
LW, 5'9''
WW, 5'11''
MW, 6'1''
LHW, 6'4''
HW, 6'4'' +
FLW, apparently 5'3''
BW, 5'6''
FW, 5'7''
LW, 5'9''
WW, 5'11''
MW, 6'1''
LHW, 6'4''
HW, 6'4'' +

Are there many successful HWs over 6'4?
Imo that's where height stops being an advantage.
Also, the best MWs seem to all be 6'2 or so... Weidman, Rockhold, moose. I think Bisping, Souza and Machida are 6'1. Yoel might be shorter, but he's a freak athlete.
The sport is ruled by weight classes, but it seems most fighters have decided having extra inches rather than extra muscle is better for them

Lot of skinny ass guys whom you wouldn't traditionally think would the the top badasses are apparently
this is exactly right, almost all the champs are "lanky" fighters for their division, except for mighty mouse adn cormier if you consider him a champ
1. You wish for what you had in height you had in confidence and self worth.

2. A visit to anywhere would show you that your statement is incorrect. Big dudes are the ones always mouthing off like they are hot shit trying to intimidate people because their father never loved them and showed them how to act and treat people fairly, just like you and your old man.

3. You are obviously illiterate seeing as how my initial statement is entirely based around the tall guy in the room alpha male bullshit being retarded and unfounded.

4. You can make the world a better place.

All you have to do is quit being a prepubescent prick that says things like manlet. A person is a person. Shows that YOU are the REAL manlet.

Take that immature shit to bodybuildingforums.
I don't know man, that guy might have a point. Tom Cruise is mega rich, confident, and drowning in pussy.

But still wears lifts.
So in your opinions, all FW and below are midgets, and most LWs?

Cerrone is 6'1 and probably 180lbs when entering the ring. He said he'd take the AS at 185lbs, so my guess is he normally walks around at that weight or over, while obviously not being as ripped as when training, dieting and cutting to make 155 (or now 170)yy.
That's a definitely not a manlet.

For reference, I'm 5'11 and always around 170lbs. I only felt below average in Amsterdam. Huge people, even women are all way over 6ft.
I don't know man, that guy might have a point. Tom Cruise is mega rich, confident, and drowning in pussy.

But still wears lifts.
He is like 5'6 though, isn't he?
And about drowning in pussy, he likes the D.
I made this observation a few months ago and crunching the numbers to find that taller fighter wins 75% of the time when there's a 2 inch difference in height.

And what's interesting to me is that fighters in the lower divisions seem to be getting taller. I remember hte days when 5ft9 manlets were the norm at WW, now guys 6ft+ are the standard

In today's environment what's the ideal height for each division?

If you crunched the numbers, shouldn't you be telling us?