what would you have done?

Would've touched him with teh obligatory jab, as he was stunned connect with the overhand right, thrown correctly of course. Allow my dog to piss on his unconscious body, and proceed to walk said dog.
laughed and walked for sure. funny story though
Something from this list:

Lol, come on, son. You know that's not how it works.

He obviously was using the word in a different context than me, but that's how it went down. It's pretty hard not to get pissed when someone calls you a bitch Ni**er to your face. This still holds true even when your not black.
Should have kissed him and slapt him right after
You should have broken his neck
I would have screamed expletives at him like an insane person and scared him off.

To add to the effect, my crazy little dog would be going apeshit barking and growling at him if he came running up on us.
I've seen it happen before were a kid will bait you into swinging for him then suddenly 10 of his mates pop out of nowhere in his 'defence'.
I wonder if it was a set up because it happened right by a house that I always see a bunch of wannabe thugs hanging out. I wonder if he was someones little brother that was being used as bait. Basically he provokes me to grab him, so a bunch of little thugs around 17-18 that I always see hanging by there can jump me without getting in trouble. It honestly doesn't seem that far fetched.

That was my first thought.
I'm not even athletic & explosive - fuck you for resorting to using that word
Congratulations are in order though, you've successfully achieved beta ass baby bitch status.
If no one was around to witness id smash on him and book it lol
So I had a kid that looked to be about 14 or 15 years old jump up in my face and literally try to pick a fight with me while I was walking my dog today (I'm in my 20's). It was completely unprovoked. I was listening to some music when I see some skinny kid that couldn't have been more than 120lbs approaching me with his mouth running. I pulled out one of my ear buds to see what the kid had to say, and to my surprise this kid asked me if I wanted to fight as he jumped up in my face. I couldn't help but laugh, as I thought it was somebody playing a joke on me, like one of my friends putting this kid up to it as a prank, but after after a few seconds I realized this crazy little fuck was for real. Part of me wanted to smack the shit out of him, but I knew if I did I would be fucked, so I re-stained myself from teaching the kid a lesson. Meanwhile this little punk is calling me every name in the book while trying to bait me into an altercation with him. The whole scenario was like shock and awe. I honestly didn't really know how to respond. While I'm not a guy that get's in fights all the time, I am someone that's not afraid to scrap when needed. This was not like anything I've ever really encountered. It was almost like having a crazy bitch jumping up in your face. I eventually just walked away as I dropped a few N bombs, which was pretty lame, but I was so pissed off that it was the only thing I could muster up at the moment.

how would you have reacted?

Should have Touched Him with Teh Jab, bro. Do you even UFC?:icon_chee
You probably got have gotten away with beating him

No one was going to pursue you