What would you do if you found out your grown up kid isn't yours?

If they are a late teen or adult, you do not say anything. At that point it is your child and the harm you could do by telling them they are not yours is not worth it. It is not the childs fault and they do not deserve the pain that it will bring on.
I don't know how men can fall for this shit, just observe your child, there will be major signs if he's yours or not
If you’re a white guy married to a non black woman, only be friends with black dudes so that way you’ll know damn well if it was one of your boys that crept with your wife. Little Obama gonna give away the game real quick

Or just have mandatory DNA tests done when the baby is born
if your father disowned you for whatever reason, what would you think about it?

you'd probably think you fucken suck dad, and walk away...... I dont know man, adult disowning another adult..... maybe it would matter if they were receiving trust funds, but my children dont roll like that, they're going to have to suffer just like I did, cant give them everything.

likewise, a business, by definition, is a risky venture. It can be fail, and you can lose your shirts, and it can be wildly successful. Would I recommend people try to run businesses? absolutely.
There are some businesses and some people I would never recommend trying a business. 50% divorce rate isn't something I'm going to risk. Maybe you can keep your business and personal life separate, but if your marriage fails, sometimes it means your life failed. But I guess it all depends on how you define success and failure. If you're okay with having been lied to for years and been raising a kid that's not yours, then why not. Just not the kind of risk I'd take.

If my father disowned me because it turned out I was another man's kid, I would understand it. Live your life free "dad." Maybe we'd get a beer as friends now.