Social What was the biggest single event in human history and what will be the biggest ever?


Fire made by man?

Man on the moon?

Maybe the wheel or mans first manipulation of an object as a tool?
I had to look this up but still interesting.
Not the biggest single event, but huge game changer.

"His introduction of the antiseptic process dramatically decreased deaths from childbirth and surgery and changed the way the medical industry looked at sanitation and proper hygiene."

"It took 12 long years before Lister’s system gained widespread acceptance. Those who emulated Lister’s example in Munich gained astounding success, with the death rate caused by infection after surgery dropping from 80% to almost zero."

Technically, it was the crucifixion of Christ that atoned for our sins, not the resurrection.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Says who?
I was going to go with the invention of the printing press. They guy who posted the thing about Lister and anti spetic has to be up there. So does the invention of synthetic fertilizer by Fritz Haber.
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So in the past by event i mean 1 instance,
Atomic bomb, Mt Etna, 9/11, death of jesus. Not sure if covid could be a single event.

Ever as in what will change the world like encountering aliens, immortality, robots, nuclear war, yellowstone.
"Skynet begins to learn rapidly and eventually becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m., EDT, on August 29, 1997."
Yes. How do you know that?
Logic implies it's nonsensical human mythology amalgamated and consolidated for comfort and power. Not sure how a brain like yours is still glitching on sand stories from our earliest, dumbest, grandfathers...
Logic implies it's nonsensical human mythology amalgamated and consolidated for comfort and power. Not sure how a brain like yours is still glitching on sand stories from our earliest, dumbest, grandfathers...
Lol did you get that from Dawkins? All you've given is a psychological report of why you think people believe in God with a dose of chronological snobbery. Try again without the fallacies.
Lol did you get that from Dawkins? All you've given is a psychological report of why you think people believe in God with a dose of chronological snobbery. Try again without the fallacies.
A small dive into history and the human brain should give you all you need my brother.