What Submission move has become outdated and thereby easy to escape?

Any good submission is tough to get out of man and when sunk correctly will get you out. I think the submission game is evolving and people are all training their jj/CSW, so it is tougher to tap people out when Royce was fighting in the early UFC's.

If anything is 'outdate', I would say straight arm bars, ti's and guillotines. But people still get caught in them.
omaplata is no way easy to get out of... just most guys aren't experienced enough to apply it. standing guillotene.... a respectable grappler should not be caught in standing guilotene.
either any choke involving a gi (cuz they don't really use them anymore), or armbars. Any JJ practioner knows there are ALOT of armbar escapes (such as stacking or twisting the arm).
i don't think certain submissions are ineffective, just the old set ups for them. in mma enough people work thier bjj game so they can at the very least avoid subs. for example: armbar from mount. no one is going to stick thier arms up because they know what can happen. modern fighters can't just sit back and wait for people to make mistakes, they have to force them. by using a slightly different set up and applying more pressure to the opponent you can still get the armbar from mount, just not the old fashioned way. thats what makes the sport so dynamic, people learn how to avoid things, other people learn new ways to use things, people learn to avoid those things etc... the sport continues to grow and be viable....