What makes a healthy immune system?

sƃnɹp ⅋ ƃopɹǝɥs
Your post contains some truth but a lot of pseudo science.
Gut-biome, Fitness level, diet, certain vitamin levels, love and healthy relationships.

You're welcome.
It's true processed foods are bad.

"Processed foods" is a meaningless term. Most foods are processed. What matters is what happened during processing and what specific things were added to the food.
so why where hospitals overrun at all then and why are there 200,000 people dead

for fuck sakes youre a moron.
The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths.

Covid is at 248k and this is with claims that motor vehicle accidents, murders, and suicides are being added to the Corona count. Rude jerk.
Having a healthy gut/skin microbiome is vital to having a strong immune system as well as good brain health. This is under attack in our modern life in a number of ways, one of them being our overuse of antibiotics and garbage food containing meat treated with antibiotics and steroids as well as food containing pesticides, preservatives, food dyes, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and ingredients that we're allergic to which compromise our immune system.

Living in a sterile safe space clutching your alcohol wipes and antibacterial soap (which destroys the good skin flora that protects you; look into using a natural soap like Dr. Bronner's) like a bubble boy is not how you maintain a strong healthy immune system.

Our immune systems are under attack right now and are purposefully being weakened in order to help push the upcoming vaccine. There will be strong pressure to make it mandatory.


My background:
In 2015, I almost died from an autoimmune disorder, psoriatic arthritis. I saw 5 different doctors who all prescribed me corticosteroids (dexamethasone and prednisone) to suppress my overactive immune system. Because they were suppressing my immune system, they had to also give me antibiotics. They also gave gave me high strength NSAIDs for my pain and swelling. The long term effects of all the aforementioned drugs is not good.

This combination gave me temporary relief until the corticosteroids wore off at which time I would have my next flare up when I would be bedridden for a week at a time with severe arthritis, swelling, and skin rashes.

Finally after 2 years of this treatment which addressed my symptoms and not the root cause of my issue, I began scouring the internet in desperation as my gp was planning to put me on humira, an expensive medication with horrible side effects. It was at this time through the grace of God that I met someone online who taught me about the importance of AIP autoimmune protocol diet and organic foods.

This is what finally worked and I haven't been seriously ill since 2017. The pharmaceutical industry generates over $370 billion a year. This is a money train that will never stop and affects the education of doctors around the world.


They, along with our dietitians and nutritionists, are tainted by large corporations that place profits over the health of Americans. Our food is making us sick and the pharmaceutical industry has the 'cure'...

<iframe src="https://www.npr.org/player/embed/312460302/312524052" width="100%" height="290" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" title="NPR embedded audio player">

The vaccine is not the answer. Most of the world was exposed to this virus in 2019 shortly after it first appeared in China. We can travel to the other side of the world in less than a day. The quarantine and mask order came over a month after cases first started popping up where I live. It did nothing to protect anyone.

Now the beaches and parks are closed in the name of safety, yet people are all funneled into shopping at the 'essential' stores in close proximity to one another breathing the same air in an enclosed space. Do you really think that those little 'X'es on the ground are going to protect you?

We've been told that nothing but an N95 mask with a respirator will protect us, yet on the other hand any covering will do. Can't the virus supposedly linger in the air for hours?

You're being conditioned to accept this as a new normal like a frog in a pot heating up slowly. If you question why you're not free to take whatever precautions you personally see fit, you're called selfish, stupid, cowardly, ignorant. Wear the mask, maintain social distance, stay inside, we can beat this together...

In the meantime, many small businesses are closing permanently. We're headed towards a depression and everything will be more expensive. It will be more difficult to afford quality food and this will further compromise the already weak immune systems so many have.

Doctors are being pressured to add covid to death certificates that are totally unrelated to cook the books and increase fear. In the future, they won't have to. Fauci has already told us that this will likely now be a seasonal thing.

When the vaccine comes out, there will be a huge push to take it. At first, it won't be so bad, but as more people start dropping dead as their immune systems continue to weaken from the stress of the pandemic, a worse diet because they can afford no better, and a lack of vitamin D from hiding inside, the pressure to take the vaccine will mount. Eventually, you won't be able to shop at stores without it.

I hope I'm wrong. Time will tell. Want to know more about my background and the immune disorder I overcame?

In this thread:

In this thread, you can read more about the origin of my distrust towards doctors and see me called an idiot by detractors.

Most information in posts #104 and 105 (some of it repeated in this thread):

Call me stupid.. strangely, in a way I hope you're right. Seriously, I don't want to be correct in some of my beliefs re: this virus, but I believe I'm on the money. Screw my ego though. Tell me how/why I'm wrong, but also answer me this, why did the advice of some random from youtube cure my autoimmune disorder after 5 different professionals with extensive education failed me?

Food is medicine. Food is poison. We are what we eat.

We should choose to be made from clean healthy food.

I decided to do clean keto and lost 65 pounds in 6 months. All of my pain and inflammation was erased.

Clean keto also benefits the lungs and helps limits viruses.

Fuck bread. Fuck processed food. Organic veggies and meats all day.
Because the danger of the virus has been exaggerated.

The only life-threatening danger this virus posed to the vast majority of non-immuno-compromised individuals was in the potential overrunning of local hospitals. This was stated clearly from the beginning by epidemiologists. And it continues to be their position today.

You are both strawmanning the scientific consensus on coronavirus and then using those strawmen as "evidence" for loony conspiracy theories.
Health Theory - great series of talks on the gut and importance of sun -

"And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. Sounds interesting, right? So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

Eat shitty, smoke, and don’t wash. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
So what is your diet like?
Diet and exercise can fix a lot of problems people have. As can destressing and getting enough sleep.

But there is nothing further to learn from this pandemic. It's just a shitty situation and we all got really unlucky to have to deal with it. That's it. Sometimes life just throws you a shit sandwich and you gotta deal with it.

There's no conspiracy, no lesson, no 'truth' or different way of thinking about it that will fix it or make it more tolerable or allow us to live better.

It just sucks dick and that's that. This is a tough pill to swallow for humans, who need to feel like they're in control.
You've been a member since 2013. You don't understand how editing works? If I were to edit after more than a few minutes of making my original post, it would say "edited" at the bottom of the post along with how long ago the change was made. Scrub.
@7437 avoided this thread now for some reason.
- Get plenty of sleep
- Exercise daily
- Eat healthy
- Keep hydrated
Also, I just met with my 71 year old dad today who flew round trip with my 59 year old mom from California to Mississippi and back with stops in Texas and Washington a couple weeks ago. During the flight, about 70% of the people were wearing masks and constantly taking them off. None of the flight attendants wore masks. They themselves took their own masks off and never wear them unless required by law and/or store policy. They're still in excellent health. The danger of the virus has been overblown by the media.

This post is the Rona equivalent of "it snowed yesterday so global warming is fake".
Eat shitty, smoke, and don’t wash. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Eating ass is a good way to train the immune system.

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There's so much going on in this post OP lol.

Nobody said a plan face covering will protect you from the virus. Not even a N95 mask will filter out 100% of dust particles in the air. Hence why it's called a N95 mask. It was designed to filter out 95% of all particles that are 0.3 microns. The reason why you wear a face covering is because it's better than nothing.

If you believe most of the world has been exposed to it already and a vaccine isn't the answer, then you go right on ahead to the nearest clinic to expose yourself and then tell us how you feel.
healthy gut, healthy blood
not skipping fruits & vegetables
good sleep
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You've been a member since 2013. You don't understand how editing works? If I were to edit after more than a few minutes of making my original post, it would say "edited" at the bottom of the post along with how long ago the change was made. Scrub.