What is your max bench press?

After losing 40 pounds my bench fell quite a bit but the ratio is similar so win I guess?

At 255 it was 415

At 217 it’s now around 350
I wanna see that shit. 350 ? Wow. Can ypu post a video of it ? 350 is a mighty number. How long are your arms / height ?
i havent benched in over a decade, but last time i did i could do 185. Bench Press is like the least functional exercise for me.
I wanna see that shit. 350 ? Wow. Can ypu post a video of it ? 350 is a mighty number. How long are your arms / height ?
Haven’t measured my arms but 5 11. I haven’t maxed in a while but 315 feels smooth so north of that with 350 being about the limit. Closest I have recorded recently is 315 or 365 for a few reps with a bench block. The old video of me hitting 415 is here

Skip to the last 30 seconds or so for 315
Haven’t measured my arms but 5 11. I haven’t maxed in a while but 315 feels smooth so north of that with 350 being about the limit. Closest I have recorded recently is 315 or 365 for a few reps with a bench block. The old video of me hitting 415 is here

Skip to the last 30 seconds or so for 315

You look like you could definitely pass as natty. Big guy with some development, but nothing strikes me as a user of androgens
You look like you could definitely pass as natty. Big guy with some development, but nothing strikes me as a user of androgens
I am not lifetime free and I did start trt finally this year. 44 years old, shit happens. I think I got to 370-380 clean, did a handful of cycles before hanging it up. Just wasn’t worth the effort.
I am not lifetime free and I did start trt finally this year. 44 years old, shit happens. I think I got to 370-380 clean, did a handful of cycles before hanging it up. Just wasn’t worth the effort.

I got to 160kg fully paused clean and 165kg touch and go

Think that's around 350-360

I no longer bench heavy, don't compete in lifting anymore. I'm 40 and used some gear in the past which helped me to a 205kg pause bench and close to 300 deadlift

Although I feel pretty good, I wonder should I have my hormones checked? Did you have symptoms of low t? Or get tested due to age

Anyway,you look good and obviously very strong.
165kg natty
205kg on gear

Now post gear, no longer powerlifting competitively, I bench anywhere between 125-150

125 if I don't focus on it and with specialised training I can go back to 140 plus in a matter of weeks
How long did it take you to reach 205kg
How long did it take you to reach 205kg

I was at 165kg natty
It took me some cycles and roughly 18-24months to get to 205

I took low doses, but also gained some size which helped strength in both squat and bench. My deadlift in comparison didn't climb as high

I only went up about 30kg, where as squat and bench where roughly 40kg

More androgen receptors in the upper body and likely size/weight gain helped with these movements as you hold the weight first,unlike with deadlift
I got to 160kg fully paused clean and 165kg touch and go

Think that's around 350-360

I no longer bench heavy, don't compete in lifting anymore. I'm 40 and used some gear in the past which helped me to a 205kg pause bench and close to 300 deadlift

Although I feel pretty good, I wonder should I have my hormones checked? Did you have symptoms of low t? Or get tested due to age

Anyway,you look good and obviously very strong.
If you feel good there's no need to inject yourself with synthetic hormones. People use TRT way too willy nilly.
If you feel good there's absoluty no need to inject yourself with synthetic hormones. People use TRT way too willy nilly.

I agree and it's why I haven't been tested
Yes recovery is a little slower than my 20s, but I still can train hard and my libido seems still high though I have heard many still had high libido with low test

I do think some look for an excuse to start trt before they fix themselves. I was on a strength forum, where guys cried out for TRT on the NHS,UK. They didn't want to go.private and were at least 40lb overweight with shit lifestyles

I think many should fix their own bad habits and get to an optimal weight and level of fitness, then if all else fails? Go on trt
I got to 160kg fully paused clean and 165kg touch and go

Think that's around 350-360

I no longer bench heavy, don't compete in lifting anymore. I'm 40 and used some gear in the past which helped me to a 205kg pause bench and close to 300 deadlift

Although I feel pretty good, I wonder should I have my hormones checked? Did you have symptoms of low t? Or get tested due to age

Anyway,you look good and obviously very strong.
I typed out a response then the page randomly refreshed. Goddammit.
So I didn’t have sex driver issues. Just couldn’t finish my workouts or run as far. Memory was flaky. Sleep was off.

I’d say get it checked. It’s either normal or it’s not. Either way you know what you’re working with.

There are supplements you can take as well. I tried those first for six months before going trt. They work but they’re not magic.
I agree and it's why I haven't been tested
Yes recovery is a little slower than my 20s, but I still can train hard and my libido seems still high though I have heard many still had high libido with low test

I do think some look for an excuse to start trt before they fix themselves. I was on a strength forum, where guys cried out for TRT on the NHS,UK. They didn't want to go.private and were at least 40lb overweight with shit lifestyles

I think many should fix their own bad habits and get to an optimal weight and level of fitness, then if all else fails? Go on trt

The association between test and libido, muscle mass and well being isn't as strong as people think and it's more complicated than a few biomarkers. If you feel good and healthy, in your case being able to train hard and have good libido even at 40, I would stay far away from exogenous hormones. I also disagree that you would even need to test for it, as you'd have no idea what the optimal range is for you anyway. No need to create issues that aren't there and risk the possible sides. As you mentioned, even if you don't feel well, lifestyle choices can have greater impact long term.

If you're hypogandic by all means get your medication prescribed.
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The association between test and libido, muscle mass and well being isn't as strong as people think and it's more complicated than a few biomarker. If you feel good and healthy, in your case being able to train hard and have good libido even at 40, I would stay far away from exogenous hormones. I also disagree that you would even need to test for it, as you'd have no idea what the optimal range is for you anyway. No need to create issues that aren't there and risk the possible sides. As you mentioned, even if you don't feel well, lifestyle choices can have greater impact long term.

If you're hypogandic by all means get your medication prescribed.

Brilliant post, couldn't agree more
Very sensible take and I will definitely be holding back for now, because I feel decent
Brilliant post, couldn't agree more
Very sensible take and I will definitely be holding back for now, because I feel decent
I will only counter that if the drop is slow enough you won’t notice it. You’ll feel normal. But again, I was 44 before I started to feel it.

I tried ashwaganda, tongkat ali, and boron (boron is for free test) first. Took me up 130 points. Just wasn’t quite right.

Creatine has a wide array of benefits too. You should be adding that for more than just muscle.
I will only counter that if the drop is slow enough you won’t notice it. You’ll feel normal. But again, I was 44 before I started to feel it.

I tried ashwaganda, tongkat ali, and boron (boron is for free test) first. Took me up 130 points. Just wasn’t quite right.

Creatine has a wide array of benefits too. You should be adding that for more than just muscle.

Yeah but you noticed a drop and tried other avenues first. You also look in shape so it's just something you had to do

I just don't think some dude who sits around stuffing his face with burgers,beer and misses a few morning erections, should run for medical help. They can try and fix themselves first and if they still need medication? Well at least they will be in an over all better place and not just rely on synthetic test

Low testosterone is very real for our age group in modern society and I understand genuine cases rely on and should seek medical help. But like you mentioned with supplements like ashwagandha, etc, at least try these first and make sure the bodyfat levels and nutrition is on point

I guess it's similar to a natty lifter who wants to use steroids. The guy with the correct training, nutrition etc will benefit much more and won't just sit back and rely on the medication
Yeah but you noticed a drop and tried other avenues first. You also look in shape so it's just something you had to do

I just don't think some dude who sits around stuffing his face with burgers,beer and misses a few morning erections, should run for medical help. They can try and fix themselves first and if they still need medication? Well at least they will be in an over all better place and not just rely on synthetic test

Low testosterone is very real for our age group in modern society and I understand genuine cases rely on and should seek medical help. But like you mentioned with supplements like ashwagandha, etc, at least try these first and make sure the bodyfat levels and nutrition is on point

I guess it's similar to a natty lifter who wants to use steroids. The guy with the correct training, nutrition etc will benefit much more and won't just sit back and rely on the medication
Absolutely agree
I get these guys asking me for steroids all the time becaus “it’ll help motivate me”. Bitch are you for real?
I haven't benched in years, but I floor press 315 for like, 6-7, 325 for I think 3 or so, 335 for a couple. Pretty sure I can bench more than that. 225 for 20-some. I actually don't always keep the best track.

Recently, I've been doing all my weight stuff with 3-inch fat grips, Iron Bull's Alpha Grips, so I've only been doing floor dumbbell press as I don't really feel safe doing the bench press with the fat grips.
385 lbs at 26 years old.
I was geared up on cycle as well.
350 grams Test blend per week & 30 mg var per day.

Was a bit thicker too, around 210.
Walking around 190ish these days.
At 45, No gear these days, but still strong enough.

Don't max bench, but still squat heavier.