What is Your Drive-From-Work Routine?

I Get in the vehicle, start it up, let it run for five. Pick my music and I'm off to the shit circle k. I buy my beer and smokes and head back to the house. And start this existence again. Sound familiar to any?

your drive is only 30 minutes...........and you stop to get a snack? what the fuck?

my drive is 30 minutes ish. I make it there in ~25 minutes, make it back home in ~20 minutes.

(when I go home it is very, very late and there are no speed limits, just a test of how observant you are)
This is my ride....it's a trigger-inducing image, so I put it in spoiler tags.

Nice parking job
I don't cuss at kids, that's trashy. But if they aren't there, all's fair!

To be fair I had just been run up a curb on a double lane turn and was 22 years old. I probably wouldnt do that now either. Dont drive like your mother is much more humorous

Your post made me think about all the times I have gotten pissed in traffic .Driving for a living like i used to do gives you all kinds of great opportunities to see people do all kinds of special things. I would never do that shit again
30 minute drive and two, sometimes three cigarettes on the way there. When I was smoking. Now i'm just one of those douches blowing vape clouds out of their windows lol. Ah, feels good to be healthy.
I try to stay awake till I get home to the sweet bliss of my bed. And work at avoiding all the DUI drivers on the freeway.
I ride a motorcycle. All of my near death experiences have been in city streets besides one of them.
Likewise. Open country road is easy as pie. On city streets, assume everyone is trying to kill you.
I love like 10 miles away. But I take the bus. So it usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour to get to the stop by my house, then it’s a 7 or 8 minute walk from there to my house. It’s been raining hard lately, so my commute to work has been taking 2 hours door to door. Two fucking hours to get 10 miles.
The weather dictates what I drive but it’s only 11 miles from my house to my job and I live in another town. We’ve had freezing rain the last couple days so I leave my car at home and drive an old 80’s 3/4, 4x4 suburban.

Its multicolored and rusty and would look right at home in a mad max or jeepers creepers movie. But it’s fuel injected, has good tires, and I keep up the mechanical side of it.

I’m always hoping I get to pull someone out of the ditch on the way but I leave earlier than most so it rarely happens. Keep 60ft of tow rope, tools, and any fluid someone could need in the back.

Only shitty part is the defrost doesn’t work as well as it could so I had to pullover twice on the way home and scrape the windshield. Just too damn cold for it to keep up here lately.
My commute is about 75 minutes depending on traffic. I make it work for me. I drive kind of slow (the speed limit) to conserve gas, so I hang out in the far right lane and let everyone speed past me. Audible has kept me sane throughout, especially some of the Great Courses you can get through them (the Civil War one was awesome). Also I recently discovered Last Podcast On The Left. I’m working through their back catalog, and it has become my favorite podcast.
My commute right now is bed to chair.

Farm season starts soon and I have the awesomest commute ever. One windy country road thru the woods. Often I don't see a car. It's so sweet.
10 minute drive to school (I am a high school teacher) but add 10-15 minutes in traffic because parents don’t trust the meth-smoking bus drivers.
my current commute is a 30 minute bus ride, followed by a fifteen minute walk to work. so 45 minutes in total. it's going to change soon though as i'm moving in a few months, so i'll then be taking a 30 minute metro train, followed by that same fifteen minute walk to work.
35-55 minutes depending on traffic. Stop and fill the yeti up with coffee every day....radio or I'll listen to a podcast..that is all
Anywhere from 10 mins to 1 hour depending on which part of the city I'm working. I don't mind the longer drive to work but driving home is a bitch. Spotify is a must for those drives.
The weather dictates what I drive but it’s only 11 miles from my house to my job and I live in another town. We’ve had freezing rain the last couple days so I leave my car at home and drive an old 80’s 3/4, 4x4 suburban.

Its multicolored and rusty and would look right at home in a mad max or jeepers creepers movie. But it’s fuel injected, has good tires, and I keep up the mechanical side of it.

I’m always hoping I get to pull someone out of the ditch on the way but I leave earlier than most so it rarely happens. Keep 60ft of tow rope, tools, and any fluid someone could need in the back.

Only shitty part is the defrost doesn’t work as well as it could so I had to pullover twice on the way home and scrape the windshield. Just too damn cold for it to keep up here lately.

Is it the 6.8L V8 one? MPG....?