What is your biggest regret in your life thus far?

Passing up a chance to go to grad school at Vanderbilt in the 90s. Ended up at a local Canadian school.
There were 2 women in my life in which I played the situation terribly both times. Pretty tough to deal with.
Ironically, despite what I said previously in this thread, I had more of a 'missed connection' that I think about quite often. That's kind of tough.
Fiscal irresponsibility in my youth and not seeing Tom Petty live even though i had a million chances to.
Agreed with the university. Just another capitalist scheme.

I hope you find some serenity with regards to your father .

Thank you about my father. As far as university stuff goes I tell people if you are just going to go don't do it. Go when you think you are ready. I say that not only for personal reasons but because if you are eligible for State or Federal Aid that is limited and once you run out, you run out. Also, if you get a Bachelor's Degree and realize your program of study does not work for you then guess what? You are out of luck. The government does not pay again even if you did not use all of your aid.

I don't know how this would work but I've thought the maximum you should have to pay for a major is the average cost that major would pay out in the real world. For example, if you want to be a math teacher the max it should cost to become one is around $60k, which is what math teachers get paid currently.

I had a jaded view of the world already before I entered the army haha. But my experience in the army just made it worse I suppose. I guess it's just seeing how much bullshit you have to endure. The most asinine and retarded decision making. Things that just don't make any sense. People in leadership positions who really shouldn't be given any kind of power. I didn't feel "tough" or more of a man by being in the army because it felt like I was surrounded by children. I guess we had a sense comradery because we were united in our hate of officers lol. You realize what your taxes are really paying for. There were maybe a couple officers I would have trusted to follow into the trenches because they were the kind of men who would have ran in first. I'm sure most officers didn't give a shit about expending the lives of their men. Especially staff officers.

You just described most jobs. I don't want to speak for anyone but I think one of the reasons people feel this way about leadership is because training, in general, is awful. I can't speak for the military but training especially in corporate environments is trash so when you are learning how to do something you usually feel bad because the people teaching it are bad. As George Carlin once said "Garbage in, garbage out."
Credit card debt when I was young

"I'll make more money in the future and pay it off"

It's been such a slow and long process smh

Curious, is it because you are not good with money or is it like some people where jobs just don't pay as well as they should?
Not buying these addidas skater shoes that I used for lifting weights. I think they discontinued it. Now I am sad.
Getting married and having kids. Following closely behind is getting married again and having more kids after the first divorce.
Won’t say biggest regrets but:

Not finishing high school (GED)
Not getting my driver’s license as a teenager/young adult
Not sleeping with a beautiful woman who was in love with me (she was in a relationship)
Waiting too long to go back to college
Not trying out for football because I thought I wasn’t big enough
Spending money on crap I didn’t need
Not travelling overseas in my youth. A lot of my friends took summer trips to Europe or Asia when we were in college, I spent my summers working so that I could graduate with no debt while they travelled the world. Things have changed a lot since those days and there's places which I can't really visit anymore thanks to current geopolitical events.
Not travelling overseas in my youth. A lot of my friends took summer trips to Europe or Asia when we were in college, I spent my summers working so that I could graduate with no debt while they travelled the world. Things have changed a lot since those days and there's places which I can't really visit anymore thanks to current geopolitical events.

This is a really good one too. I only went on 1 spring break in college (Senior year) b/c I worked every spring break and every summer to help pay for college and avoid debt coming out of college.

It was stupid. You only got those experiences once in a life. Who cares about 20k more debit in your life when those memories and experiences will last forever. Had I gone on a spring break my freshman year I never would have worked over spring break again.

To any youngsters out there, go out and do shit while you can. Money isn't everything and running the rat race trying to get "to the top" isn't as important and life experiences and memories
was relatively low confidence due to older brother being a absolute piece of shit but he moved out when I was 15 and I realised I was doing pretty dam good. Turned shit around MASSIVELY after that and since then

- I never invested in becoming a carpenter:(
Curious, is it because you are not good with money or is it like some people where jobs just don't pay as well as they should?
My younger self was not good with money, alot of it went to my ex but yes in combination of working a low paying job
i wish i would have taken the government university job over the corporate job i took after college. i ended up getting laid off after two years with the corporate gig and could have retired from the university job in a few years had i taken that one and stayed.