Crime What did the cops do wrong today Megathread Vol. 6 ? (who knows, lots of cop threads)

If they charged him with first degree intentional, they're setting the prosecution up for the rope a dope. They'll never prove premeditation. He couldn't have possibly known "she's gonna call us and when we get there, I'm gonna shoot her"
The State's Attorney presented 1st degree to the Grand Jury, and that's what he got. So he did it to himself. And he is going to look stupid for it.

In illinois in order to use deadly force to defend yourself you only need to be in danger of receiving serious injury. Anyone with half a brain understands a steaming liquid at close range can cause that. But we do have a couple knuckleheads here trying to minimize the danger of a steaming pot.
The State's Attorney presented 1st degree to the Grand Jury, and that's what he got. So he did it to himself. And he is going to look stupid for it.

In illinois in order to use deadly force to defend yourself you only need to be in danger of receiving serious injury. Anyone with half a brain understands a steaming liquid at close range can cause that. But we do have a couple knuckleheads here trying to minimize the danger of a steaming pot.
Yeah I'd say potentially being blinded is serious injury. Not to mention burns. To use deadly force you need weapon, intent and delivery system. She technically had those. However you also need preclusion on the officers part. You're saying he had no other choice but to shoot that woman at that point in time? If the answer is no, charges are prudent. But not first degree murder.
sports meme eerily similar.
Tantrum time. Lol. So do you want to explain how she wasn't detained but subject to force I.D. while also being held at gunpoint? You making a scene then being a coward by taking cheap shots at the people who are dismantling you isn't helping your shit points that you ran away from.
I never said that. That's just the way you chose to interpret what I actually did say, which was. "Bricks are a deadly weapon only within a limited range". You then twisted that whatever way you needed to in order to fit your agenda . I clarified that to you multiple times in tje largest font were still to damn dense for it to sink in. It's very similar to that other dipshit sports meme eerily similar.
That's a completely indefensible position, and you are an idiot for saying it.

You missing 2 days of anger management doesn't give you permission to disregard policy Bird Brain.

I have reverance for all Human Life, including yours. I've lived on both sides of the proverbial Railroad Tracks. Sat on both sides of the Courtroom. My totality includes a sock footed, 6am been drinking all night, happy drunk shoplifter. A mean drunk would have been aggressive in every single frame of footage. I'd wager a non vegan meal his bac is .25 or higher.

Vargas is dead because the Shithead used excessive force Bird Brain. The threat to the 911 caller seems a bit overstated, but that's moot as far as the totality of circumstances at the time of the final confrontation. She was not in imminent danger at that time. 4 Cops and Vargas at that intersection.

You are talking stress and adrenaline like Vargas slinging lead like the LA Bank Shootout. It's a brick pussy. Me and 2 other seniors from the VFW would have put this dude on the ground with no weapons whatsoever. Just lol at being terrified of a guy with a brick. <Lmaoo>

2nd shot is low hanging fruit and I haven't addressed it much. It's clearly punitive rather than self protective. "I get excited" is an excuse I refuse to accept. You took an oath to remain calm in the face of danger. when you say "I do solemnly swear under oath or affirmation....." that's important, and people should be held accuntable to that oath.

These next three(and there were more) are all in reference to “it’s just a brick, oussy” lol. And is told poon a story about the closest I ever came to shooting someone was a guy threatening to smash an old man over the head with a bricks. Dude was high as fuck and running around naked in winter, hits the old man and knocks him down and is standing above him with the brick raised above his head saying he was going to bash his brains out. The suspects family was there shouting and I had him at gunpoint (oh no, I am sure you will chide me for that) and he started screaming again about bashing his brains out: I began to slowly pull the trigger and we had somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 lb triggers and I had probably about 8 applied when my dipshit partner stepped in front of me. I repositioned, keeping the cruiser as cover and as I was raising my gun again, he dropped the brick on the old man’s shoulder, breaking his collarbone. I then tackled his ass and took him into custody. My idiot partner walking into my line of fire (out of lack of situational and positional awareness likely saved that dude’s life but it could have cost the old man his. Now this was probably maybe 16 years ago, maybe 17. The suspects dad was a high ranking gang member and it would have been a very ugly scene. If that happened now a days, it would be all over cnn with ben crump mumbling his mouth full of marbles standing next to the family

So I have been in this situation or something similar

I have spoken at lengths about my dislike of their tactics. While I am probably not as brave as a paralegal like you, I have tackled a man swinging a machete in a hallway before and gone hands on with three men other subjects with knives-one trying to kill himself and I ended up getting cut and another I was arresting for domestic battery and as I approached him and told him, he yanks a knife out of his pocket and I am trying to pin his hand against his pocket and he’s yelling “shoot me/kill me” like he is about to have a xenomoroh burst out of his chest: I eventually get the knife knocked out of his hand and get him in custody-and this was about an hour and a half after we got into a foot pursuit with an armed bank robber but we lost him: then I go home and my wife tells me we’re pregnant, so that was a fun day: my point is that I probably would not have hesitated and would have hit him with the cruiser door or tackled him from behind when he was walking. But that’s me, and apparently you, you mean monster; you:

But everyone has different skill sets, preferred tactics; and confidence levels and strengths and weaknesses, maybe that officer wasn’t too keenly focused on going hands on with a guy armed with a deadly weapon, and that is absolutely fine. The oath I took and the one that cop took had absolutely nothing that requires the officer to have to tackle him or take stupid risks with his life because some dumbass with a brick is threatening people after he stole stuff because he’s a shitbag that feels entitled to do whatever the fuck he wants.

I have done stupid shit and taken stupid risks when I was younger that now I look back at and call myself a dumbass for taking unnecessary risks to my own safety to try and deal with some fucking idiot; but my point is that that oath does not require an officer to take that risk at his own personal safety if they don’t want to. A guy threatening people with a brick -a deadly weapon, is lethal force territory and what did he do? He tried to smash that cop’s head in by throwing the brick at him and he got shot for it: nit say it with me “he fucked around and found out:” fuck him.

It’s 0400 and I am going to bed: I will finish this later.

THIS IS AN EXCHANGE IT TOOK ME A WHILE TO FIND AND PROVES YOUR LAST STATEMENT S FLAT OUT LIE as well as other lies you have told. You. You’re going to tackle someone in your physical condition with all the ailments you described. Or was that yet another lie.

And in that section of the thread, I was in an out of the hospital for my back and when i wouldn’t respond while being treated medicated, you guys called me a pussy running from my thread. You really are scumbagsbofbthe lowest order.

Then, there’s probably three long posts in there because I used down time on midnights to crank out long posts in my cop experiences thread. You were acting like I was violating my oath or some shit. Most sergeants that get desk duty until they hired civilians, watched television all night when it was quiet.
You're saying he had no other choice but to shoot that woman at that point in time? If the answer is no, charges are prudent. But not first degree murder.

Illinois does not have an "exhaust all alternatives prior to lethal force" statute. Even if we did, the way it unfolded, I'm not sure that would change much anyway. It's easy to put everything under a microscope in hindsight. But statute and case law instructs us to analyze the totality of the circumstances as they existed in the moment WITHOUT the benefit of hindsight.

Horrible situation with a tragic outcome. My heart goes out to the Massey family, and to Grayson and his family as well.

Couple folks up in here melting down lol.
Yeah I'd say potentially being blinded is serious injury. Not to mention burns. To use deadly force you need weapon, intent and delivery system. She technically had those. However you also need preclusion on the officers part. You're saying he had no other choice but to shoot that woman at that point in time? If the answer is no, charges are prudent. But not first degree murder.

They have a case for 1st degree murder. The cop didn't need to have premeditated to kill the woman for a very long time. He could've just decided "I'm gonna kill this lady" in that moment and it still would be 1st degree - legally speaking.

Reason they can make that argument are his actions right before. Him escalating for no reason and stating "I'm going to shoot you in the fucking face."
Sonya Massey did in fact held the pot above her head and possibly looks like she was trying to throw it.

The bodycam of Gratson has been released. This makes it from a slam dunk case to 50/50.

I personally think he's still guilty because he escalated for no reason and don't think he was at risk of great bodily harm.

"...may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person."

The officer was not in imminent danger IMO. But he will certainly argue that at trial.

The claims it might have been acid are retarded. Why in the world would any reasonable person believe she was boiling a pot of acid in the kitchen when they came in? She didn't invite them in the house and had no way of knowing they'd end up there. So she couldn't have premeditated that.

I think these questions matter in light of the other body cam.

Which came first the drawn deadly weapon pointed at somebody's head or the lifting of the pot?

Isn't putting your hands up a sign of surrendering? (Especially in the context of being scared apogizing and collapsing. )

Did they have tasers on them?
I would still think the cop was a giant piece of shit and should be charged. But the old lady would still be alive most likely and the charge wouldn't be murder. Still unfit to be a cop no question.

Its still the same concept of people thinking that an alleged limited elderly lady shouldn't be able to move in her own home or needs to do backflips over to cops and lick their boots on command. All while evaluating her form like she's an Olympic gymnast. Like people don't panic or are terrified when 2 assholes with guns are in their home barking orders.

Somebody throwing their hands up and panicking is 100% a normal reaction to having a gun pulled on you. Just because they are cops doesn't change this universal reaction.
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I think these questions matter in light of the other body cam.

Which came first the drawn deadly weapon pointed at somebody's head or the lifting of the pot?

Isn't putting your hands up a sign of surrendering? (Especially in the context of being scared apogizing and collapsing. )

Did they have tasers on them?
I would still think the cop was a giant piece of shit and should be charged. But the old lady would still be alive most likely and the charge wouldn't be murder. Still unfit to be a cop no question.

Its still the same concept of people thinking that an alleged limited elderly lady shouldn't be able to move in her own home or needs to do backflips over to cops and lick their boots on command. Like people don't panic or are terrified when 2 assholes with guns are in their home barking orders.

Somebody throwing their hands up and panicking is 100% a normal reaction to having a gun pulled on you. Just because they are cops doesn't change this universal reaction.

It was obvious the woman was terrified and the cop escalated it to that place. For no fucking reason at all.

And he must be a complete pussy to be afraid of that lady. I mean he could have literally stepped back like 1-2 feet in the worst case scenario.
The bodycam of Gratson has been released. This makes it from a slam dunk case to 50/50
The bwc footage was all released at the same time. Graysons vantage point of the shooting is in the "police activity" video @Poon Goon posted itt. Some Sher Idiots just didnt have the attention span to process that entire 18 minute included apparently.
Him escalating for no reason and stating "I'm going to shoot you in the fucking face."

That's not him escalating. That's him fulfilling his statutory requirement to warn her prior to using lethal force. You may not like the language, but it does fulfill his requirement. Illinois does not have a de-escalation statute. So any chatter about Grayson escalating or failing to de-escalate is based on your ideals and emotions rather than Illinois Statute.
Its still the same concept of people thinking that an alleged limited elderly lady
Only in your fantasy world is 36 considered elderly. You have to tone down this nonsensical hyperbole or no one is going to take you seriously.
Only in your fantasy world is 36 considered elderly. You have to tone down this nonsensical hyperbole or no one is going to take you seriously.
Me guessing her age wrong doesn't have anything to do with you not understanding that she was being detained and held at gunpoint. Why can't you admit you were dead wrong there?

Wow. She looks much older than that in the video & in the photos. But its a moot point. Age has nothing to do with it other than a public sympathy factor. Same laws & rules apply.
But if she's 36 she's 36...

Here are some facts that also will matter with his trial that you're simple mind isn't accounting for.

-This unstable loser was a dishonorable discharge reject from the Army due to serious misconduct in under 2 years.
- He was bounced from 6 other PDs in 4 years
-Hes a known Alcoholic

Yeah I'm sure none of that will matter in any criminal or civil proceedings. (SARCASM)
Hes going to stay in jail for life & the city better open up their purse......
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There is a video of what looks like a superior or senior officer checking out the crime scene:

Senior officer: "So where is the gun????"
Grayson: " was a pot of water...boiling...came at me...."
Senior officer: "You shot her????"
Grayson: "Yeah lol she rebuked me in the name of Jesus....came at me....boiling water..."
Senior Officer: long uncomfortable silence.
The prudes in the gay Olympic thread made me think of this story.

A cop tries to investigate librarians for having books in a library.

This is where tax dollars go???
In TEXAS??? Gun toting, fk California, freedom, everything is bigger in Joe Rogan Texas???????????????? WTF

Paying some prude repressed dork a six figure salary with benefits, pension, & expenses to tell free citizens what they can read & arrest people for putting a book on a shelf.
Disgusting scary stuff.

-"Texas has a border & crime problem."
- Yeah because your "hero" cops are busy harassing citizens for reading. The misappropriation of time & funds for this 800 plus page investigation is a million times more criminal than reading a book.
That "officer" & his entire leadership team that green lit or who were aware of what he was doing should be fired at the very least.
That's not him escalating. That's him fulfilling his statutory requirement to warn her prior to using lethal force. You may not like the language, but it does fulfill his requirement. Illinois does not have a de-escalation statute. So any chatter about Grayson escalating or failing to de-escalate is based on your ideals and emotions rather than Illinois Statute.

She posed zero threat and all it took was a Jesus rebuke statement for him to go full retard.

There was literally no reason for him to escalate it to lethal force and drawing his gun.

Keep making excuses for retardation.
She posed zero threat and all it took was a Jesus rebuke statement for him to go full retard.

There was literally no reason for him to escalate it to lethal force and drawing his gun.

Keep making excuses for retardation.
Thats the main point here. A police officer should never get to pull a deadly loaded weapon to your head and threaten to kill you in your own home for saying something....Especially when there was no crime being committed by the victim.
If somebody pulls a gun on you for no reason you should be allowed to throw whatever the fk you want at them (i still don't believe the video shows her throwing a pot). Its not a movie so throwing random objects at people won't work or incapacitate them, but when in fear for your life somebody will use whatever they can. Rationalization goes out the window when capable bad guys with a gang threaten to kill you with intent & a loaded gun.
There was literally no reason for him to escalate it to lethal force and drawing his gun.

Easy enough to say that from the safety of your keyboard without actually facing the threat of someone dousing you with a steaming liquid.

Ya'll dummies can try to minimize the seriousness of that threat all you want, but it is capable of causing serious injury. And as such, serves as justification for Grayson to use lethal force to defend himself and partner from being doused with said liquid.