what creatine would you recommend?

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Yellow Belt
Jun 16, 2005
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What kind of creatine do you guys use? how well does it work because i'm trying to find another creatine that works well. I'm currently using the xyience nox-cg3 since it was on sale. However, i only use xyience when i train my NHB and i wanted to take just creatine when i lift weights, thanks in advanced.
Even though everyone rags on MuscleTech, their CEE-Pro is actually fairly priced. MRI
I use a creatine monohydrate and mix it with some grape juice or gatorade. Most of the flavored creatine is basically that, they charge you excess for giving you kool-aid for an insulin surge.
This will last you a year and a half to two years. It's Creapure, the SKW creatine, the best in the world. This is the cheapest I've seen it packaged.

If you're gonna get an ester, I recommend this. Several members on the board have used it and praised it. Bulk also publishes the lab results on all their products. They give it to you right there on that page. They challenge others for quality.
Madmick said:
This will last you a year and a half to two years. It's Creapure, the SKW creatine, the best in the world. This is the cheapest I've seen it packaged.

If you're gonna get an ester, I recommend this. Several members on the board have used it and praised it. Bulk also publishes the lab results on all their products. They give it to you right there on that page. They challenge others for quality.
I've heard that liquid creatine is more readily desolved into the blood stream than its powder form. But this could be marketing hype.
^^Ive heard creatine serum, if thats what you're talking about, is completely bogus.
ive been on cell tech for a while, and it has worked well, but im goin on about 4 months with it, so im gonna switch creatines. anyone know much about cell mass, ce2, or the controlled labs creatine?
i took cell tech for a while and felt like my head was gonna blow up with all the sugar in it. as far as ce2 all the gnc's ive been to hype it up but they also hyped up no2 and i took that and got zero results..... pretty much id get a simple cheap creatine it will do the same job as all these super pricey suplements they got out now for about half the price or less...
what's the difference between all this monohydrate, ethyl etece, and other forms of creatine? all this stuff confuses me.

Also, what help shorten the recovery time for muscles? is that l-glutamine or nitricoxide
ground force said:
I've heard that liquid creatine is more readily desolved into the blood stream than its powder form. But this could be marketing hype.

Yeah, can is right, it's total bogus. You must drink your creatine immediately, it is not stable; in water, it will convert to creatinine, which in that dosage (the 5g of creatine you took), is toxic.
crap...also why does some creatines say take daily and some take only before you work out? what would happen if i stop taking creatine...
jpark4 said:
Madmick said:
This will last you a year and a half to two years. It's Creapure, the SKW creatine, the best in the world. This is the cheapest I've seen it packaged.

for this one are you talking about this one? http://www.dpsnutrition.net/product_information.asp?number=UN061&back=search&dept= if so i might this first concidering that i don't work and still 17 :D .

Yes, Creapure, but I did not make a mistake, the ON packages the creapure (I guess they just don't specify that on the DPS site).

However, ON doesn't package in the 1kg size, just the 2kg, and the rate on the UN Creapure is $19/kg instead of ON's $17.50/kg (in a double portion), so that's a killer deal, man. I'd get that.
And don't forget what Coach said. You need to add dextrose/maltodextrin to create an insulin flux. Dextrose is just corn sugar, so it won't add flavor, but that's all those "designer" creatines are. They're just (usually an inferior to Creapure) creatine monohydrate packaged with some Cool-Aid type flavored dextrose (instead of the high fructose corn syrup that is used in actual cool-aid, that's the only difference, but an important one).

I made a thread on a custom creatine stack, but I need to update it. I'll do that later tonight at work.
dammit, i can't delete this post :icon_evil
What kinda foods are good for getting dextrose? Corn syrup? should i mix corn syrup with my creatine shakes?
#1can said:
What kinda foods are good for getting dextrose? Corn syrup? should i mix corn syrup with my creatine shakes?

You can buy it straight for like $2-3 a lb. DPS offers it in addition to the Creapure. Bulk Nutrition too. Those are my favorite supplement distributors.
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