Jesus Christ, this thread. What are you, a woman?Mine is ESTP
Get bored easily, risk taker, entrepreneur, rules don't appeal to me.
Why do you say that? I'm just interested in how the human beings interact with each other and why most are not happy.Jesus Christ, this thread. What are you, a woman?
Your first post ITT looks like the Tinder profile of every vapid thot on Instagram.Why do you say that? I'm just interested in how the human beings interact with each other and why most are not happy.
I'm not a social media type of person. So don't know what you are talking about. I just post on Mayberry,Your first post ITT looks like the Tinder profile of every vapid thot on Instagram.
But it's still interesting and a lot of companies use it to evaluate their employees. Highly doubt Google, Microsoft look at your astrology as a means of determining your future success or failure.that stuffs about as valid as atrology
Mine is ESTP
Get bored easily, risk taker, entrepreneur, rules don't appeal to me.
Your first post ITT looks like the Tinder profile of every vapid thot on Instagram.
INTJ masterrace checking in!