What a disgrace.

I thought you Platinum fucks were all about spreading love or something?

fucking noob bless ur bum mind
Are they replacing Goldie with a more technical presenter? Not sure if Rogan is going to do well with that. He seems to like being the only technical expert.
tbh, Rogan was tearing up during that segment, probably kept his comments till after to broadcast.

Now, lets see who these clowns replace Goldie with, cos despite his flaws the chemistry with Joe is what makes these events great.
Are they replacing Goldie with a more technical presenter? Not sure if Rogan is going to do well with that. He seems to like being the only technical expert.

Goldberg is a play-by-play commentator. They are not expected to be technical. That's Rogan's job as a color commentator. They would have to replace Goldberg with another play-by-play guy.
you don't really wanna highlight something negative like that. Him leaving is embarrassing for him, no need to draw attention to it
you don't really wanna highlight something negative like that. Him leaving is embarrassing for him, no need to draw attention to it
Usually with something like that they put a positive spin on it. Long time announcers from different sports have left time and time again, and they usually just do some bit at the end of the broadcast where they talk about "time to move on" or whatever. Whether it's because of being fired, or the person is just retiring, it's usually acknowledged with a positive spin.
No love. Not talking about the New Batamweight champion either
Should've pulled an achorman. "This is Mike Goldberg signing off. Go fuck yourself UFC." On a more serious note, its disgusting they did nothing for him.
WME clearly don't give a fuck about this sport or the close-knit community that orbits around it. Goldie is a beloved figure, and fans would have appreciated some kind of appropriate send-off. The man has been the voice of the UFC for two decades! Lorenzo would have understood that.

These new people don't give a shit about the integrity of the sport, what makes it so much better than boxing, or the community that supports MMA. Their only priority is to bleed it dry. They are like Don King, but smarter and with more money. We are fucked.
Goldie is like your least favorite fighter who had hung around since the early days. You don't like them maybe but you have to respect the hours and miles that they have put in.

Unless Goldie did something really effed up behind the scenes these days you still get the job is you grab them by the pussy so what gives here?

Was he asking for more money or something?

UFC is now more corporate than boys club I'd say because boy's club rules don't let old members just go meekly into the night like that.

The whole thing is weird.
My favorite goldberg moment from the show was was when during the Garcia vs Pyle fight after an exchange, he randomly shouts something along the line of

" You know what Pyle is missing....................HIS MULLET, he had p4p the best mullet in the UFC for a long time"

I had to rewind to give it another listen, wtf does his mullet have to do with the fight ha, i legit thought Goldie was gonna drop some knowledge and say something like, Pyle is missing the low inside leg kick which he is known for because it seems Garcia is limping, something to that effect.......but nope, Pyle was infact simply missing his p4p mullett

Even Rogan himself was stunned and couldnt let it just pass by and said "what a bizzare comment" ha

Then Goldie burns rogan with a stealthy diss about Rogan wearing fanny packs

Rogan was shook, and sounded like he was about to start ripping Goldberg as if he was a heckler but then changed his tone and made a joke out of it but soon got back to the fight

Mike Goldberg what a pro

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