What’s the psychology behind Jones not staring in opponent’s eyes?


Gold Belt
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
  • There are more and some he does look but not much!

    There are various reasons which I will display here and you pick what you think is fitting Jones’ behavior!
    Compounding the problem is the fact that we all have varying levels of comfort when it comes to locking eyes. ... Psychopathy, PTSD, and alexithymia (sometimes known as “emotional blindness”) are often associated with greater discomfort with eye contact. So are neuroticism, shyness, social anxiety, and autism.
    Which one is it?

  • 104_jon_jones_and_chael_sonnen.0.jpg




There are more and some he does look but not much!
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It's because Jones deemed his opponents not worthy of his eye contact. GOAT Bless!

He doesn't want to risk getting intimidated. When he had the first stare down ever with Gus in 2013, he almost shat his pants.

Look how uncomfortable he got the moment he stared Gus in the eyes. Had to almost immediately back down, started to lift his eye brows and had that lost look in his eyes, which he always does when he feels nervous, doesn't fully control his hands when he puts the belt on his shoulders because his muscles are tense, literally holds his breathing and turns away when Gus makes a slight turn to him, and finally uses some akward dance move to get an escape.
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His trying to appear mysterious to his opponent. It works mostly
Looking at them would raise his adrenaline and he would pulse too hard.
Didn't Fedor do this as to not give any emotional energy to his opponent?
I think he's said that he doesn't want to humanize them before he has to get in the cage and beat the shit out of them.
It's a way of saying "You are a nobody. You don't deserve my attention and i certainly don't need to do anything extra to hype myself up or to intimidate you. You are just a faceless body waiting his turn."
He'd rather poke his opponents eyes than look into them.