Social Weird Guinness World Records

There are probably more bizarre records than impressive records to be honest. The kids Youtube channel Dude Perfect used to regularly set new Guinness records, picking some of the silliest ones there are. Like the furthest distance anyone ever walked barefoot across a floor covered in Legos. They may still do some, not sure. But I'd say a large portion of the records in there are weird. I remember reading the Guinness book years ago wondering who even thought some of that shit up. You can get just about anything entered as a record as long as you have an adjudicator present.
I got the Guiness world record for drunk posting on Sherdog.

(Jack got banned thankfully, was able to surpass him)
Heres is what gpt suggests

Longest Time Keeping Eyes Open Without Blinking: An individual once held their eyes open for over an hour without blinking!

Most T-Shirts Worn at Once: A man in Belgium set the record by wearing 227 T-shirts at the same time.

Largest Collection of Rubber Ducks: A woman in the USA holds the record for owning over 9,000 rubber ducks.

Fastest Marathon in a Fruit Costume: Someone ran a full marathon dressed as a fruit (a banana, to be precise) and holds the record for the fastest time while doing so.

Longest Fingernails Ever: Ayanna Williams from the USA holds the record for the longest fingernails on a pair of hands ever. Combined, her nails measured over 24 feet!

Most Spoons Balanced on the Body: An individual managed to balance 85 spoons on their body, setting a unique record.

Farthest Distance Walking on Hands While Hula Hooping: This record combines two challenging activities—walking on hands and hula-hooping—for a distance of over 3 miles!

Most Straws Stuffed in the Mouth: A record-holder fit 459 drinking straws into their mouth at once without using their hands.

Most Tattoos in 24 Hours: A tattoo artist set the record by inking 801 tattoos in 24 hours.

Heaviest Weight Lifted by Human Beard: A man lifted over 140 pounds using just his beard!

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