weight gain during intense training


Orange Belt
May 4, 2004
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i have a problema i want to gain about 20 or so pounds but just cant seem to do it and keep my cardio good, my training is pretty hard and i think i take in the right amount of calories but i seen to stay at my wieght, im 6' tall and weight 148-150 pounds i want to weigh more aroung 170-180 but i was wondering if any of you guys have any goods tips to help me weither its diet or weights or something anything.???
yeah I'm wondering this also.. I lost around 5 lbs since I started training in muay thai this summer. And now that I don't have as much time to go to the gym because of the MT training, getting bigger is a real challenge.
Need more info. How much cardio do you do in a day? How much calories do you take in everyday? ETC...

Easiest is pre/post workout nutrition, just up the carbs with maltodextrin/dextrose. Also don't worry about the whole "clean foods" thing too much with adding 2000 calories of oatmeal/tuna to your diet. Obviously don't get your carbs from bags of chips and shit, but consider bacon 2 pieces add like 250 calories, non-lean cuts of meat (don't eat grisly fatty chunks either, lol), full fat yogurt, milk, cheese, beans and rice.
drink protein shakes after working out and on your off days
There is no big secret to gaining mass. Eat more and lift heavy. Not knowing what you currently do makes it hard to revamp your program.
yes very simple EAT!

i managed to put on 10lb in my first 2 weeks of MT classes. Mind you not all was muscle, so i backed off of eating a bit.

a little tip, the best anabolic i have found that puts on mass and very little fat is milk 2%

1% sucks and 3.25% and chocolate just bite for lean mass.

next best for me would be a mixture of lean beef and rice, cheap and put mass on like a motherfucker. don't forget to droun the fucker in soya souce :icon_twis
Gaining weight whislt training intensely is hard, Age can also be a factor!

I found that increasing the number of meals througout the day and going to bed on a full stomach helped me gain weight. My final meal of the day before bed was usually high in protein but with some carbs.
a good way to tell that your doing good on the cal. count is if you feel fat after your meal. Not sure why but i feel boloated in the areas that fat stores on me when i have a good amount of cal.
get a 5lb bag of halloween candy and have at it.

I been doign that for the last month and im a fat bitch i probably gained 7 lbs of pure reeses
CoachB40 said:
There is no big secret to gaining mass. Eat more and lift heavy. Not knowing what you currently do makes it hard to revamp your program.


Just be sure to intake more calories than you burn. As our coaches told us "Eat big, sleep big, and lift big."
I am 13, and weight 130...

I also want to gain some muslce mass as believe it or not Im pretty skinny. Starting from scratch can someone give me good advice about what to eat, how often, and what type of workouts to do?
ThaiChampion said:
I am 13, and weight 130...

I also want to gain some muslce mass as believe it or not Im pretty skinny. Starting from scratch can someone give me good advice about what to eat, how often, and what type of workouts to do?

First of all: pushups, sit-ups, body-weight squats, dips, hill sprints, crunches, core-work, pullups, handstands/handstand pushups

Then, once you have conquered the bodyweight strength: Deadlifts, box squats, bench press, incline bench press, push press, rows, front squats, etc.

During all of this eat every moment you arent full.
In the morning, have something that tastes good and is full of energy (protien, carbs, fruit) so as to get your metabolism and appetite for the day going.

3 hours after that, eat again. If at first it seems impossible, prep yourself after 3 hours and dont wait a second longer than 4 hours from your other meal. Do this every 3-4 hours and you'll start to gain a bit. Eat every 3 hours, and you'll gain a truckload.

You can do the bodyweight exercises every day, and seperate the weighted ones out 2 or 3 times a week, into different body components. (legs, back/chest or legs/back, chest/arms/core etc.) This is less important than just doing something to grow (breaking down muscle) and eating (building up muscle).

Ask questions about those exercises in the strength and power forum, and try to get awnsers from Entropy. Train hard!
totalknockout said:
i have a problema i want to gain about 20 or so pounds but just cant seem to do it and keep my cardio good, my training is pretty hard and i think i take in the right amount of calories but i seen to stay at my wieght, im 6' tall and weight 148-150 pounds i want to weigh more aroung 170-180 but i was wondering if any of you guys have any goods tips to help me weither its diet or weights or something anything.???

What training is pretty hard? What are you doing?

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