Weight cut difficulty vs fight results


Brown Belt
Oct 18, 2017
Reaction score
Are there any studies or any objective analysis about if the ease or diffculty of a weight cut translates into fight success? I would say "leaving off the fringe 5% on both ends of the spectrum" such as going to the hospital or not bothering to do a cut at all.
In the Embedded it said that O'Malley is having his easiest weight cut ever. It seems like I've heard that before, and it hasn't necessarily translated to a victory. Before you start to flame this thread with "doh, of course hard cuts are bad for fight results" thoughtless posts, keep in mind that many champions are champions of a given division exactly because they go through ridiculous weight cuts.
Thoughts? Random insults?
It's not always known how hard the cut is for some people.

Ive seen Joanna Champion look like she struggles mightly to make 115 several times but it never seems to affect her performance.
Yeah, there's some highly objective analysis regarding this topic. Look at cormier's eyeballs almost sunken in to the back of his skull


then look at what happened to him

Yeah, there's some highly objective analysis regarding this topic. Look at cormier's eyeballs almost sunken in to the back of his skull


then look at what happened to him

Did you watch the fight itself? It was a flush head kick not the weight cut that dropped Cormier. Cormier showed no signs of being dehydrated, weak, or otherwise impaired before the kick.