ways of eating raw meat ?


Orange Belt
Jun 17, 2004
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i dont know .. im kinda interested in this , are there any way , of eating meat without cooking it ?

freezing it for long time would be safe ? using lemon (acid) to kill the bacteria would be enought ? anyone knows?

...get the meat as fresh as possible? then eat it? what kinda meat are we talking about, cause poultry seems like it would be gross and a bad idea...
mmmm meat in general , i dont have a forest near my house so i can hunt a deer , so im geting the meat like anyone else in the butcher , i get organic meat.
Dude, just don't go there. Eat sushi if you are that interested in raw stuff. lol
with all the food-bourne illnesses going around today, i would never think about eating raw meat..

Brand Nizzle said:
Eat sushi if you are that interested in raw stuff. lol
Didn't Ripley's have a freak that eats moldy meat on their show? I saw the commercials but didn't actually catch it.
Brand Nizzle said:
Dude, just don't go there. Eat sushi if you are that interested in raw stuff. lol

i agree.. i love sushi!.. just remember NO two sushi places make their sushi exactly the same.. some are better than others and they serve it with ginger for a reason..

ginger stimulates digestion so the food gets digested quickly and doesn't sit in ur stomach for too long.. i also recommend enzyme supplements if u don't like ginger..
Why would you want to eat raw meat?
Back in the eighties, lots of endurance athletes would eat raw hamburger before a race, claiming it was a great source of energy. I'd stick to rare steaks and drinking slightly cooked eggs myself.
oh shit i forgot about raw eggs. what do raw eggs do again? protein?
Good idea to do if you like Salmonella, hepatitus and a few other handy dandy diseases
supersudo said:
i agree.. i love sushi!.. just remember NO two sushi places make their sushi exactly the same.. some are better than others and they serve it with ginger for a reason..

ginger stimulates digestion so the food gets digested quickly and doesn't sit in ur stomach for too long.. i also recommend enzyme supplements if u don't like ginger..

I thought the ginger was used to clean your palate like how they use coffee to clean your nose sensors when you're looking for a cologne.

Steak tartar is raw. I wouldn;t eat raw steak unless I just brought it back from the butcher.
Timbaland said:
I thought the ginger was used to clean your palate like how they use coffee to clean your nose sensors when you're looking for a cologne.

Steak tartar is raw. I wouldn;t eat raw steak unless I just brought it back from the butcher.

It is used for both.

Steak tartar is awesome. I've had it several times. I imagine it's very, very fresh and still has to be prepared in a specific way.
So I've learned that for red meat like beef, it is actually very safe to eat raw. The meat in beef is too acidic for most bacteria to grow. The only place you can get sick is by the meat on the surface. This is why ground beef is so much more dangerous, the surface meat gets mixed with all the meat inside. I have a friend that eats raw meat regularly. He simply buys steaks, cuts off the outside edges and eats those cooked and then eats the middle of the steak raw. I don't usually go through this trouble. The way I do it is I still sear the outside of my steaks on a really freakin hot pan, then I stick it in a fairly warm oven until the inside of the steak is warm, like around 105 degrees, so it's pretty much uncooked. I just don't like cold meat for some reason. I also only get organic grass fed beef which I think helps cause cows brought up this way grow up on a field instead of packed together in grain feed depots rubbing against each other. However, my friend uses regular supermarket beef and he's never had a problem.

Don't try any of this with poultry, though. Poultry doesn't have that same acidity level in the meat to protect it.
How do you eat it anyways? I mean, how do you eat it? [pun from Austin powers] I mean, raw meat is like one whole chunk of fibrous rubber band. Your teeth cant bite but cant tear them up into seperate pieces. The only way to eat it then seems to be to swallow it.