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LOL, he did indeed.
not even a dyed in the wool fan of his but dude
made it clear he is the POTUS.
imagine if reporters had badgered Brocko like that.
cries of RACISM (despite the inconvenient Truth that Bama is bi-racial) would have been heard throughout the land!
at the end of the day, it's about getting results to PRESERVE and PROTECT
our country. and that doesn't include letting any MORE illegals in.
obrama did nothing, Trump is trying to do something.

the fact that he's a twitter freak and possibly bat shit crazy doesn't detract from
his ability to GET SHIT DONE in a govt structure that by it's very nature inhibits
action of any kind.
Conspiracy that there's a secret plot by Trump to expose and arrest Democrats for being pedophiles, murderers, and election riggers. Has been releasing goofy ass "QPosts" that make vague allusions to people being locked up and declassification of State Secrets™. Seriously, these nuts think Mueller is actually trying to gain info on arresting Obama and the entirety of Democratic leadership.

Prove to me that that ISN'T happening. Oh, you can't? Checkmate, it's real.
This seems appropriate


In the Midst of Crisis, FDA Approves Opioid Drug 10X Stronger than Fentanyl Funded by DoD
A new opioid drug which is 1,000 times stronger than morphine and funded by the Department of Defense, was just approved by the FDA.

The FDA has approved the rollout of a new opioid drug up to 1000 times stronger than morphine, despite the opioid crisis that is currently killing more Americans than any other cause of accidental death.

The agency sided with its Anesthetic and Analgesic Advisory Panel, which voted 10-3 to approve Dsuvia, a sublingual tablet form of sufentanil, against the recommendation of its chairman. At 5-10 times the strength of fentanyl, sufentanil is 500-1000 times stronger than morphine, and will supposedly only be administered to treat acute pain in medically-supervised settings.

Fentanyl, too, is available only by prescription, yet a significant quantity is manufactured in illegal labs or diverted to the street, where it regularly kills opioid addicts who aren’t even aware they are taking it.
This seems appropriate


In the Midst of Crisis, FDA Approves Opioid Drug 10X Stronger than Fentanyl Funded by DoD
A new opioid drug which is 1,000 times stronger than morphine and funded by the Department of Defense, was just approved by the FDA.

The FDA has approved the rollout of a new opioid drug up to 1000 times stronger than morphine, despite the opioid crisis that is currently killing more Americans than any other cause of accidental death.

The agency sided with its Anesthetic and Analgesic Advisory Panel, which voted 10-3 to approve Dsuvia, a sublingual tablet form of sufentanil, against the recommendation of its chairman. At 5-10 times the strength of fentanyl, sufentanil is 500-1000 times stronger than morphine, and will supposedly only be administered to treat acute pain in medically-supervised settings.

Fentanyl, too, is available only by prescription, yet a significant quantity is manufactured in illegal labs or diverted to the street, where it regularly kills opioid addicts who aren’t even aware they are taking it.

tl;dr: Is the addict gonna pay more to get off or less? Drugs are like regressive taxation.
This seems appropriate


In the Midst of Crisis, FDA Approves Opioid Drug 10X Stronger than Fentanyl Funded by DoD
A new opioid drug which is 1,000 times stronger than morphine and funded by the Department of Defense, was just approved by the FDA.

The FDA has approved the rollout of a new opioid drug up to 1000 times stronger than morphine, despite the opioid crisis that is currently killing more Americans than any other cause of accidental death.

The agency sided with its Anesthetic and Analgesic Advisory Panel, which voted 10-3 to approve Dsuvia, a sublingual tablet form of sufentanil, against the recommendation of its chairman. At 5-10 times the strength of fentanyl, sufentanil is 500-1000 times stronger than morphine, and will supposedly only be administered to treat acute pain in medically-supervised settings.

Fentanyl, too, is available only by prescription, yet a significant quantity is manufactured in illegal labs or diverted to the street, where it regularly kills opioid addicts who aren’t even aware they are taking it.
"funded by the Department of Defense, and just approved by the FDA".

Rolls right off the tongue.
That reporter is really disrespectful. And Trump handled that like a boss.

LOL, he did indeed.
not even a dyed in the wool fan of his but dude
made it clear he is the POTUS.
imagine if reporters had badgered Brocko like that.
cries of RACISM (despite the inconvenient Truth that Bama is bi-racial) would have been heard throughout the land!
at the end of the day, it's about getting results to PRESERVE and PROTECT
our country. and that doesn't include letting any MORE illegals in.
obrama did nothing, Trump is trying to do something.

the fact that he's a twitter freak and possibly bat shit crazy doesn't detract from
his ability to GET SHIT DONE in a govt structure that by it's very nature inhibits
action of any kind.

Agreed. Trump is an asshole and his rhetoric is generally inappropriate regarding the press (and it has been since he was Candidate Trump), BUT... they do themselves no favors with shit like this.
That reporter is really disrespectful. And Trump handled that like a boss.

I'm curious. Have you ever stopped to think about how you're a blatant bootlicker of someone who systematically fucked over the working man to save money when it comes to contracts?

Or someone who flaunted not paying taxes while your children's teachers have to take second jobs to buy supplies?

Or your dismissal of the fact the dude straight up fucked a porn star while his wife was alone watching his newborn?

Or the fact he's openly attacked the constitution? Including the 2A?

Someone that instead of praying decided to talk shit about a former governer over a tv showin an important moment for Christians?

You openly support someone who disrespected every single service member who was captured.

God damn dude. I hope you realize you're a fucking scumbag. I'll pray for you and your unvaccinated children.
Conspiracy that there's a secret plot by Trump to expose and arrest Democrats for being pedophiles, murderers, and election riggers. Has been releasing goofy ass "QPosts" that make vague allusions to people being locked up and declassification of State Secrets™. Seriously, these nuts think Mueller is actually trying to gain info on arresting Obama and the entirety of Democratic leadership.
Sounds legit.
Georgia won't be resolved for a while because a couple hundred thousand ballots are the subject of a court case. Florida is doing a recount (of course). Arizona "found" a bunch of ballots, but might be done now. That's about it
I guess Oprah is leading the charge in Georgia
I'm curious. Have you ever stopped to think about how you're a blatant bootlicker of someone who systematically fucked over the working man to save money when it comes to contracts?

Or someone who flaunted not paying taxes while your children's teachers have to take second jobs to buy supplies?

Or your dismissal of the fact the dude straight up fucked a porn star while his wife was alone watching his newborn?

Or the fact he's openly attacked the constitution? Including the 2A?

Someone that instead of praying decided to talk shit about a former governer over a tv showin an important moment for Christians?

You openly support someone who disrespected every single service member who was captured.

God damn dude. I hope you realize you're a fucking scumbag. I'll pray for you and your unvaccinated children.

Every politician fucks over working people.

Do you really believe Democrat’s care about anything or anyone besides what gives them power?

All wealthy people find ways to dodge taxes.

Yeah, he’s a shitty husband. Plus, his affairs have been consensual. Not one Democrat gave a shit about Bill Clinton’s shenanigans while that fiasco was happening. As a matter of fact they defended him. His marital situation doesn’t matter to me.

You should like the fact that he’s attacked the 2nd Amendment. Why are you complaining? Has he done anything to amend it?

So now you are concerned with how veterans feel? Where is this concern when athletes kneel during the Anthem?

This is fake outrage at its finest. You just don’t like Republicans, period. Trump rubs it in your face, so you despise him.

You preaching morals to @Ripskater is hilarious.
Every politician fucks over working people.

Do you really believe Democrat’s care about anything or anyone besides what gives them power?

lol @ you expecting anyone to go along with this blatant dishonesty and denial of reality.

Democrats, or non-Republican politicians in general, do not fuck over working people nor pass bad faith economic policy to the detriment of ordinary people to any degree remotely comparable to Republicans. Even if you take this nihilistic position that all politicians are just conduits for influence and have no actual positions, the fact that Republicans receive greater amounts from corporate groups and the wealthy and Democrats receive exponentially more in small donations from working people makes your argument fallacious at best and disingenuous at worst.

Democrats are pushing for worker rights that allow workers to improve their wages and conditions, worker protections that protect workers from abuse and endangerment by profit-driven employers, consumer protections that protect ordinary people from fraud and harm by commercial enterprises, progressive taxation that mitigates poverty and concentration of wealth at the top of society, environmental regulations that prioritize citizen livelihood over short-term corporate profits, single payer healthcare that will steeply reduce average cost of medical services by cutting out parasitic profit motives and steeply increase access, and regulate campaign finance so the ultra-wealthy don't gain outsized influence over the political environment to the detriment of ordinary people.

Republicans are pushing to gut unions, empower abusive employers, remove worker protections, deregulate and enable consumer fraud, flatten taxation so that existing inequality is accelerated, slash environmental regulations so short-term corporate profits outweigh long-term ecological health, shamelessly legislative on behalf of insurance agencies so that premiums rise and access declines, and deregulate campaign finance so that legalized corruption becomes more common and wealthy persons further control political discourse and elections.

You're shameless and it's pathetic.
lol @ you expecting anyone to go along with this blatant dishonesty and denial of reality.

Democrats, or non-Republican politicians in general, do not fuck over working people nor pass bad faith economic policy to the detriment of ordinary people to any degree remotely comparable to Republicans. Even if you take this nihilistic position that all politicians are just conduits for influence and have no actual positions, the fact that Republicans receive greater amounts from corporate groups and the wealthy and Democrats receive exponentially more in small donations from working people makes your argument fallacious at best and disingenuous at worst.

Democrats are pushing for worker rights that allow workers to improve their wages and conditions, worker protections that protect workers from abuse and endangerment by profit-driven employers, consumer protections that protect ordinary people from fraud and harm by commercial enterprises, progressive taxation that mitigates poverty and concentration of wealth at the top of society, environmental regulations that prioritize citizen livelihood over short-term corporate profits, single payer healthcare that will steeply reduce average cost of medical services by cutting out parasitic profit motives and steeply increase access, and regulate campaign finance so the ultra-wealthy don't gain outsized influence over the political environment to the detriment of ordinary people.

Republicans are pushing to gut unions, empower abusive employers, remove worker protections, deregulate and enable consumer fraud, flatten taxation so that existing inequality is accelerated, slash environmental regulations so short-term corporate profits outweigh long-term ecological health, shamelessly legislative on behalf of insurance agencies so that premiums rise and access declines, and deregulate campaign finance so that legalized corruption becomes more common and wealthy persons further control political discourse and elections.

You're shameless and it's pathetic.
I agree with cap. I dont know why you have to toss in all the insults. I dont say that stuff because I want to insult dems, I say that stuff because I dont see how any of these politicians do anything for our benefit. I think youd be more effective if you just explained why we are wrong without throwing in the insults TBH, bro. Just IMO :cool:
I agree with cap. I dont know why you have to toss in all the insults. I dont say that stuff because I want to insult dems, I say that stuff because I dont see how any of these politicians do anything for our benefit. I think youd be more effective if you just explained why we are wrong without throwing in the insults TBH, bro. Just IMO :cool:
Yep. Do you notice that when I post here, I never resort to petty name calling unless it’s some sort of personal scrap. It comes off as thin skinned and egotistical.

For some reason a lot of people here think politicians give a shit about average people. But sit back and reflect. I’ve gone through Republican and Democratic presidents, the Senate and House have changed hands many times and yet we are all still bitching about the same shit, year in and year out.

Politicians don’t want us to unify. They make sure we are at each other’s throats. Divide and rule is a very real thing and we apparently are too stupid to realize it.

You can say, “well get out and vote!” Yet we just keep electing the same politicians who do the same shit, over and over.

The politicians aren’t the idiots, we are the idiots.
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lol @ you expecting anyone to go along with this blatant dishonesty and denial of reality.

Democrats, or non-Republican politicians in general, do not fuck over working people nor pass bad faith economic policy to the detriment of ordinary people to any degree remotely comparable to Republicans. Even if you take this nihilistic position that all politicians are just conduits for influence and have no actual positions, the fact that Republicans receive greater amounts from corporate groups and the wealthy and Democrats receive exponentially more in small donations from working people makes your argument fallacious at best and disingenuous at worst.

Democrats are pushing for worker rights that allow workers to improve their wages and conditions, worker protections that protect workers from abuse and endangerment by profit-driven employers, consumer protections that protect ordinary people from fraud and harm by commercial enterprises, progressive taxation that mitigates poverty and concentration of wealth at the top of society, environmental regulations that prioritize citizen livelihood over short-term corporate profits, single payer healthcare that will steeply reduce average cost of medical services by cutting out parasitic profit motives and steeply increase access, and regulate campaign finance so the ultra-wealthy don't gain outsized influence over the political environment to the detriment of ordinary people.

Republicans are pushing to gut unions, empower abusive employers, remove worker protections, deregulate and enable consumer fraud, flatten taxation so that existing inequality is accelerated, slash environmental regulations so short-term corporate profits outweigh long-term ecological health, shamelessly legislative on behalf of insurance agencies so that premiums rise and access declines, and deregulate campaign finance so that legalized corruption becomes more common and wealthy persons further control political discourse and elections.

You're shameless and it's pathetic.
@sniper did.

I may be shameless, but Im not pathetic enough to buy the bullshit politicians feed me.
Yep. Do you notice that when I post here, I never resort to petty name calling unless it’s some sort of personal scrap. It comes off as thin skinned and egotistical.

For some reason a lot of people here think politicians give a shit about average people. But sit back and reflect. I’ve gone through Republican and Democratic presidents, the Senate and House have changed hands many times and yet we are all still bitching about the same shit, year in and year out.

Politicians don’t want us to unify. They make sure we are at each other’s throats. Divide and rule is a very real thing and we apparently are too stupid to realize it.

You can say, “well get out and vote!” Yet we just keep record cling the same politicians who do tge sane shit, over and over.

The politicians aren’t the idiots, we are the idiots.

Cap, I'll say this without insults, but I think you're just flat wrong. You're both-siding an issue that isn't affecting both sides.

The basic issue is that the GOP has been totally taken over by oligarchs at the institutional level (I think you agree but it's not the same on the left). Their policy preferences are very unpopular (even with their own base) so to win, they have to play identity politics to divide people, lie about their policies, promote general cynicism, and fight against democracy. None of that applies to the other party, as their policy preferences are popular, majoritarianism benefits them, and more participation (which cynicism works against) benefits them.
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