War Room Lounge v189: Big-Time Nerd Quarrels

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Dude. There's a middle fucking ground. And it's not brewed at 65C it's served at that something close to that temp. C'mon. She had 3rd degree fucking burns and never regained her quality of life. That should piss you off.

I mean for brewed coffee as opposed to espresso.
It's unfortunate, and McDonalds should certainly have covered her medical expenses. Same as if someone slipped in their store and injured themselves.
The problem is that this case did in fact reduce the quality of coffee being served (not really talking about McDonalds, because they didn't do anything remotely approaching quality coffee at the time anyway), due to the scale of the damages awarded.
No offense, but LOL

Obviously they can still take steps and sneak in, but what I mean is they'll be ban on sight. At the moment it takes a couple of bans, or something pretty exceptional, to reach that status.
Semi-decent follow-up.

That's the worst kind of pussy, in the same class as "I know your boss and I'm going to have you fired." Every time, I've said, "Well, my boss knows me and trusts me to do my job properly so go right ahead because he will back me and my integrity and I don't have a thing to worry about. Go right the fuck ahead. Do you want to talk to him right now? I'll get him on the phone for you."

The bouncer should have used his ID to drag him to his home and hold him up to his father in order to ask what the fuck he does that he raised such a piece of shit pussy.


fuck man, bill burr is one of the most naturally funny human beings to walk the earth. plenty of guys are funny on stage, but being just as funny off stage is a gift. his podcast is gold.

but yeah, i equate that to the same guy who does the "none of you wanna fuck with me! trust me, i will fuck you up" tirade. anyone who goes off like that is terrified.
The American right is almost purely designed toward disinformation now. Honestly, the libertarian leftists/liberal types like Taibbi and Greenwald taking shots at Twitter for "censorship" really piss me off. The idea that we should allow right wingers in positions of great power to lie with impunity toward destroying democracy - and that fact check disclaimers are some grave infringement on that right if expression - is monumentally stupid imo. When a powerful lie gets into the political bloodstream, pointing it out is the least that should be done.

Agreed, you articulate bastard.

I've seen stuff on Reddit with right-wingers saying stupid shit like "fact-checkers didn't exist before 2016" as though fact-checking hasn't pretty much always been an important factor in journalism.

Quoting myself from the election thread:

The thing with Trump, and a lot of his supporters, is that they have long ago stopped caring about facts and reality a long time ago. They will put out wild claims and allegations, and what matters to them is that it furthers their own world view and perceived truth. There is no point for them in following up or revising their claim, they will rather push out another, new claim.

To follow up on this, I feel this explanation is a good lens to use and look at current events. It does not matter how often courts strike their crap down and how desperately they are looking for something that's not there - yesterday's bs claim is already old news.

And it also provides a good explanation to why fact-checking does not work with them. They simply do. Not. Care.

Still, I think it runs deeper. If we take social constructivism as the leading theory to understand the difference between Trump supporters and the majority of 'sane' people (from my perspective), a lot does come down to trust. Do we trust the scientific process to deliver superior results to personal experience? Someone (you?) recently linked an article showing that conservatives value personal experience much higher than liberals, relatively speaking, compared to observations and knowledge generated by science. In other words: "climate science is probably not real because it has been a cold winter where I live".

I do believe this to be true for a majority of die hard Trumpers. Of course, there are many voters who support GOP candidates because they think it will benefit them personally. But back to the construction of reality: To me, the results of the scientific process and the communication about it are a key pillar in the social construction of reality. For Trump supporters, science results are one data point, but Trump's claim and the experience of Uncle Jim from rural Idaho are on the same level.

And then there is the attention span issue I outlined before. There also is the tactical compoment. Trump is flooding people with bullshit messages. Almost every single thing he says is totally pulled out of his (or some crazy blogger's) ass. But in total, they reaffirm his world view, which provides a frame of reference for his supporters. Add to that that these are often people of the middle class and lower middle class. They have something to lose and are looking for someone to provide safety to them.

The same strata of the German society voted the Austrian into office.


fuck man, bill burr is one of the most naturally funny human beings to walk the earth. plenty of guys are funny on stage, but being just as funny off stage is a gift. his podcast is gold.

but yeah, i equate that to the same guy who does the "none of you wanna fuck with me! trust me, i will fuck you up" tirade. anyone who goes off like that is terrified.
Yeah, Bill Burr is great.
Did not see the fight, but read the PBP and was just like what the hell when I saw the judge scoring for Felder. Opinions?
Smack me if I ever use granulated sugar or simple syrup over maple syrup in an Old Fashioned again.
I think the most tragic part about Appalachia becoming the most Republican region in the country, aside from the development's roots in Republican-led union-busting, is how much beauty there is in bluegrass.

They decided to go through with the swingers convention and I didn't realize that. I made about $300 slinging some ahem. Did not realize I accidentally invited a gangbang into my 650 sq foot apartment just trying to make a bit of cash to miss eviction. I got my dick sucked while eating oysters while Alexa played Neon Moon.

Bruh. 2020 fuckig wild.
Did not see the fight, but read the PBP and was just like what the hell when I saw the judge scoring for Felder. Opinions?
There’s no way anyone should have scored it for Felder, I say that as someone who likes Felder and watched it live.
Smack me if I ever use granulated sugar or simple syrup over maple syrup in an Old Fashioned again.
Maple syrup is the GOAT. I don’t drink those, but you can’t top maple syrup ever.
I think the most tragic part about Appalachia becoming the most Republican region in the country, aside from the development's roots in Republican-led union-busting, is how much beauty there is in bluegrass.

I didn't expect to like this.
I think the most tragic part about Appalachia becoming the most Republican region in the country, aside from the development's roots in Republican-led union-busting, is how much beauty there is in bluegrass.

Gillian is not a pretty woman, but I have had a huge crush on her for years. Her voice ....if you ever get to see the Dave Rawlings Machine live (she sings w Dave) it’s a must, the talent in that band is incredible.
I know @BAM covered many of the salient points, but here's a really good breakdown of the relevant events,
"Stella Liebeck was a 79 year-old woman living in New Mexico.


79 year-old Stella Liebeck in court. (Image Source: gruberlawgroup)
One day, she went through a McDonald's drive-through and ordered coffee. She wasn't driving. Her grandson was.

After receiving their order, they pulled into a parking spot to put cream and sugar into the coffee. There were no cup holders in the car, so Stella steadied it between her knees and opened the lid. The coffee gushed out onto her thighs and groin.

She screamed in agony, and her grandson rushed her to the hospital. As it turned out, Stella had suffered – not second degree burns, which would have been painful – but third-degree, full-thickness burns to 16% of her body.

The pictures of her burned thighs are, in a word, horrific.

She required extensive skin grafts and surgery.

Her family asked McDonald's to cover her expensive medical bills – as Stella Liebeck was retired and didn't have much money. McDonald's responded with an offer of $800.

When the family said that amount didn't come close to covering the medical expenses, McDonald's told them to get a lawyer.

The court arranged two mediation meetings, but McDonald's didn't attend either. The corporation clearly wanted a jury trial. Liebeck's lawyer approached McDonald's with a $50K settlement (note the original request for medical costs was about $30K--Andy Capp). McDonald's refused.

In court, it was revealed that McDonald's heated its coffee to 187 degrees F, or 86 C. Most coffee is heated to around 150 degrees F, or 65 degrees C. McDonald's kept it that hot because it made for a longer shelf life. In other words, it was a business decision.

McDonald's lawyers also brought in a chart showing that only 700 people had been scalded by their coffee, which they saw as statistically insignificant considering they serve millions of coffees a day. That tactic would turn out to be a mistake, as the jury found that stat anything but insignificant.

In the end, the jury decided Stella was 25% at fault for spilling her coffee, McDonald's 75% at fault for scalding her with its overheated product.

The jury awarded Stella about $200,000. But the judge wasn't happy with McDonald's, and directed the jury to implement punitive damages. So the jurors ordered McDonald's to give Stella two-days worth of coffee sales – which totaled $2.7 million.

Stella never regained her quality of life after the incident.

All she had wanted was to cover her medical expenses.

It wasn't a frivolous lawsuit.

It was a cautionary tale for corporations."
There is an outstanding documentary on this called “Hot Coffee”. I highly recommend it.
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