War Room Lounge v185: Orange Man Fad

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So can someone rationally explain to me the 138 thousand Michigan votes? I tend to lean towards not believing in conspiracy and assume that there is a raitonal explanation 138 k votes that were found during the night in Michigan all went to Biden but I am struggling to understand how that is possible.
There's no conspiracy of any merit whatsoever. We were being told all night that a bunch of votes were coming in all at once from Milwaukee, and then they did. I was obsessively refreshing the AP live tracker and saw it shift right in front of my eyes. But it wasn't just for Biden; Trumps tally changed as well. Joe just got a hell of a lot more. Like, way way more.
There's no conspiracy of any merit whatsoever. We were being told all night that a bunch of votes were coming in all at once from Milwaukee, and then they did. I was obsessively refreshing the AP live tracker and saw it shift right in front of my eyes. But it wasn't just for Biden; Trumps tally changed as well. Joe just got a hell of a lot more. Like, way way more.

Where is the claim coming from then that 138 thousand were "found" that all went to biden? For exampl this meme. Which I am not endorsing just an example of what I am seeing
Where is the claim coming from then that 138 thousand were "found" that all went to biden? For exampl this meme. Which I am not endorsing just an example of what I am seeing
i'm not gonna try to unpack a meme bud
But the "found" votes in Michigan, for example, weren't found. They were always there and we were specifically told would be coming late in the night. Wouldn't it have been strange for Milwaukee to pack it in with a giant portion of the votes uncounted?
Same with that other clown, the duff beer guy kid who starts threads.
Where is the claim coming from then that 138 thousand were "found" that all went to biden? For exampl this meme. Which I am not endorsing just an example of what I am seeing
Good example of the problem with political memes.
I think Trump will turn Arizona. It is gonna be insane
Hard to even muster an ounce of joy given the catastrophic failure in the legislature. I'd rather have 4 more years of Trump and a Democratic senate than Joe Biden and no senate hopes for years in sight.
well, I'm more in the centre-right, you're definitely on the left flank.

But looking at it from your position, I'd rather have control of the executive than the Senate, if that was the choice. Can veto, use executive orders, undo executive orders, control of international affairs. Controlling the senate w/ no other support just means you're opposed to everything.
Where is the claim coming from then that 138 thousand were "found" that all went to biden? For exampl this meme. Which I am not endorsing just an example of what I am seeing
ie chainmail bullshit you get from old relatives that are not hip to the internet and get scammed by Nigerian princes.

What the internet has exposed these past few years is far more people are susceptible to fraud than once originally thought.
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