Social War Room Lounge Thread #322 The Nexus will be your friend, accept it deep inside of your existence

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@Whippy McGee

i randomly stumbled upon this ridiculous "article" and i think it's time to stage an intervention my friend.

13 Ways Your Life Will Improve When You Quit Surfing​

if i was a betting man, i would have to wager that this person who wrote this shit cannot swim and is terrified of stepping foot in the ocean because of sharks or some shit. either that, or a surfer stole his high school sweetheart.

at first i thought this was some kind of weird satire website, but then the next article seemed legit. who comes up with this shit?
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@Whippy McGee

i randomly stumbled upon this ridiculous "article" and i think it's time to stage an intervention my friend.

13 Ways Your Life Will Improve When You Quit Surfing​

if i was a betting man, i would have to wager that this person who wrote this shit cannot swim and is terrified of stepping foot in the ocean because of sharks or some shit. either that, or a surfer stole his high school sweetheart.

at first i thought this was some kind of weird satire website, but then the next article seemed legit. who comes up with this shit?

lol... He had some points, but he seems to be a poser and only focusing on posers. Most surfers are not like his stereotypes... and I know a whole lot of them from pros to old soul surfers. A key trait in most Surfers is that they do not follow the crowd and do their own thing. "Rugged Individualists" is a good descriptor.

Here's my personal responses.

1. You Can Stop Being a Heartthrob

I was never a heart throb. I was always a good looking guy (7.5/8) and still am, but I grew up with 4 sisters, no brothers, and they set me straight. Most the surfers I know have steady women and don't bounce around. The author is dreaming, because he wanted to be a "heartthrob".

2. You Can Stop Peeing in your Wetsuit

No... and peeing in the wetsuit is awesome on a cold day. Why would I stop?

3. You Can Stop
Being an Asshole

Surfers are some of the nicest people. We'll save you in the water before a lifeguard could ever make it. We pick up trash all the time as a rule. We are pretty chill and relaxed, because we get the endorphins often from a strong work out. With that said, alright... we can be assholes when we see people walking their dog on the beach in areas they don't belong or littering. We will come up to people that drop their garbage and hand it back to them to their faces. I've done it... most of us have. We don't like being in surf with trash.

4. You Can Clean Your Car – and your Ears

My truck is clean. WTF? I do have "Swimmer's Ear" whatever that means... the doc tells me, but I don't listen to him much.

5. You Can Toss the Tattoos

They got us here, but not me. I have zero tats, but most my boys do. Yeah.

6. You Get to Dress Normal

I lose this one. I wear shorts, flip flops, Vans, etc... often.

7. You Don’t Have to Wear Vans Anymore

Yeah.... well the new Vans have arch support, cushion, and are nice. I'm wearing a pair right now... at my office, but it is Friday.

8. You Don’t Have to Pretend to like the Ukulele Anymore

I have zero musical skills and cannot sing. I don't now any of my boys that do either. Where did he get this one?

9. You Can Finally Change Your Kid’s Names

My son is "Jake". Jake is a badass. While he surfs, he prefers BJJ. He would absolutely kick this author's ass.

10. You Can Stop Wearing Flat Brims

I hate flat brims. Where did he get this one?

11. You Don’t Have to Pretend to Like Jack Johnson Anymore

Meh... Jack has a song or two, but is not on my playlist.

12. You Can Get a Real Job

I'm and EVP for a company that deals in data and analytics for nuclear plants, aerospace, and enormous project and secret sites. WTF?
Look, it's not a rocket rodent. It's a missile marsupial. Get it right.
lol... He had some points, but he seems to be a poser and only focusing on posers. Most surfers are not like his stereotypes... and I know a whole lot of them from pros to old soul surfers. A key trait in most Surfers is that they do not follow the crowd and do their own thing. "Rugged Individualists" is a good descriptor.

Here's my personal responses.

1. You Can Stop Being a Heartthrob

I was never a heart throb. I was always a good looking guy (7.5/8) and still am, but I grew up with 4 sisters, no brothers, and they set me straight. Most the surfers I know have steady women and don't bounce around. The author is dreaming, because he wanted to be a "heartthrob".

2. You Can Stop Peeing in your Wetsuit

No... and peeing in the wetsuit is awesome on a cold day. Why would I stop?

3. You Can Stop
Being an Asshole

Surfers are some of the nicest people. We'll save you in the water before a lifeguard could ever make it. We pick up trash all the time as a rule. We are pretty chill and relaxed, because we get the endorphins often from a strong work out. With that said, alright... we can be assholes when we see people walking their dog on the beach in areas they don't belong or littering. We will come up to people that drop their garbage and hand it back to them to their faces. I've done it... most of us have. We don't like being in surf with trash.

4. You Can Clean Your Car – and your Ears

My truck is clean. WTF? I do have "Swimmer's Ear" whatever that means... the doc tells me, but I don't listen to him much.

5. You Can Toss the Tattoos

They got us here, but not me. I have zero tats, but most my boys do. Yeah.

6. You Get to Dress Normal

I lose this one. I wear shorts, flip flops, Vans, etc... often.

7. You Don’t Have to Wear Vans Anymore

Yeah.... well the new Vans have arch support, cushion, and are nice. I'm wearing a pair right now... at my office, but it is Friday.

8. You Don’t Have to Pretend to like the Ukulele Anymore

I have zero musical skills and cannot sing. I don't now any of my boys that do either. Where did he get this one?

9. You Can Finally Change Your Kid’s Names

My son is "Jake". Jake is a badass. While he surfs, he prefers BJJ. He would absolutely kick this author's ass.

10. You Can Stop Wearing Flat Brims

I hate flat brims. Where did he get this one?

11. You Don’t Have to Pretend to Like Jack Johnson Anymore

Meh... Jack has a song or two, but is not on my playlist.

12. You Can Get a Real Job

I'm and EVP for a company that deals in data and analytics for nuclear plants, aerospace, and enormous project and secret sites. WTF?

i guess that it's safe to say that the author pretty much got it all wrong.
So, the Oilers won game 6; quite the Cinderella story.

I don't care about hockey, TBH, but even I can get into this apparently epic collapse by Florida.

The final should be interesting.

Attn: @Cajun .


Aayyyyy! Dats my jam. I just had 5lbs for lunch. Is this you?! Where did you manage to get crawfish up there? Look good bud. No seasoning on the outside looks like they soaked them which is good. How well were they seasoned? It's getting to the end of the season (few weeks imo) so the shells get really hard at the end of the molt and it's hard to get the seasoning in them. Longer soaking. Curious how you found them. Hopefully you shared with your beautiful baby girl.
I've never had those but if they taste like baby lobsters I'm all in...
Better imo. The seasoning is soaked into the crawfish so the meat and heads have some incredible flavor. But yeah texture is similar but softer since they are smaller. Really got to try. It's my favorite food bar none along with cajun boiled blue crab
Aayyyyy! Dats my jam. I just had 5lbs for lunch. Is this you?! Where did you manage to get crawfish up there? Look good bud. No seasoning on the outside looks like they soaked them which is good. How well were they seasoned? It's getting to the end of the season (few weeks imo) so the shells get really hard at the end of the molt and it's hard to get the seasoning in them. Longer soaking. Curious how you found them. Hopefully you shared with your beautiful baby girl.
Visiting family outside of Houston. The kid, brother in law and myself took down about 4lbs along with catfish, gator bites, boudan balls, and a bunch of other stuff. Kids a champ, she did work!
Better imo. The seasoning is soaked into the crawfish so the meat and heads have some incredible flavor. But yeah texture is similar but softer since they are smaller. Really got to try. It's my favorite food bar none along with cajun boiled blue crab
I love me some bolied crabs too. I've never had crayfish so haven't done the head sucking but I'll split up lobsters and crabs and eat all the rib meat and whatever that green stuff is that's inside the "carapace"... {<tongue}
I love me some bolied crabs too. I've never had crayfish so haven't done the head sucking but I'll split up lobsters and crabs and eat all the rib meat and whatever that green stuff is that's inside the "carapace"... {<tongue}
Something to think about, aside from my pedantic need to tell you it's called tomalley,

"The tomalley is the soft, green substance found in the body cavity of the lobster. It functions as the liver and pancreas, and test results have shown the tomalley can accumulate contaminants found in the environment."
Something to think about, aside from my pedantic need to tell you it's called tomalley,

"The tomalley is the soft, green substance found in the body cavity of the lobster. It functions as the liver and pancreas, and test results have shown the tomalley can accumulate contaminants found in the environment."
Damn you brainiac, that stuff was my favorite part, now I'll be thinking of mercury the next time I boil lobsters! <Prem972>

PS I always thought it was just their undigested food.
Better imo. The seasoning is soaked into the crawfish so the meat and heads have some incredible flavor. But yeah texture is similar but softer since they are smaller. Really got to try. It's my favorite food bar none along with cajun boiled blue crab
Is that right, now, mister? Now, I'm not gonna say thems is fightin' words er nuthin' on account uh who the fuck talks like that? :D

But seriously, I hope I get the chance to compare before too long. But it's hard to imagine LOL
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