Virtue Signaling in Gaming Megathread, v.1

I'll reply in influencer response since this is how you wish to communicate:

I've watched many of Asmongold's videos, and I watched that one in its entirety.

And its so typical that immediately after the racist tweets from Sweet Baby Inc members and Black Girl Gamers, that we get another... not 2 weeks after... from the XBox Global Marketing woman purposely excluding white men, implying they need to be reminded that not all gamers are white men.

Name another race, or gender (of the hundreds), this would be allowed from a high-level executive within a fraction-of-a-trillion dollar corporation.

No one calls out black females.
No one calls out asian men.
No one calls out latin it/its.

Its exclusively white males who are called out in an exclusionary & derogatory manner, and apparently its tollerated by those who claim to hate racism & sexism.

And leftists, like you, are fine with that.

So go ahead, KanesDeath, explain why you're accepting of racism & sexism against white men.
And leftists, like you, are fine with that.

So go ahead, KanesDeath, explain why you're accepting of racism & sexism against white men.

Im a registered republican. In all my years on Sherdog your the second person here to call racism. First being @HereticBD a few years ago.

Every topic no matter how innocuous must impose a hardline position. No sliding scale of importance and or empathy can be applied. When someone says something illogical i wont label them with every vile tag. For thats how extremist are created.

Its time you start to do some self reflection. Youve been slowly radicalized to think every molehill is a mountain.
Im a registered republican.
I'll take 'Irrelevant Facts' for a $1000, Alex?

In all my years on Sherdog your the second person here to call racism. First being @HereticBD a few years ago.
Is this a defense, or deflection, of your acceptance of racism & sexism.

Bet you don't even consider it to be racism & sexism in your internal monolog.

Every topic no matter how innocuous must impose a hardline position. No sliding scale of importance and or empathy can be applied. When someone says something illogical i wont label them with every vile tag. For thats how extremist are created.

Its time you start to do some self reflection. Youve been slowly radicalized to think every molehill is a mountain.

Still waiting for your rationalization for why you're accepting of racism & sexism against white men, KanesDeath.
Im a registered republican.
Is this a defense, or deflection, of your acceptance of racism & sexism.

Thursday i was told im a Putin supporter by portuguese fans for i agreed with PGL denying Gaules staff press credentials. Yesterday and today here im being called a sexist/racist supporter or RINO.

Content of your posts is why sycophants and vitriol opposites only engage. Where every topic must turn into a flame war. Acting like internet karens is not that of a functioning adult.
Thursday i was told im a Putin supporter by portuguese fans for i agreed with PGL denying Gaules staff press credentials. Yesterday and today here im being called a sexist/racist supporter or RINO.

Content of your posts is why sycophants and vitriol opposites only engage. Where every topic must turn into a flame war. Acting like internet karens is not that of a functioning adult.

You're a 'Republican.'
You're a 'Putin Supporter' or whatever else.

All of that is irrelevant and you're attempting to deflect by mentioning other subjects. At least try to stay on topic within this thread and answer this question -

"What is your rationalization for why you're accepting of racism & sexism against white men?"

Is it such a hard question to provide an answer to?
Content of your posts is why sycophants and vitriol opposites only engage. Where every topic must turn into a flame war. Acting like internet karens is not that of a functioning adult.

You're the ultimate internet Karen. Nothing interesting to say. Just "Excuse me! I have an issue with what you said! Acknowledge me!"

You're either a troll, or a very predictable and boring person.
They really don't like Asmond talking about this. My guess is because he gets the most views and is getting an accurate timeline of events out to any who watch.

He actually had a remarkably reasonable take, and now he's getting shit from journalist websites and prominent members of said websites for it.
In this video he states that he actually doesn't have an issue with putting a political message in your video game. He observes that the reason a lot of gamers are not accepting these kinds of activities from western developers is because western developers are not earnest in their professed political/moral stance. He cites the difference between Square Enix and Blizzard Entertainment in how they handled pushback against more progressive characters in their games.

Isn't this the guy complaining that all his favorite underage-girl-anime is getting censored?
Isn't this the guy complaining that all his favorite underage-girl-anime is getting censored?
What's with the long hair beardo look? He reminds of that other creepy Youtube dude who just talked politics and would end all his videos with "That's all for now". Not sure if he's still around, but it's a very creepy look. Raises the eyebrows.
What's with the long hair beardo look? He reminds of that other creepy Youtube dude who just talked politics and would end all his videos with "That's all for now". Not sure if he's still around, but it's a very creepy look. Raises the eyebrows.

The dead, shark eyes creep me out.
"What is your rationalization for why you're accepting of racism & sexism against white men?"

For i rebuke both of you. And by 'both of you' i mean the actions of individuals/entities like Sweet Baby Inc and posters like you.

Since i have a direct line to you. Would suggest unplugging from all news for a few months. Fact that you feel the need to inquire if im sexist and or racist shows rapidly deteriorating social awareness.
You're either a troll, or a very predictable and boring person.

Amount of replies youve dodged in the past year within substantial topics makes this a hilarious post. Glad you found some liquid courage in a subforum of Sherdog.
For i rebuke both of you. And by 'both of you' i mean the actions of individuals/entities like Sweet Baby Inc and posters like you.
Stop it. No, you don't. You're so full of shit. Just like your laughable lie that you're a Republican. It's clear which side you're on. You're running a milquetoast bothsideism defense on their behalf.

Remember when Riot had that internal corporate event where the speaker joked, "Sometimes no doesn't mean no", when instructing members of the company on more aggressive sales strategies, and everyone in the crowd laughed, except for this one male Karen who was so horrified at what was said, he left the company, wrote an open letter thouands of words long about his stunned disbelief at the transgression, and how the joke exemplified the toxic corporate culture at Riot? You made the thread about it.

The Story of why i left Riot Games

The speaker who made the joke was a woman, btw, for those unfamiliar with that old thread/story.
Remember when Riot had that internal corporate event where the speaker joked, "Sometimes no doesn't mean no",

Seem to recall Riot Games getting fined 100 million dollars for sexual misconduct and discrimination a few years later. Aint that a coincidence.

You should look into how Riot Games used Game Changers and Sinatraa to deflect from that settlement. Tell me, how many people at Riot Games were fired over that lawsuit settlement?
Seem to recall Riot Games getting fined 100 million dollars for sexual misconduct and discrimination a few years later. Aint that a coincidence.
And E. Jean Carroll was awarded a $450m defamation lawsuit over her libelous lie that Donald Trump raped her (a crime she failed to prove ever occurred because it never happened). Truth bears little on court settlements in liberal court circuits or with unfavorable juries.

But of course you knew that. More importantly, the court settlement had nothing to do with why you made that thread. The man's hysterical reaction to a joke delivered during a company overhead is why you made the thread.
Amount of replies youve dodged in the past year within substantial topics makes this a hilarious post. Glad you found some liquid courage in a subforum of Sherdog.
You think I dodge your idiotic "ackchually" posts? LOL. You're barely worth responding to. One might say that I "ignore" your dumb ass, on account of you being an obnoxious moron that does nothing but attempt to "correct" people with inane bullshit, that usually sees you on the other end of an ass whopping.

You have nothing interesting to say. Ever. You're just plain annoying.
And E. Jean Carroll was awarded a $450m defamation lawsuit over her libelous lie that Donald Trump raped her (a crime she failed to prove ever occurred because it never happened). Truth bears little on court settlements in liberal court circuits or with unfavorable juries.

Dont think you know the timeline and events.

  1. Someone sued Riot Games for discrimination and sexual misconduct in mid-2018.
  2. August of 2018 the blog post was released.
  3. Mid-2019 Riot Games and the accuser settle for 10 million.
  4. California immediately swoops in nullifying that settlement saying 400 million is appropriate.
  5. Late 2021 Riot Games agrees to pay a 100 million dollar fine instead.

In the aftermath zero employees and executives were demoted and or fired at Riot Games. Troubling you think a parallel exists between Trumps defamation lawsuit verdict and the settlement Riot Games agreed to out of court.

So this is generally what you babies are crying about?????? LOL.

First world problems to the white power of infinite and beyond!!!!!

All i know is that they've worked on 2 games (God of War Ragnarok and Marvel's Spiderman 2) I played and loved so I see nothing to be upset about with their work so far...

So this is generally what you babies are crying about?????? LOL.

First world problems to the white power of infinite and beyond!!!!!

All i know is that they've worked on 2 games (God of War Ragnarok and Marvel's Spiderman 2) I played and loved so I see nothing to be upset about with their work so far...

People are getting insane with this stuff like always. This topic always drags in the crazies from both sides.

I just read a post where a guy was saying Insomniac is finished and how they've gone from a top studio to dog shit. When I confronted him and asked how considering they just released SM2 to top reviews from media and users and their next game is going to sell millions as well.

He tells me reviews and sells don't matter. So Insomniac is finished based on nothing that is measurable apparently.