Video: Jon flicks DC off after the fight...

Cormier is like.. "Fuck I just said way too many nice things about him"

lol Legend

Damn. Jones already starting to hype it up for the hates!

Cormier seems pretty confident after watching that.
he flicked a booger.
B-b-but Jones was so classy at the post fight interview, he's a new man.
I hope DC or Rumble can knock Jon out. Just break his jaw and retire him for good.
Isn't it flip him off not flick?
Legitimately asking
For me these things Wil never make him a goat, just a great fighter who always stayed a punk
Fuck Jon, he's a literal piece of shit and scum of the earth

He's not a literal piece of shit. He's simply a hypocrite and very contradictory.

All of the below happens in like 30 seconds:
- Says he used "only 20%" of his techniques, but then says he gave it his best.
- Says he doesn't want the Interim belt, then says he has much to be thankful for.
- Thanks his "Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ," and then gives DC the middle finger on the way out of the cage.