Valentina is a sore loser

Also two judges gave 4th to her, complain about those scores too then :). 2,4,5 Grasso. 4th was questionable, that could be 10-10 and draw at best.

In 5th judge gave 10-8 because Shevchenko looked like she quit in fetal position receiving shots and was almost finished by the end of fight.

Hey man in a close fight I won't begrudge somebody for having different winners of a round, but in a fight that had clearly no 10-8 rounds that's something to be like tf
Also two judges gave 4th to her, complain about those scores too then :). 2,4,5 Grasso.
Scoring the 4th for Shevchenko is perfectly reasonable. Scoring the 5th 10-8 Grasso is not.
She did win that fight, so it's a logical conclusion on her part. That 10-8 was nonsense.
How did she win if Alessa won 2,4,5 in most people mind? If we cannot only scrap the 10-8 round, but the whole card of that stupid judge. Than the card that replace his most likey favor Alessa 3-2
meh, i guess when she does it, its classless but when someone else of a different color does it its amazing? I love these threads always make me giggle
What excuses? Shev is the one that is the sore loser. She got her ass handed to her two fights. But she was always winning until she wasn't.

Lol at a fight ending in a draw that was egregiously scored in the first place being equated to getting your ass handed to you. Your bias is showing.
After watching the fight, Shev was far more active, landing more shots and overall spending more time in a dominant position. It’s really not that hard to think they gave Grasso the split because of the event….

But…Shev was most definitely fighting her stereotypical type of getting by without actually doing much type of fight. All the while Grasso had the biggest highlights of action during the later rounds.

Shev left room for judge corruption. MMA betting and business playing plays a roll in the judges decision. It’s not right but the way MMA is judged and scored (just like boxing) you can’t afford to not go out their and outshine in opponent in most aspects. Shev fought her typical Muay Thai high guard waiting style when she could’ve pushed and not left room for speculation.
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Scoring the 4th for Shevchenko is perfectly reasonable. Scoring the 5th 10-8 Grasso is not.

Not really sure, Shev was helpless and almost finished in the last minute of 5th. In 4th maybe 10-10 was realistic. Big issue is wining very close rounds, there should be more 10-10 rounds if the round is close, or more 10-8 when it is not, to get fair results at the end.

Hey man in a close fight I won't begrudge somebody for having different winners of a round, but in a fight that had clearly no 10-8 rounds that's something to be like tf

What I wanted to say, 4th 10-9 for Shev and 5th 10-9 for Grosso is not the same, Grosso 10-8 makes more sense since Grosso was close to finish. But this is generally issue with scoring system, where for 10-8 you almost have to kill opponent.
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I had Val winning 3-2, she has a right to be annoyed
really? because media scores and online polls were almost dead even, so to cry "I won" "robbery" "bias" is kinda short sighted and pretty immature and unbecoming. She had a competitive razor close fight with a good fighter and loss both times. once very definitively. This fight proved it wasn't a fluke like she claimed it was. She claimed last fight she was dominating the entire fight, if she didn't get choked out it would have been 2-2 going into the 5th. She lacks awareness, and everyone encouraging that and being her yes men are hindering her potential to get better.
Her head wasn’t dribbling off the mat. Where was all the damage on her face from the tons of unanswered shots you think she took?

She looked ok, but hardly unscathed.

Lol at a fight ending in a draw that was egregiously scored in the first place being equated to getting your ass handed to you. Your bias is showing.
Yeah shev dominated so much she was the only one to get put on their ass from a strike, or getting kneed in the noggin, or head dribbled off the mat. Yeah totally bias.