In wait for the captain to give the oficial word, I might as well put in some thought on it.
Just got infinite intensity delivered to me in Sweden today, fast delivery as fcuk..
He doesnt go as deeply into gpp tools like sandbags or sledgehammer, or medbals, since he already has detailed books on these subjets. Personaly I find this good since it dont take space away from the "new" stuff.
He dont go as deep into bodyweight excersises either as he does in warior guide to underground fitness, what he does here however is to add more chalenging excersises, like one armed chins and weigthed pistols, dragon flags etc.
This fact makes that this book dont make your other Ross books antiquated, you will always have reason to go to his other books for aditional tools.
The thing I say he really focuses on in this book is dumbell training, mostly explosive variants like snatches, swings and clean and djerks. There also is a whery interesting chapter about isometric training.
As usual in Ross Emamnits books there are enough conditioning routines to bust your ass for quite some time, Ross is an extreme sadist when it comes to create these types of routines.
I should say that I have been sick for a few days so I havent had the chanse to actually go out and try any of his routines yet, even though I really feel the urge to...
He also includes a 50 day example routine, I havent had the time to analyse it yet (or test it), but I got the distinct feeling that it will be a goldmine of information.
Now there you basicly has gotten what it contains. Lets go to my opinions about it. Let me first say that I already considers Ross Emamnits books to be the best fitness resources for combat athletes, by a quite large margine. I had extremely high hopes for it, and it has actually already exceded my expectations. It jammed to the max with science, presented in an extremely digestable form, it is by the way whery pleasantly written and easy to read and browse. And since you already have goten a healthy dose of inspirational pep talk in his other books, this book doesnt waste a lot of space on warrior mind talk (i didnt by the way feel that it was a waste of space in the underground guide).
The thing that raises this book a few notches over his others is its clarity. And by that I mean that I get an extremely clear view of how to think to put togethter my fitness schedule as a combat athlete. When reading his earlier works I could feel that I got confused between gpp, conditioning, strength training, etc and how to put it all into a program. When reading infinite intensity I just feel that it all falls on place.
Be advised hovewer that this book isnt for beginers. I wouldnt buy this book if I didnt either have his "underground guide" or was an advanced athlete.
Personaly I feel that this will take the role as the -bible- of my fitness training, and to complement it with the underground guide, ultimate training and med bals as a resource for aditional tools and programs.
I hope this convinces a few of you fighters or fitness enthusiasts to buy it since it will help you, and propably change your view on training in more than one way.
Now im extremely interested to hear Urbans view on it...