Urban, here is that routine I was asking about...


Orange Belt
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
3 day split:

Bench presses
weighted dips
close grip bench presses
overhead presses
weighted hanging leg raises

Deadlifts(shoulder shrug at the top of each rep)
Bent over rows
weighted chins
weighted sit ups

box squats
weighted squat hops
saxon side bends

Every other day is Grip: wrist rollers and plate pinches

Everything 3x8. I think that looks nice.
Wild Dan Hibiki said:
why squats and box squats on the same day? they both work the same muscles

Deads, SLDL, Squats and Boxsquats in the same week?
Bench presses
close grip bench presses
overhead presses
weighted hanging leg raises

Bent over rows OR weighted chins
weighted sit ups

Front Squats
weighted squat hops (ughh, sure...)
saxon side bends

5x5 the first exercise of each day, 3x6-8 the rest...done...
This thread make me want to cry. I can't believe someone has made a "check out my routine" tread and posted a good routine. Something isn't right here. I think the gates of hell are about to open or something.

As for the box squat and heavy squat on the same day: I wouldn't do that myself. In fact I alternate them weekly. However I think Carnal does it so I really can't say it doesn't work.
Ah! Finally got something made that appeals to people! My goals are the same as any other weak ass skinny kid. If I alternate box squats and heavy squats, should I put an extra leg exercise on the leg day?

So 3x8 on all lifts except main lifts(SQUAT, DEADS, and BENCH) which is 3x4-5?
Come to think of it, it looks like a little to much volume especially without much variety between exercises and working the same exercises on the same day. Kind of strange and unique, Speed squats on days that you have done squats kind of defeats the purpose IMO.
it seems pretty good, cept i wouldnt do weighted pullups unless you could do a lot of them with you BW, seems pointless
Seems pretty solid. Personally I would rotate the assistance lifts a little, maybe alternating between sl and romanian dl's, bor and dumbell rows on pull day, mix some gm's in on leg day and maybe get in some dumbell and incline bp variants on push day, but that's just nitpicking. I would avoid 3x8 on main lifts unless you are just getting started, but on the whole it looks like you've put together a fairly decent routine.
Thanks fellas. The weighted chins, yea i have to because I can do 15 on the first set 12 on the second and 9 on the last set. Thant was my last workout section. I am just getting started so that is the rep scheme Urban reccomended. Um.. what is a bor Morgan? Or did you mean bar?
HOMEtrained23 said:
Thanks fellas. The weighted chins, yea i have to because I can do 15 on the first set 12 on the second and 9 on the last set. Thant was my last workout section. I am just getting started so that is the rep scheme Urban reccomended. Um.. what is a bor Morgan? Or did you mean bar?

bor=bent over row
Also, what about neck training? I was planningon doing that on the grip days. The exercise where you let your head and neck hang off the bench and put a plate on your forehead and do like neck sit ups and you do that for all four sides. I know I need to be careful with these. What do ya think?
I see now Morgan. What about what my idea for neck training? Is it any good?
HOMEtrained23 said:
Also, what about neck training? I was planningon doing that on the grip days. The exercise where you let your head and neck hang off the bench and put a plate on your forehead and do like neck sit ups and you do that for all four sides. I know I need to be careful with these. What do ya think?

Most people around here will tell you to do bridges. They are an excellent exercise, but I would suggest finding someone to show you how and monitor your form for a little while first. Even people who have been given instruction often end up with neck injuries. I was given instruction on how to do them, and I was told that I should touch my nose to the ground at the end of each rep. To be honest, I am quite hesitant to extend to that range of motion, so I don't.

Manual resistance with a towel or even your palm is a great place to start. I've never used a 4 way machine or put plates on the back of my head, but I have yet to hear any complaints from anyone who has. It's pretty hard to fuck up a front bridge, but you might need to use your hands for support at first. If you have someone to show you how to bridge properly, you will build up your neck strength fairly quickly. I tend to avoid extending my neck too far. I have a sandbag that I put on my chest, and I practice 'bridging' and throwing it off to each side, over my head, etc.

I've found that I can train my neck almost every day, and that the muscles build up very quickly. Experiment a little and see what works for you, but remember that you can fuck your shit up royally if you don't pay attention to proper form.
Ok, thanks. I have finally got it all together. I plan on starting a log here Monday to keep up with my progress.
Here it is all together:

MON: alternate cgbp with dumbbell bench presses)
Bench presses
weighted dips
close grip bench presses
overhead presses
weighted hanging leg raises

WED: alternate SLDL with RDL)
Deadlifts(shrug at top)
bent over rows
weighted chins
weighted sit ups

FRI: alternate squats and box squats)
weighted squat hops
good mornings
saxon side bends

every other day: wrist rollers, plate pinches, bridges, and towel resistant neck bends.

Rep scheme: 5x5 on main lifts, and everything else 3x8. Pinches are 3xto failure. Wrist rollers are 3x8 rolls(down is one rep, up is another rep) and bridges and towel resistant neck bends are 3x8.

Wind sprints for conditioning on saturdays. That or muti changing directional sprints.
If you were using 3x8 because you are new to lifting, you might want to stick with that for a few months for all your lifts. The reason higher reps are recommended to beginners is that they strengthen connective tissues. If you are just getting started, you don't want to get hurt by going heavy too fast. 5x5 isn't that bad, but 3x8 is better for a beginner. If you've been lifting for a while, 5x5 on main lifts is an improvement.