Crime United Healthcare CEO assassinated in NYC

The guy murdered someone because he couldn't handle having a sore back and wanted to blame others for his own weakness. The kid was a rich white privileged idiot who had likely had to never face consequences for anything. He killed an innocent family man in the most cowardly way possible, by shooting him in the back. The amount of people celebrating this pussy is quite alarming. I laugh at the thought that he did this over a sore back and then is going to have to go through a lifetime of getting his shit pushed in by Bubba. That back is really going to be put to the test.

9/10, I'll agree and say murder is wrong. And I feel for the family. But sometimes revolution is bathed in blood, and something tells me Thomas Jefferson is giddy over this..

Even the semblance, or idea, of Luigi being the martyr instead of Brian should show you the pulse of the people.
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Even the semblance, or idea, of Luigi being the martyr instead of Brian should show you the pulse of the people.

Well, there's just one problem with the pulse of the people:

Americans will be pushed to cheer for murder but not pushed enough to actually vote for UHC.

Ah, you totally knew that, and just gave the total market cap of the S&P for your calculation because reasons.
do you not know what a market cap is? it's not exclusively realized gains, its the amount held and traded in totality.
If people who can put their money anywhere didn't leave when they paid lower taxes than they would anywhere else, then surely they wouldn't leave when it's the highest and they would keep more of their money in literally any other country.
you clearly have no idea how much lower our taxes are than basically every other developed nation on earth. there wouldn't be anywhere for them to go lol
And also we need to crash the stock market and "abolish the capitalist structure", because crashing and abolishing the entire source of funding for your plans sounds like a solid plan.
ah yes, taxes only exist under *checks notes* capitalism.
You could take 100% of the 1%'s income(which includes doctors btw), confiscate and liquidate 100% of their assets(not sure who you'd sell them to) and you would be out of money again in less than 1 presidential term with nobody left to take it from.
again, you don't seem to understand that this plan only seemingly costs so much because it's paying capitalists. if you remove the rights of people to charge exorbitant prices simply because they can, it will cost less. also when did i ever suggest we should take a one-time payment and not continually tax lol

Either way, I think you should run for office on these plans. It sounds like you definitely thought it through.
brother you can't even seem to figure out these very simple concepts i'm laying out to you, since you keep saying shit like "you could take 100% of the 1%'s income" which i didn't suggest and ignoring the fact that we currently pay 280% on average of what every other developed country pays for medicine BECAUSE of capitalism. you have struggled with basic reading this entire conversation and i don't think it's a me problem.
there are no bandaids necessary. yes, the immensely wealthy will lose the majority of their current power. that is by design. they may even want to leave. they are welcome to. i will not miss them.

no idea what bandaids would be necessary to fix the problems i create since you apparently aren't even understanding what im saying to you, by what you're repeating back to me about my points.
The fucking guy is anti American with his takes. The founding principles of this country did not include having unelected royals running our country, ala the billionaire class we have now.

Also every other first world country pulls off a version of UHC, yet we can't GTFO
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in order to not actually be poor in america, you have to live the lifestyle of a person with literally zero dollars to their name lmao
I mean he gave an example of getting a 20% return in 9 months as "the power of compound interest", demonstrating quite well that he doesn't really get the concept of compound interest. He is right that people should invest, but he also doesn't know what he's talking about
did they catch the shooter yet?

he didn't have to murder the CEO of that health care company. he could have just packed his bags and moved to any other first world country on the planet, where health care is free.