People forgot why Rome did Bread and Circuses. It was not to help the poor but keep them from killing the rich. It's a numbers game there is always way more poor people than rich people and anytime the poor have had enough of getting fucked over they rise up and start killing rich people.
I would not be surprised if this does not happen more, since the next administration is going to cut a shit load of social services, in order to give the Elite a couple more percentage point savings on their taxes. Hopefully they use the millions they save on security.
Oligarchy works in places with way less access to weapons than the United States. The reason we have the second amendment is to keep this country from coming one that caters to the Elite while fucking everyone else over. Hell they are talking about cutting Social Security and already putting out the propaganda to dupe the Rubes. This shit will be happening more and more, and it will stop when laws are repealed our we become a military state, but good luck with the 2nd option.