Crime United Healthcare CEO assassinated in NYC

No one deserves to be murdered. Let me preface with that. It's a horrible crime.

However, when you have these evil healthcare corporations mostly focused on greed.. things can happen. I'm almost shocked it doesn't happen more with how much they fuck people.
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When we had our second child, UHC was our provider. We had multiple doctors come in for various tests and such on our newborn and it turns out some were out of network even though our doctor and the hospital were in network. I ended up fighting the overcharges for months and eventually lost as I recall. I remember being furious. Never killed anyone but probably had the thought cross my mind lol.

Sorry to hear that. Imagine how often this happens, and perhaps at even greater risk/expense.
Believe me I know but if you truely want to get back at the system bring your story public and talk about the horrors they put you through if that was the case. Based on what I have heard these guys are some of the scummiest people at the helm of these companies most don't even have a medical degree just high paid bean counters from the back of their limos. Some of these guys make upto 1/4 billion a year with stock options. These are the things that need to be called out.

I get that but it has been called out numerous times. So now what because they already have lobbying power with the Feds. This is not apples to apples but the most recent one I can remember is about Purdue Pharma and I know those scumbags moved a lot of their money to off-shore accounts. I don't want to condone violence but when the law fails and it pushes people to the brink it should not be surprising this happens.
It is always horrible when someone is killed but these companies are sort of asking for it. The average person is losing everything and barely surviving while these corporations make billions annually. At some point an animal backed into a corner is going to lash out.
I worked there for years. As customer service it was our job to deliver bad news and not tell the truth that it is YOUR company that you work for that decides your benefits. UHG is the middle man.

Telling a father that his policy reached its 2 million maximum and would no longer cover his daughter's care sucked.

Could it be a mad dad? Or could it be a big money hit?! Either.

Stock is green today, so either way I don't care.
Believe me I know but if you truely want to get back at the system bring your story public and talk about the horrors they put you through if that was the case. Based on what I have heard these guys are some of the scummiest people at the helm of these companies most don't even have a medical degree just high paid bean counters from the back of their limos. Some of these guys make upto 1/4 billion a year with stock options. These are the things that need to be called out.
Stories like that are a dime a dozen though. People hear about it, say that’s a shame but I already know health insurance companies suck, and the same things keep happening. Not condoning this at all but if it is retribution for a denied claim that resulted in a loved on suffering or worse, I can kind of understand the mindframe.
People forgot why Rome did Bread and Circuses. It was not to help the poor but keep them from killing the rich. It's a numbers game there is always way more poor people than rich people and anytime the poor have had enough of getting fucked over they rise up and start killing rich people.
I would not be surprised if this does not happen more, since the next administration is going to cut a shit load of social services, in order to give the Elite a couple more percentage point savings on their taxes. Hopefully they use the millions they save on security.
Oligarchy works in places with way less access to weapons than the United States. The reason we have the second amendment is to keep this country from coming one that caters to the Elite while fucking everyone else over. Hell they are talking about cutting Social Security and already putting out the propaganda to dupe the Rubes. This shit will be happening more and more, and it will stop when laws are repealed our we become a military state, but good luck with the 2nd option.
This was a very brazen assassination they did it at 6:40am infront of a hilton hotel. Seems like they wanted to send a message.
Damn. Yeah I really wonder if this was just a high profile victim of random city violence, or if it was indeed someone who'd had treatment denied for themselves or family and the grudge escalated into this
This reminds me of the movie saw and that insurance guy how he denied cancer treatment.