It's not a yes or no question, because you presupposed that this stupid shit you wrote..
was correct. You didn't ask "are we descending into cultural Marxism? " You just stated we are, then asked if it was good or bad. That's like asking me "Yes or no. Jews are killing goy babies and mixing their blood with their matzo balls. Is this a bad thing? "
It comes from Kulturbolschewismus and Żydokomuna, cultural Bolshevism done by the ninja Jews engaged in subversive activities to destabilize the west, by promoting degenerate activities, in order to prepare for the eventually commie takeover. I guess they're playing the long game. Since we're getting close to 100 years since the plan was enacted and they're probably all dead or babbling incoherently in some nursing home.
This was a VERY important piece of propaganda for the Nazis, going back even into the Weimar Republic. After the war, the term changed hands to American right-wing nuts like Pat Buchanan and William Lind in the 60's, where cultural Marxism became the preferred nomenclature. But it was still the same abstract shit. They added some flourishes of their own - conflation and misunderstanding of the Frankfurt school, but the same anti-Semitic tropes were there. William Lind, of course, a main advocate for this conspiracy theory, was a holocaust denier, openly attended denial events, and when Anders Breivik killed 80 or so people, this was heavily cited by him as a reason for the killings.
It used to only thrive in the Jon Birch Society, and shitty newsletters like what Ron Paul used to write, but thanks to the internet, and people without media literacy and critical thinking, wenow have people like you who think its existence is an accepted fact.