UFC's rejection of signing top talent and lowball offers 2023-2024

You're just citing things happening now, and never before, that are terribly egregious, and undermine the integrity of the sport, to suit your arguments.
Yer a fucking genius, Harry.
No one forced Aljo to fight,
Yes, Aljo was forced to fight under threat of being stripped.
the moving the event was 100% something they would have done back in the day,
Not sure what this is referring to.
Jones best the last guy to fight for the belt and he getting a shot after 3 years is on part with Lesnar getting a shot after 2 fights, Silva winning a poll for the shot or some regional fighter getting a shot at GSP because the won a reality show.
Ah, yes, I remember when Lesnar, Silva and GSP were allowed to hold up their divisions for years by refusing to fight anyone except a retired, old fighter, while refusing to unify belts with the interim champ who racked up several defences.
OP posts a list of people who either chose to not fight at UFC, or chose to fight somewhere else.

OP sez list is proof that UFC sucks.

OP is right. UFC went out of business after like three years because they were not good at signing talented fighters.

Oh wait. No. That didn't happen.

Fun with statistics: for every name listed by OP, there are 142 fighters the same age and size walking around on the planet that no one has ever heard of, and all of them are better than the name listed by OP.

Also, the UFC roster is 750.
Not 75 thousand.
Every fighter wants a UFC contract, but not every fighter can get a UFC contract.

Lastly: I watch the fights. I watched them last year and I will watch them next year.
I have been doing the same thing for 20 years.
The recent 5 year bitch trend about UFC has not altered my behavior at all.
I am not alone.
A veritable shitload of people watch the fights and will continue to do so, and none of us will think about socialists while we drink beer and watch fights.

OK. Thanks.
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Because it's much cooler to watch guys that have fought cans on the regional circuit and 4-0 records. Get a ufc contract for pennies because they knocked out another guy that also has fought regional cans. Fill up ufc cards for no other reason than they got a knockout. No matter how green they looked doing it.
That's the fight game homie get used to it.
this is what it is for me too. they have successfully marketed their brand like Disney has where people just watch their shit because they told them to. i'm not against UFC signing all these guys and bringing back the old days of insane fights and stacked cards that every real fan wants but i just think the majority of the fanbase could give a shit. and that's the fanbase that call MMA UFC, and thought Ronda could beat Mayweather and Cain, and came in their pants when Anderson knocked out Vitor with a simple front kick and Rogan made everyone believe he just shot a laser beam out of his ass and never seen anything like that before in his whole legit tae kwon do career of spin kicking cab drivers in high school gyms.
Had to pause my read.

I love the way you rounded that out at the end. <lmao>
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Ronda could beat Mayweather and Cain, and came in their pants when Anderson knocked out Vitor with a simple front kick and Rogan made everyone believe he just shot a laser beam out of his ass and never seen anything like that before in his whole legit tae kwon do career of spin kicking cab drivers in high school gyms.
Yes She def could.

Also Anderson Silva's front kick on Vitor WAS AMAZING. No ifs ands or fucking buts.

Under any and all criterias.
Yes She def could.

Also Anderson Silva's front kick on Vitor WAS AMAZING. No ifs ands or fucking buts.

Under any and all criterias.

yeah just like she can beat Cain "under the right circumstances"

nobody said it wasn't amazing, i said stop pretending like he just invented that kick. Bas Rutten was front kicking dudes in the face in the 90s. they did the same shit with calf kicks like guys in Savate and Muay Thai haven't been doing that shit either. just because it's new to MMA doesn't mean it's new to the fucking world.
yeah just like she can beat Cain "under the right circumstances"

nobody said it wasn't amazing, i said stop pretending like he just invented that kick. Bas Rutten was front kicking dudes in the face in the 90s. they did the same shit with calf kicks like guys in Savate and Muay Thai haven't been doing that shit either. just because it's new to MMA doesn't mean it's new to the fucking world.
It deserves every amount of praise it got.
UFC has the GOAT Russian fighter Denis Tiuliulin, 10 wins 10 losses. <lol>

I stopped watching UFC a long time ago, a lot of hype for B tier fighters when I can watch A tier fighters in other orgs