UFC on FX 7 blows


Orange Belt
Sep 24, 2012
Reaction score
I can't wait for the main event but other than that this card blows. There's enough good fighters in the ufc to make better fights than this.
sorry big names do not equal great fighters. Barboza/Martins, Lentz/Nunes, Alcantara/Roop and Gonzaga/Rothwell should all be very solid fights.

Plus Trinaldo, Sarafian, Khabib, Markes, and Wagner Prado are all talented prospects.

It's funny your screen name is the epitome of a broke, past his prime fighter who rarely ever puts on exciting fights yet people still want to see him fight. Give me top prospects over broke versions of Rampage, Rich and Crocop anyday.
sorry big names do not equal great fighters. Barboza/Martins, Lentz/Nunes, Alcantara/Roop and Gonzaga/Rothwell should all be very solid fights.

Plus Trinaldo, Sarafian, Khabib, Markes, and Wagner Prado are all talented prospects.

Do you mean big names do not equal great fights? If so I agree, sometimes you see some great scraps between people you've never heard of, and some of GSP's fights are pretty much unwatchable.
Don't watch it then TS
Do you mean big names do not equal great fights? If so I agree, sometimes you see some great scraps between people you've never heard of, and some of GSP's fights are pretty much unwatchable.

they don't equal great fighters either. How many times have people been let down by a Crocop, Rampage, Wandy, Franklin, Forrest or Tito fight? None of them are even top fighters any more but for some reason people would rather watch them than a Barboza, Khabib or Alcantara..

Mma fans seem to have a much harder time letting go of older athletes and embracing new stars than other sports fans.
It's free and no one is forcing you to watch it. Shit thread is shit.
rothwell, gonzaga will be fun
lentz is fun
tavares used to be fun
other names i dont know, but seeing as they probably have less to lose, i bet this will be a fun card....also, its on fx
I agree it's the weakest card on paper coming up, but as a fan I'll definitely still watch it. Any fights are fantastic to me.
I really wanna see Sarafian's debut.
Alcantara/Roop is an awesome fight.
Big names does not always mean better fights. These relatively unknown guys will be fighting tooth and nail to make a name for themselves and get recognition, I still think we will see some awesome fights.
Yeah its def a main event card.

Some good fights on the card but no big names or big time fights. It seems more like a Fuel card with a PPV main event. This is more of a Brazilian fight night card but its on FX.

Its free so I dont mind but its not one the strongest Fight Nights they've done. Great main event though.
who is this edison barbaza guy? never heard of him, he probably sucks.

-Sherdog, every fucking event.
they don't equal great fighters either. How many times have people been let down by a Crocop, Rampage, Wandy, Franklin, Forrest or Tito fight? None of them are even top fighters any more but for some reason people would rather watch them than a Barboza, Khabib or Alcantara..

Mma fans seem to have a much harder time letting go of older athletes and embracing new stars than other sports fans.

Sorry, I don't just stop being a fan of someone whom I have been watching fight for years, if they fight, I still support and watch....that's what fans do!
i would never ever complain about free ufc fights.
plus, this event has some exciting fighters. they may not be big name fighters but we cannot always expect to see top 10 fighters in every fight of every event, right?
KZ and Poirer didn't seem like a strong fight on paper but it was absolutely mind blowing. These cards give these prospects a chance to make a name for themselves.
I couldn't care less about the no-names. These days I only watch title fights, and old favorites fights.

So yeah, I'd love to see Rampage vs Crocop!
Huh? For a free card, I think it's great. I'm especially looking forward to Gonzaga v. Rothwell.

I don't really know what you expect. It's a free card and the fights all look good.
Aside from Bsiping/Belfort and Gonzaga/Rothwell, the card is kind of lackluster IMO.

I'll still watch though.