UFC becoming an expression of Dana's NPD.

I've been watching it since TUF 1 and I appreciate the show. Sure the format is dated but it's cool getting to see the fighters on a more personal level, as well as coaches and guest coaches, etc.

But from a business standpoint, DWCS performs the same function - sniff out new talent willing to get punched in the face for cheap, and I'm sure it's WAY cheaper to produce. TUF must be expensive AF to house, train, film and edit footage of 16 dudes for 6 weeks (some later seasons are even 13 weeks) plus whatever they're paying the coaches to do the show. So unless you're pushing legit star power (like if the McG vs. Chandler fight had actually happened), it's probably not worth the expense for Endeavor's bottom line.
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Dana White basically created the sport of MMA in the US. He is a pioneer. Let him go so the UFC can grow.

Media has been his enemy from day 1. If you don't kiss the ring, you're exiled. This obviously stifles growth, but someone hurt Dana's feelings. How many times has that happened?

The man is absurd and surreal. It's unclear how one person can have so much influence in a company with third party ownership. They must be extremely corrupt.

Now "The Ultimate Fighter" is going to be canned in favor of "Dana White's Contender Series".

What's next? Sunset UFC in favor of Dana White's Fights?

If you bought an MMA company for $4B there isn't any other answer than Dana White to be the face of that company and help run things. Maybe you could make a case for Lorenzo but he was very clear about being out.

Look at the history of MMA orgs and the promoters. Most lost tens of millions of dollars and folded. You can like the warm fuzzy feeling the Scott Coker's of the world give fans, but the proof is they had some highs but they had lows that killed the company for one reason or another.
Dana White basically created the sport of MMA in the US. He is a pioneer. Let him go so the UFC can grow.
He famously opposed the creation of TUF, which is what reversed the company's struggling fortunes. After that, he prioritized using the UFC media machine to turn himself into a celebrity while lashing out vindictively against anyone who upset him. The most valuable thing that I can tell he contributed to the UFC's growth is the aggressive anti-figther and anti-consumer politics, which squeezed every dime they could get out of their consumers and their workforce.

I think he gets way too much credit.
This^^ is it in a nutshell. Would the UFC be better off if someone else was running it?
I don't know. I think Dana was majorly important for his drive in the early days but in the modern era I just don't know if he should still be the face of the UFC management.
Dana is going to end up in prison. Mark my words. He's become an even bigger scumbag than he was 10-15 years ago. Money/power has corrupted him. Once people get into that position, they start engaging in more and more criminal behavior. I'm sure he thinks he can get away with anything.
Nah I find him to be more of a 'die rich between a fake pair of tits' kind of guy.
A lot of his dumb shit is just and old man going silly with his wealth before death and family devours it.
There are worse kinds of devils!
This^^ is it in a nutshell. Would the UFC be better off if someone else was running it?

What exactly would change? Like honestly, what do you think someone else is gonna do? The model is there, Hunter is already the one basically running the UFC with contracts, you have Mick and Sean doing matchmaking. Dana doesnt own the org, he doesnt make the big dec. He has no say in who sponsors the UFC, who they are gonna sign with on next rights deal etc.

The only difference is you'd have a figurehead that probably is more professional, doesnt say anything and nobody even bothers to listen to ie coker or ray sefo etc.

Thats basically it.

Do people think someone new comes in and its gonna be lets give fighters double the money, lets cut events in half, lets get rid of uniforms and let them get whoever they want as sponsors?
The current fight nights are already polluted by too many contender series fighters who still belong on the regional circuit. Would we want another season of contender series? Further watering down what we get
My understanding is that they've been very profitable since Endeavour bought them. No financial issues at all.
Dana is shit, but you are wrong if you think firing him will change a goddamn thing. The big bosses are definitely ok with most of the things he does. Either they tell him what to do or he just knows what they want. Of course he’ll do some stuff which they don’t like, but he gets a pass. To sum it up, he’s teh shitty face of teh shitty bosses.
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Dana White basically created the sport of MMA in the US. He is a pioneer. Let him go so the UFC can grow.

Media has been his enemy from day 1. If you don't kiss the ring, you're exiled. This obviously stifles growth, but someone hurt Dana's feelings. How many times has that happened?

The man is absurd and surreal. It's unclear how one person can have so much influence in a company with third party ownership. They must be extremely corrupt.

Now "The Ultimate Fighter" is going to be canned in favor of "Dana White's Contender Series".

What's next? Sunset UFC in favor of Dana White's Fights?
Saying Dana basically created MMA is asinine.
Dana is going to end up in prison. Mark my words. He's become an even bigger scumbag than he was 10-15 years ago. Money/power has corrupted him. Once people get into that position, they start engaging in more and more criminal behavior. I'm sure he thinks he can get away with anything.
Is he going to share the cell with a former head of the CIA and a former Fortune 500 CEO?
My understanding is that they've been very profitable since Endeavour bought them. No financial issues at all.

Aside from the loan they had to take out to pay for a previous loan because WME was in danger of defaulting on their interest-only payments. And then the investment round to cover that loan and keep their credit rating from tanking.