UFC 202 not trending well?

This will do 3 million because im buying this time.

If he wins its full steam ahead. I would lol if straight after the fight twood calls him out.
It was far easier to build Mcgregor up when he was fighting so frequently. It's hard now when his fights are so far apart and this isn't even a title fight so nothing is really on the line here. Mcgregor also has a lot less steam behind him coming off a loss.The only people who care to watch now are Nate fans since Conor winning means too little for his star power. Conor really needs to get passed this in order to gain back the drawing power he had.

Well i totally agree with this and your reasoning but why the hell are UFC talking like this id going to be the all time record breaker? doesnt make sense
Well i totally agree with this and your reasoning but why the hell are UFC talking like this id going to be the all time record breaker? doesnt make sense
Dana's one and only job is to promote. Lol People always take what he has to say seriously. He's just a face, a "fall guy". His entire paycheck is determined by how well an event sells.

I always trust my gut instinct when it comes to UFC PPV events. I'm biased though because as a fight fan I will still tune in to watch a guy like Conor fight, but a casual is really having a hard time caring. That being said I agree with you, this event is not going to sell anywhere near what the first one did.