Twitter is actually banning people posting the ‘NPC’ meme for “dehumanizing speech"

Clearly, this is the most pressing issue facing mankind, and the only logical response is to elect politicians who deny climate change is a man made phenomenon and want to end Social Security.

HAHAHAHAHA you just gave a prime example of a leftist NPC response

Well it was a cheap appropriation of a 4chan idea, so I guess it is a lefty meme in that regard.

Trying to imply I am racist was pretty lefty too I guess but overall pretty mediocre

Wasnt implying anything merely posting left-wing memes.

I laughed. In Cuba though this dude would wait around weeks for proper care if he’s lucky. I still have a nice scar on my face (it’s cool chicks love it) from a deep cut I got as a kid and they didn’t have any stitches available at the local hospital so I got a butterfly band aid put on it....
Twitter was never an important part of anyone's lives. People need to realize this again.

Punt twitter.
those 4chan dudes are awesome.
let the triggering begin hahahah
If anything, people are annoyed (many whites included) that white people are denying they have privilege. It's laughable that they get offended when they are told so.

White people aren't discriminated against in North American society. End of story.

NPC No. 489249729872 detected.
Clearly, this is the most pressing issue facing mankind, and the only logical response is to elect politicians who deny climate change is a man made phenomenon and want to end Social Security.
Leftist dorks like cuckyshot who also monitor twitter can't handle a meme so they resort to acting like a 3 year old!
I think a "list of people I believe are bots" thread would be spectacular.
Leftist dorks like cuckyshot who also monitor twitter can't handle a meme so they resort to acting like a 3 year old!
Cool anime bro.

Liberals are giant, weeping pussys. News at 11.
Here's the difference between liberals and conservatives in a nutshell:

When liberals start threads bitching about things, it is about things like climate change, voter suppression, Repuglicans trying to eliminate Social Security, the need for UHC, etc.

When conservatives start threads bitching about things, its about people getting kicked off of twitter.
NPC? Right wingers are 100% NPC...They have the same mob-rule mentality.

They cry over everything and do coordinated attacks/memes like liberals.
The new NPC memes are brilliant. Lefties cannot handle it.

But it's ok because they are a private company !!!!! They arent infringing on your first amendment rights!!!!
Serious question. Why hasn’t the right created there own social media websites?
NPC? Right wingers are 100% NPC...They have the same mob-rule mentality.

They cry over everything and do coordinated attacks/memes like liberals.

The Right comes out with the brilliant NPC meme. The Left responds with "No, you guys are the NPCs", whining, crying and banning the meme from social media. <Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo>

Lefties = Triggered

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