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Turkish government turning children into Salafist Jihadi's


Feb 2, 2016
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Turkish ‘Ministry of Religion’ promotes martyrdom to children in colorful comic strips
Published time: 3 Apr, 2016 22:32Edited time: 4 Apr, 2016 10:22
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© Fatih Saribas / Reuters

The latest issue of a children’s magazine published by Diyanet, the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs, which is a government agency and the highest national religious body, contains a series of cartoons glorifying Islamic martyrdom.
A colorful cartoon titled “may god bless our martyrs, may their graves be full with holy light” features dialogues between parents and children that promotes an idea of religious martyrdom. In one box of the comics, a father says to his son: “How good it is to be a martyr...” He also adds that martyrdom gives a person an opportunity “to gain the right to go to heaven.”


In another box from the comics, a girl can be seen saying “I wish I could be a martyr.” “If you desire enough, Allah will give you that opportunity,” the mother in the box replies to the girl.

A statement near the last picture reads: “Our prophet says: a martyr feels the pain of dying as much as you feel pain when being pinched.”

Another statement attributed to Prophet Mohammed says: “A martyr would love to go back to the real world and be martyr 10 times more after the honoring and prestige they receive in the heaven.”

Psychologist and professor Dr. Serdar Degirmencioglu harshly criticized the latest issue of the Diyanet’s “Child Magazine” featuring the controversial comics, but said that introducing children into the ideas of radical Islam has long been part of the Turkish government’s policy.

“They want to use the drawings to transfer the message of martyrdom to children because they think it will be more attractive,” he said in an interview with the Turkish Evrensel newspaper adding that the idea of martyrdom promoted by the government describes it as a “painless death and a promise of heaven.”

“Religiosity has, in recent years, turned into a literal political tool. They do not even hide it. The Ministry of Religion was provided more money than several other ministries combined and continues intensive work for religious children,” he added.





I would offer more of a comment, but what is there to say....................

FYI, note this is not the normal propaganda here. This is coming from the government itself of Turkey.
Um, you're posting an article from RT, i.e. RUSSIA Today. It's run by the Russian government. You realize Turkey and Russia are at loggerheads, right? I trust that article as much as I'd trust a Turkish one about Russia.

Better source or GTFO. The funny thing is after the first sentence I wondered...is this from RT? And yup, it was. The tone is so recognizable. Are all their articles written by the same person?
Um, you're posting an article from RT, i.e. RUSSIA Today. It's run by the Russisan government. You realize Turkey and Russia are at loggerheads, right? I trust that article as much as I'd trust a Turkish one about Russia.

Better source or GTFO. The funny thing is after the first sentence I wondered...is this from RT? And yup, it was. The tone is so recognizable. Are all their articles written by the same person?

First, either dispute the info or challenge any opinion in the article. Pretending that because the source has issues the info itself is flawed is non-sense.

I mean look, there is a picture from the cartoon itself. What are you questioning here?

With that said...........




I googled it. I'm only seeing RT (lol, propaganda), The Mirror (lol, rag) and the Daily Mail (lol, rag) reporting this. So either teh CIA and teh Turkish jooze are blocking the entire world from reporting this story other than the completely unbiased Russian government's mouthpiece RT and a couple of British rags that probably just read the RT article and rewrote it for publication, or the story is bullshit.

How can I dispute the info without a reliable source of information? RT is not reliable and I don't speak Turkish.

The Daily Mail and The Mirror are not serious news publications. Next.

Englishnews.com? Seriously? Scraping the bottom of the blogosphere here, pal.

Breitbart is, according to liberals like yourself, a right-wing xenophobic rag, so I guess I shouldn't trust that.

I'll continue to wait for a serious source.
I googled it. I'm only seeing RT (lol, propaganda), The Mirror (lol, rag) and the Daily Mail (lol, rag) reporting this. So either teh CIA and teh Turkish jooze are blocking the entire world from reporting this story other than the completely unbiased Russian government's mouthpiece RT and a couple of British rags that probably just read the RT article and rewrote it for publication, or the story is bullshit.

Guy, WTF are you talking about?

Did they draw that picture too?

Are you really trying to jump the shark this much right now?
Um, you're posting an article from RT, i.e. RUSSIA Today. It's run by the Russian government. You realize Turkey and Russia are at loggerheads, right? I trust that article as much as I'd trust a Turkish one about Russia.

Better source or GTFO. The funny thing is after the first sentence I wondered...is this from RT? And yup, it was. The tone is so recognizable. Are all their articles written by the same person?
According to Breibart, Cumhuriyet ( one of the largest Turkish dailys) says the same thing.

It's in Turkish but Breitbart kindly translates it for us . Yes I know Breitbart is shit but would they actually lie about a translation?? Seems like they would not as it would be easy to call them out.

How can I dispute the info without a reliable source of information? RT is not reliable and I don't speak Turkish.

The Daily Mail and The Mirror are not serious news publications. Next.

Englishnews.com? Seriously? Scraping the bottom of the blogosphere here, pal.

Breitbart is, according to liberals like yourself, a right-wing xenophobic rag, so I guess I shouldn't trust that.

I'll continue to wait for a serious source.

LOL, has Jack hi-jacked your account?

You look like a fool right now.

Take off the Tin-foil man. RT isn't creating cartoon's for Turkish kids under the guise of the ministry of Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs,.
Guy, WTF are you talking about?

Did they draw that picture too?

Are you really trying to jump the shark this much right now?

My, you're naive. Do you speak Turkish? I assume not. Therefore, you're trusting RT--literally part of the Russian propaganda wing--that it glorifies martyrdom. That's point 1.

Point 2 is you're trusting them that it's connected to this Diyanet, which is connected to the Turkish government.

Do you see the problem with you blindly believing this now? Jumping the shark, please...you're the one sourcing your information from the 21st century's Pravda just a couple of months after Turkey shot down a Russian jet.

You can say I've jumped the shark when I post Voice of America articles while condemning RT ones. You'll be waiting a long time, though.
My, you're naive. Do you speak Turkish? I assume not. Therefore, you're trusting RT--literally part of the Russian propaganda wing--that it glorifies martyrdom. That's point 1.

Point 2 is you're trusting them that it's connected to this Diyanet, which is connected to the Turkish government.

Do you see the problem with you blindly believing this now? Jumping the shark, please...you're the one sourcing your information from the 21st century's Pravda just a couple of months after Turkey shot down a Russian jet.

You can say I've jumped the shark when I post Voice of America articles while condemning RT ones. You'll be waiting a long time, though.

LOL rex, look at the Jihadi defender you become when Russia is involved.

Enjoy your virgins Rex. Allah Rexbar.
LOL, has Jack hi-jacked your account?

You look like a fool right now.

Take off the Tin-foil man. RT isn't creating cartoon's for Turkish kids under the guise of the ministry of Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs,.

I never said they are. The cartoon may say that and it may be connected to the government through this Diyanet organization and it may not. I will reserve judgment until after I read this from reliable sources, not a government mouthpiece for a country Turkey is nearly at war with.

Would you trust North Korean newspapers to report objectively about South Korea, Japan, or the US? No, I don't think so. You'd wait for better sources. That's all I'm asking for here. You're being ridiculous, frankly.
LOL rex, look at the Jihadi defender you become when Russia is involved.

Enjoy your virgins Rex. Allah Rexbar.

Hail Putin, savior of the straight Christian white man.

Bernie would be so disappointed.

Your personal attacks are pathetic. Your sources are crap and instead of just acknowledge the obvious bias or lack of credibility they have you call me a jihadi. LOL. I didn't think you were a moron previously but I'm starting to wonder.
I never said they are. The cartoon may say that and it may be connected to the government through this Diyanet organization and it may not. I will reserve judgment until after I read this from reliable sources, not a government mouthpiece for a country Turkey is nearly at war with.

Would you trust North Korean newspapers to report objectively about South Korea, Japan, or the US? No, I don't think so. You'd wait for better sources. That's all I'm asking for here. You're being ridiculous, frankly.

If they showed me pictures of whatever was being reported, yeah Rex I would.

If RT, the Mirror, and Brietbart is making this up, don't you think our good reliable western media would be reporting this to you Rex?
Ok I used Google translate for the cartoon comments; and yes I reproduced the special Turkish alphabets for google translate.

Ne güzel Şehit olmak = How nice to Martyrs
Şehit olmak Hiç istenir mi baba? = You never asked to be Martyred father?
Istenir tabii ki yavrum , kim cenneti kazanmayi istemez ki = Requested course my child, who would not want to win paradise

Hail Putin, savior of the straight Christian white man.

Bernie would be so disappointed.

Your personal attacks are pathetic. Your sources are crap and instead of just acknowledge the obvious bias or lack of credibility they have you call me a jihadi. LOL. I didn't think you were a moron previously but I'm starting to wonder.

Your attack at something you can look at with your eyes, because you don't like the source is what is pathetic.
If they showed me pictures of whatever was being reported, yeah Rex I would.

If RT, the Mirror, and Brietbart is making this up, don't you think our good reliable western media would be reporting this to you Rex?

I think there are many, many publications on the internet with a history of reporting the news in a less biased way than RT, The Daily Mail, The Mirror, or Breitbart. Can you agree? There are many independent sites that are critical of the US, Russia, Turkey, and every other country out there.
Ok I used Google translate for the cartoon comments; and yes I reproduced the special Turkish alphabets for google translate.

Ne güzel Şehit olmak = How nice to Martyrs
Şehit olmak Hiç istenir mi baba? = You never asked to be Martyred father?
Istenir tabii ki yavrum , kim cenneti kazanmayi istemez ki = Requested course my child, who would not want to win paradise


If I didn't hate my sister's boyfriend I'd email it to him, seeing as he's a Turk. Lol...

I think there's a Turkish guy that posts here called @whougonnacall. Perhaps he can translate.
I think there are many, many publications on the internet with a history of reporting the news in a less biased way than RT, The Daily Mail, The Mirror, or Breitbart. Can you agree? There are many independent sites that are critical of the US, Russia, Turkey, and every other country out there.

That is neither here nor there Rex.

You kind of pissed me off here, because I know you are not stupid enough to discredit a piece of info you can see with your own eyes, because of the source.
Your attack at something you can look at with your eyes, because you don't like the source is what is pathetic.

I don't speak Turkish and neither do you. You are trusting a translation done by a biased source. If this was an English language cartoon, it'd be simple--I'd read it and say ah yes, that is indeed supportive of martyrdom. That's not the case. It's in Turkish, if you didn't notice. Can you really fail to see this critical distinction?

Christ, you're thick.
That is neither here nor there Rex.

You kind of pissed me off here, because I know you are not stupid enough to discredit a piece of info you can see with your own eyes, because of the source.

I cannot read Turkish. Do you get it now?