Tuf 25 finale pbp/discussion

Wish there was LB on this fight, feel like Gray will gas in later rounds.
If Maynard gets another takedown early in round 2 this could be a repeat for the rest of the fight. Ishihara's movement is poor so far, needs to start moving more.
Ishi is gassed af. Maynard on his way to a win.
Maynard feints, Ishihara falls for it and throws the rear knee, Maynard times it perfect to take him down.
o1.5 hits, good start to the night, wish I went bigger on Gray ffs, need to start having more confidence in my dog picks...
Lol at whoever bet ishihara. He lost to lobov lol. Y'all know Maynard is a legit wrestler what did you think was gonna happen. Huh?
how dumb do ishihara backers look here. completely overrated. i bet 10% of my bankroll on maynard. should have bet more.
Lol at whoever bet ishihara. He lost to lobov lol. Y'all know Maynard is a legit wrestler what did you think was gonna happen. Huh?

Show us your big bet on Maynard then, with that kind of insight I presume you put a serious amount of money on him at dog odds?

This is the same idiot who talked shit all the last event.
this shit is a BEATDOWN

20-18 if not worse

1 more round, gray!!

he looks ok cardio wise... ishi looks worse
Show us your big bet on Maynard then, with that kind of insight I presume you put a serious amount of money on him at dog odds?

This is the same idiot who talked shit all the last event.
I'm mad I didn't bet gray tbh
Show us your big bet on Maynard then, with that kind of insight I presume you put a serious amount of money on him at dog odds?

This is the same idiot who talked shit all the last event.
What do you mean "with that kind of knowledge"

It's well-known Maynard is wrestling based. Were you not around in TUF 5 days?
So many new fans just from reading these posts.
What do you mean "with that kind of knowledge"

It's well-known Maynard is wrestling based. Were you not around in TUF 5 days?
So many new fans just from reading these posts.

Yes, we all know he's a good wrestler, I'm saying since you felt that was a big factor why didn't you bet big on Maynard?

Your join date is 2016, sit down.
Thank god for livebettig ...3u Maynard 1.65 after R1. I still feel like a real ass for my Ishi ITD bet.

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