Tuesday and Thursday lifting routine, Critique appreciated


Savage Mystic
May 16, 2003
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I seem to be making a number of threads of other people lately... This time it's for a buddy of mine who can only lift on tuesdays and thursdays due to his work schedule. Here's what I put together for him Based on the routine I use, but I'm not sure I'd call it complete, any Ideas?

Day 1A (Tuesday)
Power Squats
It looks pretty good. I might switch the front squats for Dimmel deads on 1a.
Thanks for the input jackm, but I don't much like linear periodization for most lifters, and I Like to encourage progress from week to week so a three day cycle makes it difficult to do that on most exercises since a rotating 1/3 of them will be done every other week. This may work for heavy Squat and Pull days (for squat and deadlifts) but IMO it's not nearly enough frequency for pressing days. In addition, there's a much better PLing routine outlined in the stickies. Have you read them yet?

As far as dimmel deads, I really have very limited experience with them so it'd be tough for me to teach them. they may be something I should look into though.
Urban said:
As far as dimmel deads, I really have very limited experience with them so it'd be tough for me to teach them. they may be something I should look into though.

I really like them for squat assistance.
i have my routines all made for me,and my nutrution to.Some one else can take a more objective point of view ,plus he makes me do things i wouldn't do>Thank you anyway
On both tuesdays the arms are being used to push.
On thursday the arms are still doing more pushing excercises than pulling.

I think that you should even out the upper body work more.
What does strict overhead press mean, can you do overhead press with dumbell, and if you can do stiff leg can you sub in romanian DL?
It's a shame those are the only two days he can workout, Monday - Thursday full body splits are a match made in heaven, but that missing day off, here's hoping it's not too much of an issue...make sure you tell him about active recovery, contrast showers and what not.
Switch out power squats for power cleans. Switch out SLDLs for RDLs. Add pull-ups (weighted, wide grip) to 1A and pull-ups or chins (narrow grip) to 1B. Do bent over rows on Day 2. Additionally, I would perform antagonist sets on Day 1A (OHP and wide grip pull-ups), Day 1B (narrow grip bench and pull-ups/chins), and Day 2 (incline press and bent over rows).

That's just what I prefer.
for over head squats try putting in some clean grip aswell. it will help your core

also put in snatches and snatch grip deadlifts

add some oly lifts. all strength no power. i could never do that.
Instead of doing 4 major exercises per workout, do 2, but do more sets. With that 1 can alternate different workouts more often as well..
Is he training for strength alone? Its pretty decent. I'd also thorw in some unilateral work, but that's my personal preference