TSLx89's -S&C Log For BJJ-


White Belt
Mar 4, 2008
Reaction score
This log is mostly for me to log down my strength and conditioning work. I probably won't log in my BJJ sessions most of the time but I may here and there.
Improve my skills and technique in BJJ (#1 Priority)
Become more "functionally strong", become more athletic, and more conditioned.
In other words, this summer I'm trying to become an athletic manlet monster.
Age: 18
Weight: 140
Height: 5'5-5'6
Experience in BJJ: Around 6 months (2-stripe white)
Experience in Lifting: Around 2.5 years but stopped lifting around 10 months ago. Looking to start it up again to get stronger for BJJ and to improve my body composition. I went from 110-160 pounds in those 2.5 years. Once I stopped and started BJJ, I'm down to 140. I would list my old maxes but they aren't anywhere near my maxes anymore and it would just make me really depressed.
So here's pretty much the basic schedule of my week. It might change a little in July when my work schedule changes but it shouldn't be by much:

Monday- Morning BJJ

Tuesday- Strength Session A-1/A-2 - Core

Wednesday- Rest or BJJ

Morning BJJ

Friday- BJJ or Rest

Saturday- Strength Session B-1/B-2 - Core

Sunday- Conditioning

Strength: A-1
Deadlifts 3x5
SOHP 3x5
Weighted Towel Chin-Ups 3x5

Strength: A-2
Front Squats 3x5
Floor Press 3x5
BB Rows 3x5

Strength: B-1
DB Clean and Press 5x3
Plyometric Pushups 4x10 / DB Rows 4x8
One Legged Squats 4x8 / SLDL 4x8

Strength: B-2
DB Snatch
DB OHP 3x5/ Weighted Towel Chinups 3x as many
Sandbag Shoulders 3x8 / Sandbag Squat Jumps 3x10

The conditioning after my BJJ sessions are probably going to be lighter while the ones on Sunday will probably be a lot more intense. Conditioning can be anything from GPP, Warrior Challenges, Density Training, Intervals, Tabatas, etc.

NOTE: I'm not going to be doing everything the first week, I need to ease into everything and the sandbag workouts might not be the same since I'm still waiting for my outer bag to come in !
Pretty much drilled some transitions for an hour.
-Armbar, triangle, armbar (leg over the shoulder rather than under)
-Armbar, Omoplata, Armbar
-Up and over, kimura, guillotine.

Then rolled for another hour and a half.
Deadlifts- 155x5, 165x5, 165x5
Floor Press/Towel Chin-Ups (Supersets)
-45x6/BWx6, 50x5/BWx5, 55x6/BWx5

Comments: Just easing back into things...
DB Clean and Press- 40x5, 40x5, 40x5, 45x5, 45x5
Plyometric Pushups BWX10x4 / DB Rows 45x10, 45x10, 45x10, 45x10
One Legged Squats BWx8x4
The Magic 50
One minute rest, 5 rounds of

(DB=30 Pounds)
DB Snatchesx5
DB Swingsx5
Burpees x 10

Did a warrior challenge instead of GPP today..
What's up man, always nice to see another lightweight. Nice routine you got. And what do you mean by "finisher" on mondays and thursdays?
Thanks bro, it's good to see that I'm not the only lightweight here.. It seems like everyone on this board is over 200 pounds..
A finisher is simply one last movement before your strenuous session ends. It is used to increase mental toughness and work capacity. It kind of simulates going through the fatigue for one more round and force you to just suck it up.
Because of Memorial Day and the BJJ school being closed, I decided to do Max Strength today..

Front Squats - 85x5, 85x5, 85x5
Floor Press- 60x5, 60x5, 60x5
Pendlay Rows- 105x5, 105x5, 115x5

Ab Circuit.

Was kind of in a rush, my front squats are pitiful.. It's not my leg strength that's holding me back but my wrists. For some reason, after I clean the weight, as I go down, my wrists suffer some pain.
i just switched to the bodybuilder variation of front squats when i realized my wrists were the limiting factor
i just switched to the bodybuilder variation of front squats when i realized my wrists were the limiting factor

I wish I could do that but I don't have a rack to be able to position my arms to the bodybuilding variation.
DB Snatches (For Explosiveness): 45x3, 45x3, 45x3
DB Push Press- 45x5, 50x5, 50x5
Towel Pullups- BWx5, BWx8, BWx5
Sandbag Shoulders- 75x8, 75x8, 75x8 (Estimating around 70-80 pounds)
One Legged Squats (assisted) - bwx8, bwx8, bwx8
Round 1:
1- 20 75lb Sandbag shoulders
2- 10 Burpees
3- 10 Pushups
4- 10 55lb BB Clean and Press
5- 20 Lateral Jumps

Round 2:
1- 20 75lb Sandbag Shoulders
2- 10 Burpees
3- 10 Pushups
4- 10 65lb BB Clean and Press
5- 20 Lateral Jumps

Round 3:
1- 12 75lb Sandbag Shoulders
2- 10 Burpees
3- 10 Pushups
4- 8 65lb BB Clean and Press
5- 20 Lateral Jumps

Round 4:
1- 8 75lb Sandbag Shoulders
2- 10 Burpees
3- 10 Pushups
4- 8 65lb BB Clean and Press
5- 20 Lateral Jumps.

and then extreme pain.. I took extended rest times between rounds since my body wasn't used to this. It one hundred percent kicked my ass.. Now my den is covered in a pool of sweat.. Right afterwards, I jumped into a cold/hot shower intervals. I wanted this to be hard since it was the only thing physical I was doing today. The sandbag shoulders really drain and wreck you.

EDIT: WOW, no wonder I was sucking wind after the sandbag shoulders. I took a second look at my sandbag and looked at the side where I keep the extra bags of sandweights and one was missing and I realized I left it in the bag after I made it. So the bag was ACTUALLY 75 pounds rather than 50... Kind of makes me happy in a sick way :)
I will no longer be doing the "B Explosive" Strength workouts. This is simply because I got ahead of myself and thought that explosive workouts would be the most beneficial to me but my maxes aren't nearly what they used to be and I'm not moving around enough weight to be able to benefit from dynamic effort/explosive work so I will be going back to a max strength phase to simply bring back up my numbers so it is pretty much the same routine as in the FAQ.
So it will more or less look like this:

Strength A
Deadlift 3x5
Overhead Press 3x5
Weighted Towel pullup/chinup 3x5

Strength B

Front Squats 3x5
Floor Press 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x5

Any of these may be substituted with a sandbag variation.
Are you doing front squats because you don't have a Power Rack or Squat Rack?
Are you doing front squats because you don't have a Power Rack or Squat Rack?

Yes, I don't have a power rack and simply don't have the room for it. I also don't feel safe doing back squats without some sort of safety catch as I used to go to the gym and do them in the power rack regularly and there were times where the safety catches really saved my ass during heavy loads. Plus, I don't have the loot for one.
BJJ Class 12-2:30

After Class Conditioning:
30 Burpees + 30 Pushups
Deadlift- 145x5, 155x5, 160x5
Standing OHP- 105x5, 105x5, 110x5
Towel Chinups- BWx8, BWx7, BWx7

Some dips and curls for girls

3 Rounds of Ab Circuit:
Rollouts on Knees
Variety of Crunches
Leg Raises

Comments: Suprisiingly I did pretty well in this workout. My lower back was suffering severely from DOMS and I pretty much got out of bed, did a few jumping jacks and stuff and started the workout. Deadlifts at first felt really bad cause of my lower back but I did extra warm up sets to get the blood flowing and everything warm. Standing OHP felt strong, I can definitely get 115 or 120 next time. Chinups consistently increased also.
Rest, Rest, Rest.. I think I may permanently move my rest day from Friday to Wednesday. It makes the most sense to me since like this, it doesn't interfere with my BJJ as much as if my rest day is on Friday.