No, you are being an absolute fool and an idiot yourself and everyone seems to be able to see it quite clearly.
He mentioned the ocean because we enjoy isolation unlike him who's dealing with Russia right on its borders. You know Putin the guy that murders and kills and assassinates his political opponents. You know that guy that Trump seems more comfortable around than our own best friends and allies.
So what he's saying is that you can't let someone like Putin, a madman, a murderer and an assassin, have free reign because eventually those things will be felt here economically socially via our own allies.... He's saying you just can't simply understand how it feels because of your isolation and he's absolutely right about that. Plus, Trump doesn't care or feel anything because he's an absolute reptile.
For you to pretend it's some kind of veiled threat about an invasion from Russia is first of all disingenuous and propaganda but also idiotic in the extreme.
This is why Trump and Vance are unqualified to be the president. They're not even mature enough to interpret an actual world leaders perspective without getting emotional and estrogen-filled.