Elections Trump Tells GOP Not To Vote In 2022 Or 2024 Unless...

Rally size and internet likes… really getting scientific here are we. Most people don’t look at politics like some kind of sport where they go to events to cheer on their team or wear their political beliefs on their sleeve like the many rabid Trump fans did (and still do.) They quietly vote and go on with their life. That was the true “silent majority.”
As if participation in events and views aren't contemporary metrics with which attention and public interest are measured?

You're infected. The loudest and most constant "voices" online (as far as I see without being part of social media) are the fervent "blue check marks". These people are the silent majority? These people go about their lives quietly after voting? I'd be surprised if half of them have mailed a single envelope in their lives...

And the entire game is about public perception. Why do you think the media smeared and misrepresented everything Trump said while never calling Biden out? Why when Biden declared it wasn't over as the votes were paused did he have a blatantly staged "event", or maybe it was after but the one where there were about thirty vehicles strategically positioned with people outside them clapping...? It's all about public perception.

We saw who the public supported and we heard who the media told us was supported but without evidence... Talk about science...

Trump has an interest in seeing America succeed while Biden has an interest in seeing politics succeed, the people want America to be successful and not continue the old systems of politics...

Trump represents Americans interest whether you want to see it or not or whether it's true or not. People are fed up with old politics which is how he initially got elected. Not voting probably isn't the answer unless voting doesn't matter...
As if participation in events and views aren't contemporary metrics with which attention and public interest are measured?
When it comes to voting? No it’s clearly not. Normal people don’t constantly seek out youtube videos of their favorite politicians in their spare time. Only the obsessed do, which pretty much accounts for most of the Trump cultists on here.
You're infected.
I’m infected? what the hell are you talking about?

Trump has an interest in seeing America succeed while Biden has an interest in seeing politics succeed, the people want America to be successful and not continue the old systems of politics...

Trump represents Americans interest whether you want to see it or not or whether it's true or not. People are fed up with old politics which is how he initially got elected. Not voting probably isn't the answer unless voting doesn't matter...

This is just fanboy rah-rah shit like I alluded to in my first response to you. You are just spouting out shallow, vague talking points with no deeper meaning or reference to actual policy behind them. It’s clear why you think things like rally size and likes equal actual votes if this is how you actually think.
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This is why I think the GOP will move on from Trump at some point. He puts them in enough bad positions that people will either see the self destructive nature and move past it or all these instances will make the establishment dump him as soon as they can get the chance. Not saying he doesn’t have pull but if the people he backs don’t win their races, I think you’ll see more people distance themselves from him.
This is why I think the GOP will move on from Trump at some point. He puts them in enough bad positions that people will either see the self destructive nature and move past it or all these instances will make the establishment dump him as soon as they can get the chance. Not saying he doesn’t have pull but if the people he backs don’t win their races, I think you’ll see more people distance themselves from him.
If the Republican Party tries to as you say move on from Trump I guarantee he does everything in his power to wreck the chances of any GOP POTUS candidate in 2024, the Republican party is stuck with Trump at the very least until 20204 unless he dies before but even then his moron kids will try their best to step in and fill his shoes.

With that said it couldn't have happened to a more deserving political party.
As if participation in events and views aren't contemporary metrics with which attention and public interest are measured?

If rally size was correlated with winning elections Ron Paul would have become president in 2012. Instead he was coming in 3rd place in Republican primaries in which there were only 2 candidates still actually running their campaigns.
If the Republican Party tries to as you say move on from Trump I guarantee he does everything in his power to wreck the chances of any GOP POTUS candidate in 2024, the Republican party is stuck with Trump at the very least until 20204 unless he dies before but even then his moron kids will try their best to step in and fill his shoes.

With that said it couldn't have happened to a more deserving political party.

Yea, I don’t know if the midterms it could play out sooner but it does seem like 2024 could be a wash, especially if Biden wants a second term and appears up for it. I think the point is the voter base will have to reach a realization that this guy isn’t helping them win and that’s what they supposedly wanted when he initially ran. Now it’s not win but be a complete sore fucking loser and damage core institutions along the way because of it. They need to move on, just is going to take awhile.
When it comes to voting? No it’s clearly not. Normal people don’t constantly seek out youtube videos of their favorite politicians in their spare time. Only the obsessed do, which pretty much accounts for most of the Trump cultists on here.

I’m infected? what the hell are you talking about?

This is just fanboy rah-rah shit like I alluded to in my first response to you. You are just spouting out shallow, vague talking points with no deeper meaning or reference to actual policy behind them. It’s clear why you think things like rally size and likes equal actual votes if this is how you actually think.

If rally size was correlated with winning elections Ron Paul would have become president in 2012. Instead he was coming in 3rd place in Republican primaries in which there were only 2 candidates still actually running their campaigns.

so there's no merit to the fact that prior to the "election" the public (the world) openly supports one guy while the guy running against him has zero evidence of public support? i see... don't bother addressing anything beyond "You must be dumb cause you think rally's equal votes"... think beyond the surface if possible...
so there's no merit to the fact that prior to the "election" the public (the world) openly supports one guy while the guy running against him has zero evidence of public support? i see... don't bother addressing anything beyond "You must be dumb cause you think rally's equal votes"... think beyond the surface if possible...
Now you’ve quoted my post 3 times without actually saying anything but “but rally size!” Keep living up to your avi dude.
so there's no merit to the fact that prior to the "election" the public (the world) openly supports one guy while the guy running against him has zero evidence of public support? i see... don't bother addressing anything beyond "You must be dumb cause you think rally's equal votes"... think beyond the surface if possible...
Zero evidence of public support?

Except... winning the Democratic primaries and trouncing Trump in polling, including the Trump campaign's own internal polling? Or Trump's own inner circle telling Trump he was on course to lose to Biden?
Nobody gave former vice president Biden a chance. They didn't support his rallys or internet events at all. He fumbled and bumbled and didn't campaign at all... Yet he apparently got the most votes ever... If that's all a person needs to do then Trump certainly has a chance, right? I mean, people showed up all around the world to support him, videos with topics involving Trump had high like to dislike ratios which couldn't be said once for biden and still can't...

a bag of dog shit could have ran against diaper don, and the bag of dog shit would have won. and once again diaper don would have became the most sore loser on the planet and thrown the worlds biggest temper tantrum, start blowing his fraud whistle and file 66 more frivolous lawsuits against anybody and everything that he's mad at, try to bully the court system into throwing away the laws and constitution they sworn an oath to uphold, toss out millions of peoples sacred votes, and simply just appoint fat donny as president just becaue he's butturt that he lost and figures that all of the judges owe him a solid. and when all of that fails, round up his army of the most finest spectrum of short bus retards in the country and have them storm the capitol building hoping that it will stop them from certfying the election for the bag of dog shit that he just lost the election to.

for a selfless, charming, honest, intelligent guy who is truly a man of compassion, loyalty, and integrity like diaper don, whats not to like about the guy? i cant see why anybody would ever vote against him. MUHH CROWD SIZE ERRYBUDY! surely the election was rigged by italian space lasers, chinese thermostats, obama's microwaves, and the ghost of hugo fucking chavez. stop the steal. MAGA!

the guy got kicked to the gutter where he rightfully belongs. and he will continue to do so. in 3 more years those 82 million people who voted his ass out of office arent going to forget about him or believe that he's suddenly became a changed man. to them, donald trump will always be donald trump, and theyll show up just to kick him to the curb all over again. whereas here we have toddler trump, literally telling his supporters not to go out and vote. even without directly telling his voters not to vote, many of these chuds wont bother voting anyways because theyve went all in on the big lie and have been groomed into believing that the whole election system is rigged, despite the fact that it will have been 4 years later and they will still have yet to prove any single instance of 2020 election fraud in any single court in the land.

none of bleach boy's virtue signalling and crying about losing election is going to change anybody elses mind. none of this is going to sway any democratic voters from voting democrat. especially if their candidate is running against somebody with the name Trump. whereas the maga cultists dont give a shit about anybody than their dear chudlord, so if the name Trump isnt on the ballot, most of these chuds wont even give a shit about voting. the only thing this whole charade of his is doing is further dividing his own party, and decreasing him and his parties chance of winning another election. they arent going to win another one any time soon if they keep this up, so the GOP may as well just try to save face and continue to roll with the sore loser excuse every time they lose and become The Little Boys Who Cried Fraud.

"vote for our party member because the election is rigged, or dont vote for our party member because the election is rigged. but if we lose, that just proves that the election is rigged, because there is no way that our candidate would ever lose, even at a friendly game of chess, and right now he is mad that he lost." - this is basically the GOP's entire platform for the next 4 years. other than muh guns and owning the libs. surely this kind of stunt is going to attract them more voters!

and the sad part is that cheeto benito over is probably not even going to bother running for president again. he'd rather just grift his fanbase of maga muppets again for all they are worth, and ride off into the sunset. he'll act like he's gonna run, and then bail at the last minute due to "health reasons" or "being bored of politics" or "tired of all of this winning" or some other bogus nonsense, and the maga muppets will surely believe that and go all in on that too just like these chuds have with everything else their liar in chief has ever told them, outside of a court room while not under oath of course. they will believe any kind of alternate reality, other than the fact that they just once again got taken for a ride and played like a fucking fiddle by a group of con men.
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so there's no merit to the fact that prior to the "election" the public (the world) openly supports one guy while the guy running against him has zero evidence of public support? i see... don't bother addressing anything beyond "You must be dumb cause you think rally's equal votes"... think beyond the surface if possible...
We should shitcan the whole voting thing and just tally up balls hanging from trailer hitches versus rainbow stickers. Imo.
so there's no merit to the fact that prior to the "election" the public (the world) openly supports one guy while the guy running against him has zero evidence of public support? i see... don't bother addressing anything beyond "You must be dumb cause you think rally's equal votes"... think beyond the surface if possible...



So everyone’s in agreement Trump is basically a joke now?

he’s begging people for influence. It’s pathetic.
videos with topics involving Trump had high like to dislike ratios which couldn't be said once for biden and still can't...

"Trump Derangement Syndrome!!!!!"


"How did Trump lose? He's so liked! His YouTube videos have so many likes!!!!"
Rally size and boat parades are the most important factors in determining who wins the presidency.
Trump represents Americans interest whether you want to see it or not or whether it's true or not.

Eviscerated by David Letterman, of all people.

Also what the hell does that sentence even mean. Trump represents American's interest...whether it's true or not? So even if he doesn't, it's still true? What? hUH?
Now you’ve quoted my post 3 times without actually saying anything but “but rally size!” Keep living up to your avi dude.
this says all anyone needs to know about where your heads at... get out of your box if possible. You're stunted... You responded to me, not that your cherry picking and misrepresentation deserves legitimate response as you intentionally left out the main point of my original post to really get me on your mutation of an ancillary and mildly hyperbolic point... (i'll spell it out again, One guy had evidence of public support, another guy was said to, if all one needs is the perception of support then whether or not people "vote" he should still have a chance [id est trump tells his fan base not to vote])

i know what your response will be so spare me. you've already dumped the can out and so have other npc's...

"the evidence is, the highest votes ever for a guy that didn't campaign, durrr, his opponent was so bad that he didn't need to campaign"... never before has a guy been so publicly supported around the world while also being so terrible that anyone can beat him right? With no effort, in fact, the opposite of effort. A constant bumbling and missteps, so much so that he was made to stop speaking freely to people, which continues to this day...
I will never understand how this man hypnotized so many people. I genuinely believe people support him so much just to anger and spite the other side.

Instead of moving the country forward into the future, it's become all about "pwn teh libs."