International Trump skips WW I cemetery visit....due to wet weather.

The left cares about the military now? I can never keep track. It’s like the NPC’s are on auto-response to hate anything Trump does or says.

The left never really said we cared about the military, although we do. Trump has said over and over how much he cares about the military yet couldn’t be bothered to get his hair wet.

Good one. The lefts only response is, I know you are but what am I. Very clever.

How does it feel knowing that you cheerlead for a "man" who:

Dodged the draft 4 times so that he could spend his days living on his daddy's wealth while fucking prostitutes

Then insulted people who actually fought for the country, and suffered terrible physical and mental consequences for it.

Then cried about disrespecting the flag and troops because someone kneeled during a football game.

While not knowing what the flag actually looks like or knowing the words to the anthem

How does it feel being such a blatant, hypocritical hack?


Didn't Obama skip more than one of these things due to his general contempt for the military and those who serve and take flack for it back during his presidency?
Without so much as a weather/helicopter excuse?
I believe he did.
Yet with Trump, this is an outrage, right?
I thought Donny "bone spurs" Trump was supposed to be the president who respected the military? Besides Winston Churchill's grandson never said this about Obama:
“They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @DonaldTrump couldn't even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen.”
Trump disrespected our troops once again.....and the right wing cucks aren't defending our troops....Not surprised.

Right Wingers don't give a fuck about respecting our troops...This is 100 times worse than kneeling to a fucking flag.

Disrespecting POWs/WW1 troops is an unamerican as you get.

90+% of the troops are right wingers so...
How does it feel knowing that you cheerlead for a "man" who:

Dodged the draft 4 times so that he could spend his days living on his daddy's wealth while fucking prostitutes

Then insulted people who actually fought for the country, and suffered terrible physical and mental consequences for it.

Then cried about disrespecting the flag and troops because someone kneeled during a football game.

While not knowing what the flag actually looks like or knowing the words to the anthem

How does it feel being such a blatant, hypocritical hack?
You assume I support Trump? So because I see the other side of a situation I’m a defacto Trump supporter? Talk about being a hack
I thought Donny "bone spurs" Trump was supposed to be the president who respected the military? Besides Winston Churchill's grandson never said this about Obama:
“They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @DonaldTrump couldn't even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen.”

Veteran's Day is for all vets. Memorial Day is for those who fell. I hope you, the other leftists in the thread and Winston Churchill's grandson have learned here today. Best of luck to you in your future educational endeavors. No charge for that one.
The left cares about the military now? I can never keep track. It’s like the NPC’s are on auto-response to hate anything Trump does or says.

MAGAbots always try to spin the hypocrisy to deflect away from their support of Trump whenever he does something they would traditionally and vehemently condemn any dem for doing.

Here is a teaching moment for you: Hypocrisy can be called out by someone who does not share the same values as the hypocrite.
Your constant whining about criticism in every thread someone criticizes the president is actually more pathetic.

MAGAbots always try to spin the hypocrisy to deflect away from their support of Trump whenever he does something they would traditionally and vehemently condemn any dem for doing.

Here is a teaching moment for you: Hypocrisy can be called out by someone who does not share the same values as the hypocrite.
NPC’s strike again, who wrote your code? CNN?
I think one of the Trump Npc's dropped this.

import time
import math
import random
from random import shuffle

shit_posting = [
"Leftist sucks.",
"Lol, europe are overrun by Muslims.",
"Cucks and soyboys can't handle facts.",
"liberal tears are the best!",
"the left can't meme!"
shit_posting_items = 1

stupid_arguments = [
"Venezuela, 'nuff said!",
"White genocide is real, look it up!",
"this link shows Muslims will ruin Europe in 3 years!",
"Trump is an an old man, and still tougher than you soy boy!",
"This is it!"
stupid_arguments_items = 1

while online == True and Leftist != online:
for dumb_post in shitposting[:shit_posting_items]:
print dumb_post

while online == True and Leftist == online:
for dumb_reply in stupid_arguments[:stupid_arguments_items]:
print dumb_reply

if article == liberal:
print "communist liberal rag!"​
elif article == NGO:
print "You can't trust them, they're biased!"​
print "fake news!"​
Last edited:
One of the wettest we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water.

What a coward.
C'mon mods just make a Trump whining sticky. This is getting ridiculous.

C'mon mods just make a Trump supporter safe space section. This is getting ridiculous..

You know you'd be singing a different tune if this was a Democrat, you don't fool anyone.

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