Elections Trump says Elon Musk has agreed to lead proposed government efficiency commission as ex-president unveils new economic plans

We probably as I wouldn't want to see this implemented by Trump and would expect it to backfire if he it was.
I’d rather it be a bipartisan committee rather than rolling into the executive office, but I understand the negative of doing it that way.
The idea of the department is a good one.

Someone like Elon, who built the largest data center in the world in 121 days, would be the kind of person who would be good to run it.

Do I want him to run it? No. Is he the kind of person who would be great? Yes.

Are people poo pooing this because of politics? Yes.
You wouldn't want to see him run it so it can't be all political but yeah this is a guy who's endorsing Trump, giving him a platform, is donating heavily to his campaign, and has publicly attacked his rival. His anti labor stance and example of the way he gutted Twitter play a role too, as well how many things he's already juggling, but getting a position like that just seems like a quid pro quo.
The answer is no.

There is merit to an interdepartmental agency, not accountable to anyone in those agencies, to audit for efficiencies and make recommendations to both the agencies and Congress so that they can be appropriately funded and managed.

We don’t even have layoffs in government roles. There is a massive amount of bloat and I feel strongly that because this was proposed by Trump and involves Elon that everyone on the left will automatically think it’s a bad idea.

ITT you have people who think that creating spaceX and Tesla was all due to government handouts JFC. The level of haterism here is too damn high.
What's your reasoning for not wanting Musk to run such an agency?
How about this:

Is the government currently being run at 100% efficiency?
You keep saying efficiency but efficiency in what aspect?
How is the government inefficient?
What are some examples?
Not specifically DEI, but Musk has greatly benefitted from government largesse. Musk received hundreds of millions in gov loans , but Musk excuses that away. See he thinks when he benefits from Gov. programs it's ok but is against other people (regular folks) benefitting from government programs. He epitomizes the saying: Socialism for the very rich and capitalism for the masses.
one explanation would be that he's actually giving something back for the money. hell, isn't he the one that's going to bring those astronauts back because the government is incapable? that's a pretty good deal. and i don't know if he is against ALL social programs, i've heard him say he is against DEI, which is the correct stance for any reasonable human being, since that absolutely is parasitism.
one explanation would be that he's actually giving something back for the money. hell, isn't he the one that's going to bring those astronauts back because the government is incapable? that's a pretty good deal. and i don't know if he is against ALL social programs, i've heard him say he is against DEI, which is the correct stance for any reasonable human being, since that absolutely is parasitism.
What branch of the government is Boeing again?
What branch of the government is Boeing again?
the informal one that's been getting government money for decades, part of the military industrial complex. surprised you don't know this. even some children do.
The fact that you’re both arguing that an organization, one known for being ineffective and inefficient, that has 2.2 million employees doesn’t have wasted headcount is insane.
The fact that you made this response to me without tagging or quoting me, and then once again misrepresented my position is why I think you are dishonest

I never said the above or even hinted at it
one explanation would be that he's actually giving something back for the money. hell, isn't he the one that's going to bring those astronauts back because the government is incapable? that's a pretty good deal. and i don't know if he is against ALL social programs, i've heard him say he is against DEI, which is the correct stance for any reasonable human being, since that absolutely is parasitism.
There is nothing reasonable about fear mongering over DEI in a country built on nepotism
America has never been a meritocracy
The fact that you made this response to me without tagging or quoting me, and then once again misrepresented my position is why I think you are dishonest

I never said the above or even hinted at it
you don’t want the task force or department. That’s your position.
you don’t want the task force or department. That’s your position.
That doesn't mean I don't think there's waste, it just means I think there's other ways to address these issues.
I also said I wasn't opposed to the task force, just wasn't fully sold on it being as effective as it was in 93.
My biggest concern with Elon being in charge of the economy is he's extremely anti union, and as a union member myself (IAFF) that doesn't sit right with me