Training for general endurance?

I don't follow programs generally. I deem them uncesssary to my preferences and ethics. I have not joined a gym in the 2 months. How is your life and training going ? Are you happy ?

Greetings Max. God bless
Then I was spot on and nothing has changed. My initial post still stands and appears to have been accurate. In the end it's your training and you can do what you want.

Me personally? I am pretty good to be honest, had a bad run of things recently, but still managing to stay consistent in S&C, though I would like some more JJ/MMA sessions. I will be back to 3-4 this week after two weeks of only 1. Only missed S&C session of a possible 10 though, so it's been a win overall.
You gotta leave the ground. Start jumping on or over everything. Mix in interval runs and carrying moderate weight for short distance at high pace. Drop it, then pick it up and carry it back. Right into burpees. Just move faster with less breaks.
I am just picturing him running around at work yelling out "parkour!" everywhere as he jumps around and carrying 2 mop buckets up and down a hallway...
Then I was spot on and nothing has changed. My initial post still stands and appears to have been accurate. In the end it's your training and you can do what you want.
Things stay different

Me personally? I am pretty good to be honest, had a bad run of things recently, but still managing to stay consistent in S&C, though I would like some more JJ/MMA sessions. I will be back to 3-4 this week after two weeks of only 1. Only missed S&C session of a possible 10 though, so it's been a win overall.
Sounds good. Did you fix your hip ? Do you got a monthly program or yearly, or how do you organise it. Which programs do you run currently ?

I always assumed that these two accounts were the same guy
I thought so initially but both have posted vids/pics including a call out of me from the Trabinator.
Hanma has popped up on other forums before and you can find him on googles talking in a similar way on other forums.

They are both real people, that enjoy this.
I think I'm gonna go ahead and be blunt with you for the first time, Trabaho. I hope you're having a wonderful day so you can survive what I'm about to say to you...

My emotinal defenses are stronk.

You are incredibly stupid bro. Incredibly stupid.

You just don't get me. I'm ahead.
Maximus pisses me off and he's a bully, but my God he's got a lot of knowledge. But it is crystal clear to me after reading many of your saddingly stupid posts for months

Glad to have you as a fan

that you are absolutely extremely stupid and poorly educated.

I think I am extremely intliegent. Probably not as much as I want or I'd be rich already. Poorly educated ? Probably average education.
You're like a little kid wearing shoe polish mustache in a room full of professors.

Aplause good metahpor. Vivid. Did you do that as kid or have seem someone. How do you come up with this.

I simply never respond to you because it's impossible for me to take you seriously... Ever.

uuuuweee he's mad :)
I don't know how old you are man

37. And I'm amazingly beautiful and narcistic. Narcistic to reject childhood pain.

but I really hope you're young and have room to improve.

Not young. Got room to improve.
I don't think you even understand half the words everyone here says.
I do each single word. I'm into it. Since I was like 16.
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Things stay different

Sounds good. Did you fix your hip ? Do you got a monthly program or yearly, or how do you organise it. Which programs do you run currently ?

You aren't ever going to improve by doing random stuff. Even crossfit the sport of random stuff, follow programs.

Hip is good, but I tweaked my achilles sprinting too fast.Then someone properly tore it by jumping on my back after I was helping them warm up in MMA and drilling. The assault bike and stationary bike have been my friend, to be honest I reckon I haven't lost much at all.

I ran easy intervals today with no issues. I will be back running fully no issues in a couple weeks.

I pay someone to program my training. I get a week of training, check in as needed and deload every 4th week.
He coaches A UFC guy, had an olympic sprinter going in the last olympics and some other high level athletes.

Best thing I ever did was pay someone to program for me. I can do it, but I like not having to think about it anymore.
My emotinal defenses are stronk.

You just don't get me. I'm ahead.

Glad to have you as a fan

I think I am extremely intliegent. Probably not as much as I want or I'd be rich already. Poorly educated ? Probably average education.

Applause good metahpor. Vivid. Did you do that as kid or have seem someone. How do you come up with this.

uuuuweee he's mad :)

37. And I'm amazingly beautiful and narcistic. Narcistic to reject childhood pain.
View attachment 1064198

Not young. Got room to improve.

I do each single word. I'm into it. Since I was like 16.
You manic again dude?

Take the night off Sherdog. Your going to go on a post rampage again.
You aren't ever going to improve by doing random stuff. Even crossfit the sport of random stuff, follow programs.

Yes I am. A lot of people don't program. An excercise doesn't change it's effectivness based on writing it down or not.
Hip is good, but I tweaked my achilles sprinting too fast.Then someone properly tore it by jumping on my back after I was helping them warm up in MMA and drilling. The assault bike and stationary bike have been my friend, to be honest I reckon I haven't lost much at all.

I ran easy intervals today with no issues. I will be back running fully no issues in a couple weeks.

I pay someone to program my training. I get a week of training, check in as needed and deload every 4th week.
He coaches A UFC guy, had an olympic sprinter going in the last olympics and some other high level athletes.

Best thing I ever did was pay someone to program for me. I can do it, but I like not having to think about it anymore.

What do you work ?

You manic again dude?

No. Just feeling good. Winning at life. Relived the hard work is over and my buddy wrote me a easy shedule for next month. Shift based. And only work today and saturday for the rest of september. Was at the gym yesterday. No cigs just light vape. I'm zooning. Got sick of my videogame. Perfect time to recalibrate a grind. Phisical.

Take the night off Sherdog. Your going to go on a post rampage again.
I noticed I posted too much in the S&C. It's bad etiquette. I'm a chatty person.
Btw that pic is old. I went for empty stare too look dangerous while listening to I think it was Case of the X by Maya or some gangster rap. Changes my facial expression. It's just a role. Tapping into my beastness. Often I look innocent.
Looking psycho was intended. Gotta practice intimidation for Muay Thai. Have it in your reportoire.

Couldn't taken a current pic cause I look like shit today after a 3 hour sleep night.

Edit : I warned you I look like shit today. But see how harmless I look 20240925_122354.jpg

I hijacked ts thread to post selfies 🤣🤣
Trabaho moment

Edit 2 : I look incredibly shit here. I def need some Muay Thai training. And 7 good nights of sleep.

Edit 3 : I worked 7 days out of 8, 12 hours shifts. I am a late fall asleep guy. Gotta be up before 6. The nightmare is over. Collegues calling in sick. I told the group leader I'm not doing it anymore. Am in the company till end of this year. Till than gonna enjoy 14 shifts a month and 16 off. Train my ass of. 40 is calling. You can be top athletic till 40.
Thinking bout going to Thailand for January. I am sick of work lol.
What does that have to do with ts endurance thread ? Nothing. You're right I'm logging off lol. But nothing to do at work till 7pm. I'm half way paid to just be here. Addiction. Posting at work.

Sorry for the hijack 😬😬😬

My akwardness entertains you guys. I'm all unorthodox. Online offline. Just chat, don't pose and manipulate your popularity ratings.
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Yes I am. A lot of people don't program. An excercise doesn't change it's effectivness based on writing it down or not.

What do you work ?

No. Just feeling good. Winning at life. Relived the hard work is over and my buddy wrote me a easy shedule for next month. Shift based. And only work today and saturday for the rest of september. Was at the gym yesterday. No cigs just light vape. I'm zooning. Got sick of my videogame. Perfect time to recalibrate a grind. Phisical.

I noticed I posted too much in the S&C. It's bad etiquette. I'm a chatty person.
Btw that pic is old. I went for empty stare too look dangerous while listening to I think it was Case of the X by Maya or some gangster rap. Changes my facial expression. It's just a role. Tapping into my beastness. Often I look innocent.
Looking psycho was intended. Gotta practice intimidation for Muay Thai. Have it in your reportoire.

Couldn't taken a current pic cause I look like shit today after a 3 hour sleep night.

Edit : I warned you I look like shit today. But see how harmless I look View attachment 1064199

I hijacked ts thread to post selfies 🤣🤣
Trabaho moment

Edit 2 : I look incredibly shit here. I def need some Muay Thai training. And 7 good nights of sleep.

Edit 3 : I worked 7 days out of 8, 12 hours shifts. I am a late fall asleep guy. Gotta be up before 6. The nightmare is over. Collegues calling in sick. I told the group leader I'm not doing it anymore. Am in the company till end of this year. Till than gonna enjoy 14 shifts a month and 16 off. Train my ass of. 40 is calling. You can be top athletic till 40.
Thinking bout going to Thailand for January. I am sick of work lol.
What does that have to do with ts endurance thread ? Nothing. You're right I'm logging off lol. But nothing to do at work till 7pm. I'm half way paid to just be here. Addiction. Posting at work.

Sorry for the hijack 😬😬😬

My akwardness entertains you guys. I'm all unorthodox. Online offline. Just chat, don't pose and manipulate your popularity ratings.
Program = Progressive Overload. It's just exercising otherwise and you may aswell do a bootcamp class at some gym.

When I say program I mean someone planning how I progress in terms of training based off training load and telling me to do stuff I don't like to do. I followed a minimalist program for 8+years doing Squat, Benchpress and Weighted pullups with LSS work. I was strong and fit, but I would destroy the old me. I was progressing but kept doing what I liked for way too long.

Some weeks I look at what he has programmed and think there is no way I can do that and recover, but it's been spot on for 7 months now. I have been able to recover from every session and I am hitting new PRs all the time.

That's why you're a good person. You care.

Btw that UFC coach loves your money.

I am happy to pay someone who does a good job. He just does the strength programming for a few higher level fighters, grapplers and tactical professionals. I have a multi day event I am doing next year, so I have him programming for me. To be honest, I don't think I will stop training with him provided he still has the space after that event. I can program for other people, but not myself.
Program = Progressive Overload. It's just exercising otherwise and you may aswell do a bootcamp class at some gym.

When I say program I mean someone planning how I progress in terms of training based off training load and telling me to do stuff I don't like to do. I followed a minimalist program for 8+years doing Squat, Benchpress and Weighted pullups with LSS work. I was strong and fit, but I would destroy the old me. I was progressing but kept doing what I liked for way too long.

Some weeks I look at what he has programmed and think there is no way I can do that and recover, but it's been spot on for 7 months now. I have been able to recover from every session and I am hitting new PRs all the time.

I am happy to pay someone who does a good job. He just does the strength programming for a few higher level fighters, grapplers and tactical professionals. I have a multi day event I am doing next year, so I have him programming for me. To be honest, I don't think I will stop training with him provided he still has the space after that event. I can program for other people, but not myself.
Sounds good. Yeah for strength at a decent level, like competitions, it defintely makes sense. If you were focused on say your grappling or mma and just suplement it with strength training it would be less crucial. Specially considering mma/ect classes randomly include stregth like push ups ect. What do you pay ?
If I start writing a program I am gonna get mentally full just writing it. I want too much and too complicated. Ad in entirely random working days which are 12 hours, each month is different. I tried to calculate and write me diet plans many many times. Never ever worked for me. I need diversity. Plus season and so vegetables fruits change. Plus am I going to freaking carry the food with me all day long to not eat something else. And it's obsesive bruning my mental emergy to meassure it all. I invest my spiritual energy envisioning success. Might sound weird. I rather think motivating and empowering thoughts. Visualization. Strenghtening of character. I can't just twist my days around 45 gramms of bluberries and 3 chicken breast for lunch. Not to mention uf I'm at work I'm not gonna carry nasty dry food that I cooked the say before with me. Would work if Inwas at a solo office. Even than it's not fresh and microwaved to warm it back up.

Now with training. How do you program the will fod all aspects ? If you just do strength it's very easy.

Let's play a pretend. What would you program for me ? Basicaly you would just program the pure strength ala powerlifting workout ?
I gotta have my other excercises too.
It's just easy for me to mix it all uo be spontanious and do a hard workout when I just mix it. Weight, bag, cardio, "functional". So what would be the plan here ?

Say I sign up tomorrow to Muay thai. Would would you advice ?

4 x muay thai.
2 pure strenght.
2 cardio + functional
1 running session


I don't even know how my body wilk react to any of it. But having clear cut out work increases chances of it all happening.