Training for general endurance?

Baby Hanma

Blue Belt
Jun 19, 2023
Reaction score
Once October hits, I'll be changing my training priorities from pure strength to actual strength and conditioning. I'll put my powerlifting and Olympic lifting in the backburner for a period of about a year and get into kettlebell endurance training.

With that said, do I just do HIIT with those KB swings and squats and consider that a comprehensive cardio program? Or will it need to be a bit more elaborate?

I'm open to ideas. Honestly, it's been over a year since I trained in Judo. I'm not trying to develop any sport-specific fitness. Just some guy who wants to keep up with his lightweight friends if we decide to do some hiking trips somewhere.

And Judo kicked my ass. I learned my lesson. I'm not going back to that gym until I'm in better shape. I gotta impress my Judo coach because I have a crush on her.

Once October hits, I'll be changing my training priorities from pure strength to actual strength and conditioning. I'll put my powerlifting and Olympic lifting in the backburner for a period of about a year and get into kettlebell endurance training.

With that said, do I just do HIIT with those KB swings and squats and consider that a comprehensive cardio program? Or will it need to be a bit more elaborate?

I'm open to ideas. Honestly, it's been over a year since I trained in Judo. I'm not trying to develop any sport-specific fitness. Just some guy who wants to keep up with his lightweight friends if we decide to do some hiking trips somewhere.

And Judo kicked my ass. I learned my lesson. I'm not going back to that gym until I'm in better shape. I gotta impress my Judo coach because I have a crush on her.

You posted in a thread like this once before. All you need is 50 reps of Kettlebell Goblet squats. Nothing else.
The answers are in here.

You gotta leave the ground. Start jumping on or over everything. Mix in interval runs and carrying moderate weight for short distance at high pace. Drop it, then pick it up and carry it back. Right into burpees. Just move faster with less breaks.
You've said you work as a janitor right? When you're at work just do the sweeping and mopping really fucking fast for your entire shift.
If goal is just general conditioning then just go running 3 to 4 x a week

Seal training program has ok template for this imo

2 long runs
1 interval
1 moderate

A week

Hiking fitness shall be taken care of (this from a guy who hikes for 3 days to week usually)

And if its judo you want then go to class
I'd focus on higher rep ranges of compound moments, farmers walks, a bi weekly cardio of choice in the ranges your interested.

Also I'd go to the judo class. Because that's how you get fit, strong and capable. You don't get ready then go. You go do and it makes you ready. Judo is literally the best. Do it while you can. Things can change quick and remove it as a possibility.

Most important is make sure you have enough rest. Overdoing it is fine in short bursts to increase capacity but long-term it prevents you from reaching your best.
Yeah. It's called working out. Train hard.

I think I'm gonna go ahead and be blunt with you for the first time, Trabaho. I hope you're having a wonderful day so you can survive what I'm about to say to you...

You are incredibly stupid bro. Incredibly stupid. Maximus pisses me off and he's a bully, but my God he's got a lot of knowledge. But it is crystal clear to me after reading many of your saddingly stupid posts for months that you are absolutely extremely stupid and poorly educated. You're like a little kid wearing shoe polish mustache in a room full of professors. I simply never respond to you because it's impossible for me to take you seriously... Ever.

I don't know how old you are man but I really hope you're young and have room to improve.

I don't think you even understand half the words everyone here says.
Once October hits, I'll be changing my training priorities from pure strength to actual strength and conditioning. I'll put my powerlifting and Olympic lifting in the backburner for a period of about a year and get into kettlebell endurance training.
You want to do 1 year of kettlebells ? Why limit yourself to that. Or you simply want 1 year of "general endurance" ? What is general endurance ? Cardio ? Than you can play a sport, swim, run, do cardio machines. It's not science.

With that said, do I just do HIIT with those KB swings and squats and consider that a comprehensive cardio program? Or will it need to be a bit more elaborate?

Just need to workout regulary. What is the goal here ? Generally effort = results. You seem to look to want to generally be fit.

I'm open to ideas. Honestly, it's been over a year since I trained in Judo. I'm not trying to develop any sport-specific fitness. Just some guy who wants to keep up with his lightweight friends if we decide to do some hiking trips somewhere.

So you just want to be generally fit and have cardio. So all of the above works for general fitness. Also you still can lift weights, it's beneficial and healthy.

And Judo kicked my ass. I learned my lesson. I'm not going back to that gym until I'm in better shape. I gotta impress my Judo coach because I have a crush on her.


Skipping Judo to get in shape for 1 year and come back ? To get better at Judo you gotta stay at Judo. However if you are overweight and got joint issues it's a solid idead to step away as Judo is very high impact. But 1 year is very excessive unless you are very obesse.

So instead of fancy words we can conclude that you need to work out. For endurance - cardio excercises. But there is no reason to skip weights all together unless it's your preference.

You are looking for something complex when there is no need for it. Like the sticky Faq of this sub = you just get strong. Hence the basic ; effort = improvement. You don't need something fancy. Simplicity is sufficient here.
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I think I'm gonna go ahead and be blunt with you for the first time, Trabaho. I hope you're having a wonderful day so you can survive what I'm about to say to you...

You are incredibly stupid bro. Incredibly stupid. Maximus pisses me off and he's a bully, but my God he's got a lot of knowledge. But it is crystal clear to me after reading many of your saddingly stupid posts for months that you are absolutely extremely stupid and poorly educated. You're like a little kid wearing shoe polish mustache in a room full of professors. I simply never respond to you because it's impossible for me to take you seriously... Ever.

I don't know how old you are man but I really hope you're young and have room to improve.

I don't think you even understand half the words everyone here says.
Yeah Max bullies without being aware but he does have good intention.
I do come of stupid sometimes but I am not. I just see trough the complexity and make it simple. It's about making yourself do things, recovery (sleep) and diet. Guys think there are magic methods when 80-90% is based of effort, consistency, discipline and motivation. Gotta love what you do and do it regulary.
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@Baby Hanma

I am not bullying either of you. You keep posting shit threads, attacking people when they don't agree with your "brilliant ideas" and then get upset when they then talk back to you.

Both of you have received so much good advice from so many posters in this forum. Just pick whatever random thing you feel like and go for it.
You're both never going to actually follow any advice anyway.
@Baby Hanma

I am not bullying either of you. You keep posting shit threads, attacking people when they don't agree with your "brilliant ideas" and then get upset when they then talk back to you.

Both of you have received so much good advice from so many posters in this forum. Just pick whatever random thing you feel like and go for it.
You're both never going to actually follow any advice anyway.
Yeah that was like 2 months ago. And I haven't posted here since. I'd appreciate if you judge me on todays effort. Thanks.
Yeah that was like 2 months ago. And I haven't posted here since. I'd appreciate if you judge me on todays effort. Thanks.

Is anything different in these supposed 2 months ? Have you followed a program or joined a striking gym yet?
Is anything different in these supposed 2 months ? Have you followed a program or joined a striking gym yet?
I don't follow programs generally. I deem them uncesssary to my preferences and ethics. I have not joined a gym in the 2 months. How is your life and training going ? Are you happy ?

Greetings Max. God bless
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Ts if you were looking to compete at something it would make sense to be really specific. This thread is basically asking how to get in shape and have more endurance, endurance is essentially cardio. Cardio stands for cardiovascular system. Which is your heart, blood, organs and muscles. Your bodies ability to perform effectively trough longer phisical activity. I don't think that for your ambitions something complex is needed. Especially since you didn't mention any details. So it's as simple as working out more often, and a big factor is recovery and diet. Most of recovery comes from sleep. So I hope that I inspired you to see that you don't need to be complex in your aproach, unless you enjoy it. To just get better endurance you have to work out, eat overal healthy and sleep well most of the time. If you got more specific questions, I know the regulars here can clear them up for you.

The key to do more workouts is to enjoy it and be motivated. If you like what you are doing you will do more of it which will result in greater cardio and overal fitness. Weather it's kettbells, running, swimming, judo or any other activity. They all work your energy systems and improve your fitness. There is no reason to just soley do kettbells. Again effort is the difference. Not specific methods. And you will benefit of both cardio and strength training. No reason to skip one for the other. Do what's fun and do it a lot. Enjoy the results. Be motivated by achieving what you want from it.
Kettbell workouts are probably a good blend of both cardio and strength. But you still can lift and do "classic" cardio like sprints, joggs and even swimming.
Wishing you a good fitness journey towards improvement and unlocking the shape you are happy with.
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Ok I think I comprehended the thread wrong. I thought you said you want to do cardio and ketbells for 1 year and then join judo. Basically you probably struggled with the cardio and applying your strength in Judo. You were olimpic and power lifting based. Went to Judo and gassed out and felt like you can't apply your weight training gains there. Hence you named it real stregth as opposed to "power strength".

So to get fit for Judo I would suggest mixing it up. Your old strength workouts but also a lot of more endurance and strength endurance training.

Random suggestion without knowing your time, preference or aviability for training.

2 x strength. Free weight, more on the compound side of lifts. Say 1 hour.

1 x pure cardio. Say jogging or swimming or also hiking. Can also ad sprints which carry over well for Judo. Like 5 sprints at the end of the cardio unit, or even at the start.
A Sprinting unit of 10x is also viable.

2 x ketbell and similar strength endurace workouts. I call this "Functional training" which is not a scientifc term. Just what I describe as non barbell dumbell training that isn't just done with my body. I don't know what equipment is aviable to you. If you're at a fitness gym you can do a variation of things. Different ketbell excercises. Box jumps. Pushing weight on the artifical grass if it's aviable, or pulling it. Farmer walks. Hanging X cable excercises if you got that.
Without equipment : burpees, push ups, unweighted squats. Rotating between those with smal rests. Or even supersets of those.
Planking is usefull. Tire flips. Explosive knee to chest jumps. A lot of options that you can google.

Stretching after workouts for 15 minutes 2x a week is very good.

Warming up is important. I jog on the threadmill for 5 minutes. Also sometimes just roll all of my joints in a circular motion for a few minutes and dinamic stretch. And about 2 lower weight warm up sets before compound lifts aka bench press deadlift.

Volume of training heavily depends on how much you get to sleep. Quality of diet. And intensity. More intense workouts make you quicker fatigued.
More sleep and good diet makes your body adapt faster to the changes.
Lower stress levels aid recovery.

So basically you went to judo, gassed out, couldn't apply your dk bp sqt strength. Now you want to get more cardio.

Perhaps diet changes and tweaks can lose you some weight and improve your overal health and energy levels.

8 hours of sleep each night is half the rent.

The OP is not really full of details.

Also excuse that english isn't my first language so I didn't really realize what you were asking for in the first place.
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