International Tourist accused of blasphemy killed by mob in Pakistan

The guy was a Pakistani Christian from another region. I think he might have burned a quran or something.
And people think Canada is bad. This shit reads like satire:

"A court in Pakistan has sentenced a 22-year-old student to death on charges of blasphemy over Whatsapp messages.
The court in Punjab Province said he had shared blasphemous pictures and videos with the intention to outrage the religious feelings of Muslims.
A 17-year-old was sentenced to life imprisonment as part of the same case. Both have denied wrongdoing.
Blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan. Some people have been lynched even before their cases go on trial.
The complaint was filed in 2022 by the cybercrime unit of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in Lahore, the capital of Punjab.
The case was referred to a local court in the city of Gujranwala.
In the ruling this week, the judges said the 22-year-old was sentenced to death for preparing photos and videos which contained derogatory words about Prophet Muhammad and his wives."
Christian Nations are incredibly unsafe for tourists. This stuff happens all the time in those places too.
I'm sure Christianity has never used its religion to kill non believers....

Education has a way of shaping people's minds and making the population reject more extreme views. A poorly educated population is more likely to turn a blind eye to these sort of heinous acts. Charlemagne killed a lot of Saxon for not converting to Christianity. Extremist views are incredibly dangerous, it doesn't matter if those are religious or political, even worse when you mix the two together to form your government When your views require absolute obedience, they tend to lead to extreme violence.

Education is key to a civil population that can freely give criticism to Extremist views. Poorly educated populations still exist in much of the world. Sad reality that many in the west forgets about. Spreading higher education is needed for our whole world so that when can continue to advance as a world.
I'm sure Christianity has never used its religion to kill non believers....

Education has a way of shaping people's minds and making the population reject more extreme views. A poorly educated population is more likely to turn a blind eye to these sort of heinous acts. Charlemagne killed a lot of Saxon for not converting to Christianity. Extremist views are incredibly dangerous, it doesn't matter if those are religious or political, even worse when you mix the two together to form your government When your views require absolute obedience, they tend to lead to extreme violence.

Education is key to a civil population that can freely give criticism to Extremist views. Poorly educated populations still exist in much of the world. Sad reality that many in the west forgets about. Spreading higher education is needed for our whole world so that when can continue to advance as a world.
Sure. Find some examples in the last 100 years. Any Christian countries that can jail you for life for insulting Christ?

You guys are hilarious.