Top 5 Conditioning Exercises


Apr 12, 2008
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I was wondering if anyone had their top 5 (or 10) conditioning exercises for MMA identified? I'm not talking strength training or technique, just pure conditioning. I know most exercises will overlap so that is ok. I see a lot of people favor burpees, HIIT running, bear crawls, etc. Just curious what other exercises the experts consider a necessity......
1: Density work with snatches
2: Burpees
3: Complexes
4: Sprints
5: Sparring
400 m sprints have got to be up there
I'm with Ian on this one, any conditioning that hurts that much has got to be up there.
Toss hill/stair intervals to the list as well.
(especially interested in this thread thanks to a possibly broken hand that means no 'real' lifting for now... crap.)
1. 440 yd. sprints
2. Tabata (anything)
3. Burpees
4. DB Complexes
Doing exercise after exercise for a prescribed number of reps without putting the weight


-Here is a good barbell complex routine for fighters. I prefer DB' but It doesn't really matter.

Word of advice: err on the side of very light with these at first (like maybe just the bar for the first workout).
Another form of complexes is where you pair a max strength exercise with a power exercise immediately after it.

IE a squat followed by a jump squat, bench press followed by explosive med ball chest pass etc

Obviously this is not conditioning work though but sometimes people get confused between the two types.
Another form of complexes is where you pair a max strength exercise with a power exercise immediately after it.

IE a squat followed by a jump squat, bench press followed by explosive med ball chest pass etc

Obviously this is not conditioning work though but sometimes people get confused between the two types.

Not trying to be a douche or anything but I believe what you described is called complex training, not complexes.

It's still very tough though, especially if you do higher reps.
my top 5 (in no particular order)

jump rope
hard sparring (probably most important over all)
HIIT bagwork

honorable mention: any and all plyos
ive just been stickin with burpees and sprints

i was messin around with db snatches a while abck, wasnt usin too much weight and it was really messin with my back
Toss a sandbag or tire up a hill is one I think is effective for MMA.
(throw, run to it then throw again, run to it and so on until you cry)
my top 5 (in no particular order)

jump rope
hard sparring (probably most important over all)
HIIT bagwork

honorable mention: any and all plyos

I would replace jump rope with middle distance work (sub 20 min), be it running or jump rope, as long as it is continuous and at a decent pace
I would replace jump rope with middle distance work (sub 20 min), be it running or jump rope, as long as it is continuous and at a decent pace

Ya that's bascially what I meant...I love the varying intensity of the jump rope
1. Whole Body Muscle Endurance Weight Lifting
2. Interval Sprints (25 minutes.... jog 2-3 minutes at regular pace... then sprint for 30-60 seconds as hard as you can go. Then jog for 1-2 minutes...repeat)
3. Squat Thrusts (Burpees)
4. Heavy Sparring or Grappling
5. Heavy bag rounds as intense you can go (speed and tempo emphasized)